Lisabella Rescue/Liz Campbell- Dog Dealer

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Lisabella Rescue/Liz Campbell- Dog Dealer The truth behind Lisabella Rescue in Romania and Liz Campbell the dog dealer who runs it

This is how Liz Campbell deals with welfare concerns about dogs you buy from her.Note after the message I was blocked!!!...

This is how Liz Campbell deals with welfare concerns about dogs you buy from her.
Note after the message I was blocked!!!
I allegedly became so aggressive and verbally abusive she had no choice but to block me......

Where is the abusive messages?
Just one of her lies.

Anyone can see my calls were blocked and unanswered!!!

Worth sharing

Worth sharing

𝗪𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗫𝗟-𝗕𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀. We understand this is an unsettling and difficult time for XL Bully owners💙

We want to do all we can to help those who need financial assistance in caring for your XL Bully and taking the necessary steps in order to apply for exemption, to keep your XL's safe, happy and loved - as they deserve to be.

If you need financial support, we want to help - please contact us by emailing [email protected]. Our funds are of course limited, so please get in touch soon to discuss the ways we can support you in the exemption application process. Thank you.

In her court filings and Emails Liz Campbell stated that the import paperwork was incorrect but that this doesn't matter...

In her court filings and Emails Liz Campbell stated that the import paperwork was incorrect but that this doesn't matter as the dog wasn't stopped at the border. THIS IS WHY IT DOES MATTER THAT SHE BROUGHT A DOG IN ON FALSIFIED PAPERWORK!

The Guide Dogs headquarters has been rocked after two young dogs were put in quarantine after testing positive for an incurable disease that can be transmitted to humans, The Telegraph can reveal.

A rumour has reached my ears that Liz Campbell is trying to interest partners in buying into Lisabela "Rescue" (establis...

A rumour has reached my ears that Liz Campbell is trying to interest partners in buying into Lisabela "Rescue" (established in court and by her own statement to be a for profit business not a charity, CIC, not for profit organisation or Romanian charity. Caveat Particeps! Liz owns property in Romania which supposedly forms part of the rescue. It is unlawful for a UK national to own property in Romania now that we have left the EU.
"non-EU citizens cannot own land in Romania. Even if you want to own a flat or house without land, in practice they are usually sold together and cannot be separated." ( There are also according to my information, issues regarding unauthorised construction upon the land which may land Liz and any potential partner with substantial costs and fees).

Investors should be aware of this before making any decision. I am happy to provide a copy of the PDF file for the documents upon request

Interestingly according to reports that I have received from sources familiar with the issue; Liz left Romania hastily a few days after her arrival when Romanian police who are investigating criminal issues tried to question her about this matter.

The ugly TRUTH

The ugly TRUTH

Can my friends please share this post.All allegations of animal cruelty that I'm constantly accused of are merely charac...

Can my friends please share this post.
All allegations of animal cruelty that I'm constantly accused of are merely character assassination and anyone who knows me, know that my animals are my world!
People forget or don't give a sh that all of my dogs were unwanted death row dogs or would have spent their lives in kennels.
Curtis and I rehabilitate these days and have given them the chance of being happy and a home.

Over the last year I have had my house inspected AGAIN by Environmental health, Trading standards, the police and RSPCA!!!

Surely the fact that I still have ALL OF MY ANIMALS speaks for itself!!!!

Tink and Pip who have been taken unlawfully WILL BE HOME ‼️‼️‼️


Mark Page, Johnathan Daley YOU DECIDED TO KEEP MY BOYS BASED ON FALSE INFORMATION which you will realize when we are in court.......
See you soon!!!


The judgement below was obtained against Liz Campbell after she was shown in court to sell dogs. Campbell unlawfully took a dog that she had already sold and passed it to another "adopter". The court had no difficulty in determining that Liz's so called adoptions are in fact sales disguised under a veneer of concealment to disguise their true nature and make people think they are not buying from a dealer. The so called rescue is not registered in any way either in Romania or the UK and all money goes directly into Campbell's personal bank account.

if ever located Izzy is and remains Jo's property. The damages awarded are compensation for Campbells vile actions. They do not mean that ownership of Izzy has passed to anyone other than Jo.

Joanne Wilkins was entirely vindicated in court and Elizabeth Campbell was shown for the dog dealer and fraud that she is!

LIZ CAMPBELL PROVEN TO BE A DOG SELLER IN COURT.The judgement below was obtained against Liz Campbell after she was show...


The judgement below was obtained against Liz Campbell after she was shown in court to sell dogs. Campbell unlawfully took a dog that she had already sold and passed it to another "adopter". The court had no difficulty in determining that Liz's so called adoptions are in fact sales disguised under a veneer of concealment to disguise their true nature and make people think they are not buying from a dealer. The so called rescue is not registered in any way either in Romania or the UK and all money goes directly into Campbell's personal bank account.

if ever located Izzy is and remains Jo's property. The damages awarded are compensation for Campbells vile actions. They do not mean that ownership of Izzy has passed to anyone other than Jo.

Joanne Wilkins was entirely vindicated in court and Elizabeth Campbell was shown for the dog dealer and fraud that she is!

Lix Campbell herself states that Izzy should have been refused entry to the UK stating "If the vet made an error with th...

Lix Campbell herself states that Izzy should have been refused entry to the UK stating "If the vet made an error with the chip number on the travel document, yes of course this is unfortunate and could have caused her to be returned to Romania at the border - but nonetheless it happens sometimes. Her current vet is very satisfied with her and her health."

The importation documents were falsified and there is no proof that IZZY was ever vaccinated as every single document passport etc is in a different microchip number to Izzy's.

As to her current vet being happy I wonder if they were told that she came in with no proof of vaccination?
Incubation time for:
Brucella Canis up to 5 years
Rabies up to 25 years from infection to displaying symptoms.

Lix Campbell's disregard for import laws and public health is breath-taking unless of course she knows that she is lying about the microchip "mistake" . She knows full well that without the dog's location APHA will not investigate which is I believe why she has destroyed Izzy to cover the fact that she has destroyed someone else's dog to hide the evidence of her crimes!

ADOPTERS BEWARELast Thursday the 6th July 2023 we had yet another County Court hearing in which it was once again conclu...

Last Thursday the 6th July 2023 we had yet another County Court hearing in which it was once again concluded by the court that dog seller Elizabeth (Liz) Campbell ( Lisabela Rescue Fundraisers & Lisabela Adopted Dogs - Happy Ever After ) had indeed sold a dog to my client then unlawfully taken it back. In case she challenges here that she is a dog seller, even her own contracts confirm that she sells dogs and that ownership is transferred to the buyer. The same contract contains at least two clauses that almost certainly fall foul of the unfair contract terms legislation current in the UK. Defendants had stalled the case for almost two years by repeatedly failing to attend court and consequently faced with Campbell’s utter refusal to reveal the dog Izzy’s whereabouts the court awarded damages and costs to my client but could not compel Izzy’s return. There was as the judge stated in her summation no realistic prospect that the court could compel her return. Some facts of which people should be aware about Ms Campbell’s operation (lisabella rescue) were revealed in the evidence regarding the hearing.
The dog Izzy was imported using the microchip number ending 202469. All the paperwork
(DOC: 1,), passport vaccination certs etc, was in this number. Ms Campbell claims that this paperwork was false and the actual number is 207469 although she has shown no evidence of this at all. If her statement regarding the chip is correct paperwork was fraudulent and was falsified as it was in the wrong chip number. Campbell herself said the dog could (and should) have been refused entry to the UK. This is especially important as there is no evidence showing that the dog was correctly vaccinated or quarantined and Liz Campbell herself stated in court that the dog had or had had PARVO!
The Romanian Rescue Appeal who completed documentation using a supposedly false number issued a written statement (available on request) declaring categorically that they completed documents on and in accordance in accordance with Ms Campbell’s instructions Quoting the 202469 microchip throughout. Presumably this included falsely stating that My client was the importer ( DOC 2) although Ms Campbell stated in email introduced into evidence that THE RRA was the importer. Campbell also falsely states that he has no business interests in Romania despite owning and renting out property and having an interest in a Romanian business; something that I can prove should that be necessary. I believe this declaration of my client as the importer to have been an attempt by the RRA to avoid liability for their negligence l failing to check that the chip matched the papers etc basic checks that you would expect a transporter to undertake.
Ms Campbell tried to claim that she was acting in the dog’s interest by refusing to provide ANY information as to its whereabouts. Neither we nor the courts have any proof throughout the entire case that the dog is actually alive and It is my belief that the dog has been euthanised to destroy the evidence of import regulation infractions and other criminal offences relating to its import. It is entirely credible that Ms Campbell is callous enough to destroy Izzy like this as witness her using the welfare of dogs to threaten and discipline her employees threatening to let dogs starve if the employee does not do as told. (image Liz Starves Dogs).
One can only hope that this is the only negligent “mistake” made by the Romanian Rescue Appeal and the delightful Liz Campbell but personally I doubt it.




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