Kids’ Bunny Video Tour Pt 4
The last video in our bunny tour series!
Kids’ Bunny Video Tour Pt 3
Kids’ Bunny Video Tour Pt 2
Kids’ Bunny Video Tour Pt 1
Hi, the kids at Gardening with Groundhogs are posting Part 1 of our bunny video tour series! We wanted to post this a while ago (beginning of August) but we never got around to it. Enjoy 😁🐰
So after that brief hiatus ( has it been 4 months???!!!)
Thank-you to everyone who has been checking in to see if we posted any updates. The overwhelm was huge and so unfortunately, I didn't post a darn thing.
BUT I can't wait to share this amazing journey/transition with all of you. I am so excited to show you what it takes to set up a homestead from the beginning, what works for us, what doesn't work, and our successes and failures.
What we have done so far:
Bought a lawn tractor and wagon, a trailer for the car, and a walk behind whipper snipper, got 2 rabbits, built a sit-in rabbit hutch, put up the kids play structure and bought a 72 foot second hand greenhouse!
All those projects have had their pros and cons. The biggest con is my husband has a full time job, so we are constantly working after work hours and week-ends. The biggest pro is our kids LOVE it here. Emilie can even drive the lawn tractor!
We may have originally thought my Mom and Dad's old house (my childhood home) would be our new home for a while, but we never really felt it was ours. We all felt that we were just taking care of it for my parents (who have both passed on). So we decided to take the memories and move them to Ontario. My parents' love is not attached to their house. We bring the memories with us wherever we go. My Dad's wheelbarrow is not a kids garden anymore, But, we use it here everyday to move stuff around, including Willow, who likes to go for rides in it!
Life is amazing!
Lettuce, and spinach and herbs, oh my!
They survived the winter, but will they grow???!!!
Stay tuned....
There is a season for everything--and now I must clean!
I got rid of most of the plant matter--except for my flowers!!! I put down a few bags of woodchips to tidy the side up. Next year I won't plant anything right into the ground along the side. I am going to put all my grow bags along the fence and plant into them instead of having bags scattered all over the yard. lol I've been told the kids need more room!!!
Stay tuned for fall plantings and lessons I have learned over the summer! 😲🤔👎🤩👌
Bye for now!
Happy gardening!
Woah. It's been a while. I am finding some stuff on my phone that I wanted to post, but never got around to! Hope it is still relevant!
Here is a quick video update on some of what has been going on in the garden since the height of the summer.
I will admit, I love growing flowers as much as I love growing vegetables.
Luckily, I can do both and so can you!
My basil worked well enough in a 1 litre pot...
I took a look at the roots after making this video and I was not satisfied with the amount of root that was taking over.
I had some space in a grow bag and so, in they went.
Lesson: Small is good, but sometimes small is too small 👎 😁