Hello NJWRC members!
I've just updated points on the sweepstakes website. Check 'em out!
Note - every points update consists of 5 total PDF files:
*Open by rank
*Open by exhibitor
*Youth by rank
*Youth by exhibitor
PLEASE BE SURE TO LOOK AT THE INCLUDED SHOWS LISTING – doing so answers most questions. 😊. Email me at [email protected] with any questions / concerns. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING FACEBOOK / MESSENGER FOR SWEEPS RELATED CORRESPONDENCE. I know it’s tempting to hit that little “message” button – but the only way for your inquiry to come directly to me (the only one that can guarantee a proper answer) is to email.
For the status of all shows, view the Sanctioned Shows file for the season – it will show you what reports have been received, in process, late, received with issues, etc. And please be sure to check my article in the upcoming Fluff!
This update is shows from 7/2024 thru 1/2025 for which reports have been received prior to 2/13/2025. These are the same points that will appear in your upcoming Fluff.
National Jersey Wooly RC Sweeps, Points