Dewey The Sock Bandit

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Dewey The Sock Bandit Cajun Dew Right Mojo, Dewey for short, is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. He is an AKC certified Canine Goo

I haven't been able to make this post until now, but I wanted to let you know that my little buddy went to Heaven last S...

I haven't been able to make this post until now, but I wanted to let you know that my little buddy went to Heaven last Saturday, just a few weeks away from his 15th birthday.

I didn't go to work Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, so we had a lot of time together and we enjoyed several trips to his parks during that time. We were treating for a GI bleed as a probable cause for anemia and bloodwork on Thursday showed his kidney values had spiked. Whether this was progression of chronic kidney disease or due to another unknown issue, the values were so high that his vets agreed this was not something we could come back from.

I prayed Friday night for the Lord to let him go peacefully and naturally if that was His will, but if not, to let me know that I was making the right decision. I got what I needed to make that decision, and Dewey went peacefully sitting in my lap surrounded by those who love him.

Life will never be the same without my little buddy.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. It has really meant a lot.

Dewey the Sock Bandit
June 3, 2008 - May 6, 2023

It’s been way too long since our last post and there’s a lot to talk about. At the beginning of February, I noticed Dewe...

It’s been way too long since our last post and there’s a lot to talk about.

At the beginning of February, I noticed Dewey’s lymph nodes felt a little enlarged, and a cytology confirmed he was out of remission. Dewey has been through the CHOP protocol twice and handled it very well both times with minimal side effects, however he has been in remission and hasn’t had chemo in over a year. The CHOP protocol is the gold standard for lymphoma, but it is also pretty aggressive with weekly treatments and Dewey just isn’t as young as he used to be (he’ll be 15 in June), so we decided to use a less aggressive protocol (COP) that includes some of the same drugs from CHOP, but would only require treatments every three weeks.

The Dewd’s first COP treatment was on Feb 7th with a “booster” on Feb 14th, and he was back in remission before his next treatment on March 7th. In the past Dewey handled visits to the vet very well and I would drop him off in the morning and pick him up later after his treatment. Vet visits stress him out a lot more now, so on his chemo days Dew would go in for his exam and bloodwork, then we would wait in the truck (or sitting on the tailgate – see pic in comments) until it was his turn for treatment, and that seemed to make it less stressful for him. We used pre-meds for side effects and Dewey did well with just a little decrease in appetite. Then about a week before his next chemo was due, he had a flare up of his disc disease with weakness in his hind legs and more of a decrease in his appetite.

Because of the decreased appetite, at his next chemo appointment on March 28th, I requested we do a chem panel along with the normal CBC and his kidney values were elevated. We decided not to do chemo due to the elevated kidney values, the disc disease flare up/ pain, and the ongoing decrease in appetite. We changed some meds and increased the sub-q fluids at home and at his follow-up a week later his kidney values were back to the stable, stage 2 levels he was at before, and his disc disease was improving with the oncologist noting no pain on his physical exam. Ideally, even though he is in remission, we would complete the entire chemo protocol, but since he was still recovering from that episode we held off on chemo and will reassess at his next visit.

His appetite still isn’t back to normal, but with some special additions (canned chicken, tuna, green beans, carrots, and baby food) to his canned food he is eating well. It’s difficult to say what is causing the decreased appetite, because there are multiple possibilities – it could be related to the chemo and a change in taste, kidney disease and excess stomach acid, a flare up of chronic pancreatitis, or changes in taste / smell from CCD. We have an internal medicine visit next week, so we’ll keep you posted on that.

The survival time for dogs with lymphoma without chemo is only about 1-3 months, and with chemo the median survival time is about 1 year. We have been blessed with a great response to treatments and we are now over 2 years since his diagnosis! We are very grateful to our family for their help and support and we couldn’t do this without them; especially my Mom! Although he has multiple issues, we are managing everything well and the Dewd is in remission, happy, living his best life, and still stealing my socks almost every day after work!

As always, your prayers are welcome and much appreciated!

*On a side note, one of Dewey’s friend from our agility classes, Dolce Gambino, gained his wings recently and I know his family is hurting. We are keeping them in our prayers, and kindly ask that you do as well.

The Dewd has had a great start to 2023 and we hope you have too!  We had an oncologist follow-up last week and he's stil...

The Dewd has had a great start to 2023 and we hope you have too! We had an oncologist follow-up last week and he's still in remission and kidney disease is stable. It's been 22 months since his diagnosis and he's feeling good, enjoying visits to his parks, and STILL STEALING SOCKS!🙏🧦💙🐾

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  We did, and we have so much to be thankful for!  Dewey had a follow-up with h...

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We did, and we have so much to be thankful for! Dewey had a follow-up with his oncologist on Friday and she said he's looking good and still in clinical remission! My Mom's been staying with Dewey a lot lately and my brother and sister have been a big help as well. We're so thankful to have such a wonderful supportive family, thankful that Dewey has been blessed with such a great response to treatment and for his continuing remission, and for all of you for your prayers and support!

*Pics from Friday and today at Dewey's park.

For Halloween the Dewd and I dressed up as a different "Dude"(Jeff Bridges ) who is also kicking lymphoma's a**!

For Halloween the Dewd and I dressed up as a different "Dude"(Jeff Bridges ) who is also kicking lymphoma's a**!

The Dewd had another great follow-up with his oncologist and we’re celebrating ongoing clinical REMISSION!  This marks 1...

The Dewd had another great follow-up with his oncologist and we’re celebrating ongoing clinical REMISSION! This marks 1 year in his second remission, and 19 months since his original diagnosis! 🎉🙏

Dewey’s first chemo (CHOP) protocol started back in March 2021, and he reached remission in the first couple weeks. He came out of remission in October 2021, so we started CHOP again and he reached remission within the first couple weeks that time as well.
His kidney disease is stable, so we are continuing the special diet and subQ fluids 4-5 times a week. He still has some mild signs of CCD including some pacing and trouble getting settled down at times, but the Selegiline has worked really well and these episodes don’t last nearly as long as before and he sleeps through the night just fine now.

We have been very blessed and Dewey is happy, feeling good, and still stealing socks!🧦

God is good! 🙏

As always, thank you all so much for your continued thoughts and prayers! 🙏🧦🐾💙

The Dewd had his 6 month post chemo checkup on Monday and great news - continued clinical remission!!!🙏🎉We also got good...

The Dewd had his 6 month post chemo checkup on Monday and great news - continued clinical remission!!!🙏🎉

We also got good news on his kidney disease follow-up with his internal medicine vet last week. They did a lot of bloodwork and a urinalysis and everything remains stable! 🙏🎉

Pic from last weekend at Dewey's park (McKinney Towne Lake).🧦🐾❤️

Made it out to the Dewd's park the last couple mornings before it got too hot.

Made it out to the Dewd's park the last couple mornings before it got too hot.

The Dewd had his 4 month post chemo follow up on Monday and all was good - continued clinical remission!🎉Sorry it's been...

The Dewd had his 4 month post chemo follow up on Monday and all was good - continued clinical remission!🎉

Sorry it's been so long since I posted an update, but I'll try to catch you up on all things Dewd now.

Some routine bloodwork a couple months ago showed Dewey's kidney values had increased a little, so we followed up with his Internal Medicine Vet. His kidney values are still in Stage 2 and Dr. Rolfe isn't really concerned about the change. However, during the workup we checked his pancreas specific lipase (pancreatitis marker) and even though he was mostly asymptomatic it was high, >1200 (normal is 0 - 200), so we started a low dose/long course of Cerenia to help with inflammation of his pancreas. Fortunately, he isn't showing any signs of pancreatitis and it seems to be helping, with more recent pancreas values in the 300 - 500 range. We've also started doing Sub Q fluids at home every 2-3 days to maintain hydration and support his kidneys and we'll continue his special diet and monitoring with regular bloodwork.

We had a follow up with Dewey's neurologist a couple of weeks ago and that also went well. Dew's been taking Selegiline for about 3 months now and we have seen improvement. Before the Selegiline Dewey was having a lot of restlessness and pacing in the evenings, having trouble getting settled into bed, and getting up multiple times during the night with trouble getting back to sleep. It was a gradual improvement, and he still has episodes of pacing, but he now settles into bed quickly and sleeps through the night (with only the occasional potty break and then right back to sleep).

Overall everything is going well; Dewey is happy, feeling good, and we are now celebrating 16 months since his diagnosis!🎉

I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with the resources to give Dewey the care he deserves, and the great response Dewey has had to all the treatments! God is good!🙏

Thank you all so much once again for your continued thoughts and prayers! They are more appreciated than you know! 🙏🧦🐾❤️

It's Dewey's 14th birthday today!!!🎂  So, as we do every year, we did our annual photo recreation from his first night h...

It's Dewey's 14th birthday today!!!🎂 So, as we do every year, we did our annual photo recreation from his first night home!
He's been through a lot in the last year, but he's taken it all in stride and is doing really well! I took the day off and we spent an hour and a half at one of his favorite parks this morning, and he's enjoyed plenty of treats with more treats and toys to come.
Thank you all for all the prayers, thoughts, and kind words over the past year; they really are appreciated! 🙏❤️🧦💙🎂

*I'll post a couple pics from the park in the comments.

Great news at Dewey's 2 month post chemo follow-up today (followed by a visit to his park) - ongoing clinical remission!...

Great news at Dewey's 2 month post chemo follow-up today (followed by a visit to his park) - ongoing clinical remission!🙏

Dewey's doing great, but has been showing some signs of early canine cognitive dysfunction, mostly just some pacing and restlessness in the evenings, so we started Selegiline a couple weeks ago and last week we added a neurologist, Dr. Rich at MedVet Dallas, to Team Dewey. Dewey had a pretty normal neurologic assessment and she prescribed Keppra and Denamarin in addition to the selegiline. These meds can take up to 8 weeks to see improvement, so please keep the prayers coming for a good response!🙏🐾💙🧦

We made it out for Dewey's annual Bluebonnet pictures yesterday!

We made it out for Dewey's annual Bluebonnet pictures yesterday!

The Dewd Abides!*If you haven't seen the movie, "The Big Lebowski", check the comments to see the scene from the movie t...

The Dewd Abides!

*If you haven't seen the movie, "The Big Lebowski", check the comments to see the scene from the movie that we recreated here.

Great news on Dewey's one month post chemo followup today, followed by a stop at his park on the way home!He is in ongoi...

Great news on Dewey's one month post chemo followup today, followed by a stop at his park on the way home!

He is in ongoing clinical remission and his bloodwork looks good! The anemia is improving, so it was likely just due to the chemo. And everything on the ultrasound looks good with no change in the pinpoint mineralization on his prostate.

Sadly, there were a couple people at the oncologist today who did not receive such good news.😥

The last year has been challenging, but we have been so blessed with the resources to do everything possible for the Dewd and with a great response to treatments. We have access to specialists and treatments, family to help out and stay with Dewey when needed, and flexibility in my job to get Dewey to weekly treatments and stay home with him when I need to, so it's easy to forget that not everyone is in the same situation.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support, and we ask that you also remember those who didn't get such good news today in those prayers.🙏❤️🐾🧦

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  The Dewd did, and enjoyed the sunset this evening at one of his favorite parks.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. The Dewd did, and enjoyed the sunset this evening at one of his favorite parks.

So proud of my little buddy!Dewey finished his second full course of the CHOP chemo protocol today - one year to the day...

So proud of my little buddy!

Dewey finished his second full course of the CHOP chemo protocol today - one year to the day we received the report back confirming lymphosarcoma - and he continues to be in remission! He also got a nice gift pack from his oncology team for graduating chemo.

He's been through a lot in the past year, but he's handled it all like a champ!

(2) 19 week CHOP chemo protocols
Kidney disease
A couple flare ups of pancreatitis
IVDD (slipped disc)

There have been a few rough days (for both of us), but we have been blessed with far more great days!🙏

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support over this past year! ❤️🐾🙏🧦

Dewey is doing great and getting around well. He's still on restricted activity, but we did get out for a trip to his pa...

Dewey is doing great and getting around well. He's still on restricted activity, but we did get out for a trip to his park to check out the snow. However, he enjoyed most of the snow looking out the door from the comfort of his bed.
I thought to put down a tarp before the snow, so he'd have some dry ground to go to the bathroom, but while I was pulling up the tarp he decided the patio was just as good a place to go.😂.
He had a little GI upset last weekend and we're not sure if it was from the chemo or a little pancreatitis flare up, but that has resolved. Fridays chemo was postponed due to a little anemia on his bloodwork, and we'll check back with the oncologist Monday.
Thanks for all the prayers and support! ❤️🙏
*Special thanks to my Mom, Judy Roberts for staying with Dewey the last 2 weeks!❤️

Dewey's most likely diagnosis is Intervertebral disc disease (slipped disc).  We're treating with pain meds, anti-inflam...

Dewey's most likely diagnosis is Intervertebral disc disease (slipped disc). We're treating with pain meds, anti-inflammatories, and restricted activity/confinement. He's already shown a lot of improvement and is able to get up and walk some on his own, so this is very encouraging! He's feeling good too! As he was sleeping by the front door, I sat beside him and folded some laundry. He saw what was up and went for the socks!🧦
Thanks for all the prayers and support! 🙏❤️

Please keep the Dewd in you prayers.  We are at the ER Vet now.  He was weak in his back legs this morning, but getting ...

Please keep the Dewd in you prayers. We are at the ER Vet now. He was weak in his back legs this morning, but getting around good. Just kept getting worse to not being able to get up on his own and trouble standing/ walking.🙏


Happy New Year!🎉
This video just showed up on Facebook from 13 years ago when the Dewd was just about 6 months old. Stormie and Dewey had so much fun together!

Merry Christmas from the Dewd! ✝️🎄🎅🧦

Merry Christmas from the Dewd! ✝️🎄🎅🧦

A little late posting, but the Dewd had a great Thanksgiving!  He got to see the whole family, and got a lot of love as ...

A little late posting, but the Dewd had a great Thanksgiving! He got to see the whole family, and got a lot of love as you can see!
The Dewd's not a big sweater fan, but he made an exception since we got matching "Big Lebowski" sweaters for my birthday!


It's Giving Tuesday! Dewey's friends at ARFhouse do great things and would appreciate any help you can give.❤️🐾

The Dewd is feeling great and went on another 4 day/3 night cabin/camping trip last weekend and had a great time.  He go...

The Dewd is feeling great and went on another 4 day/3 night cabin/camping trip last weekend and had a great time. He got home on Sunday and rested up, then went in for chemo on Monday morning. He's had mild anemia (which can be caused by lymphoma, chemo, and/or chronic kidney disease) but we got another good report from the oncologist; the anemia is slowly improving and ongoing complete remission. We go to his primary vet tomorrow for a CBC, and with good results it's at home oral chemo this week. Thanks for all the prayers and support, we are very blessed!🙏🐾❤️

Dewey's oncology visit on Moday went well.  He was due for Doxorubicin, but previously it was pretty hard on him, so we ...

Dewey's oncology visit on Moday went well. He was due for Doxorubicin, but previously it was pretty hard on him, so we switched to Mitoxantrone for this dose and he has tolerated it very well. He also had another ultrasound and full bloodwork to check his prostate and kidneys, and everything is stable and he remains in complete remission!
Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers; we appreciate them!🙏
Here's some more pictures from Dewey's recent vacation!❤️🐾🙏


Dewey wasn't feeling quite his usual self last night or this morning from the chemo, but that didn't stop him from running off a Rottweiler this morning! I was trying to keep us both under the umbrella and didn't even see him coming up on us until Dewey charged at him.

*Dewey seems to be feeling much better now.🙏❤️🐾

And the Rottie made it home safely. He lives across the street, and after retreating to the safety of his front door to bark at us they let him in.🙂

Well, it's been a few weeks since we posted an update and there's been a lot going on, so here's the condensed version f...

Well, it's been a few weeks since we posted an update and there's been a lot going on, so here's the condensed version for now. On October 8th I noticed Dewey's lymph nodes felt a little enlarged and tests confirmed he was out of remission, so we started chemo again. He's feeling fine and last week we went on a cabin/camping trip and finally got back out on the kayak again. Dewey & I both had a great time! At yesterday's chemo the oncologist confirmed Dewey is again in a complete remission!

I'll post a more detailed update, and more camping pics after I sort through them, but here's a couple pics for now.

Please keep the Dewd in your prayers as he goes through chemo again. 🙏🐾❤️

A little late with the update, but the news is all good!  Dewey had a follow-up visit with his oncologist on Sept 24, an...

A little late with the update, but the news is all good! Dewey had a follow-up visit with his oncologist on Sept 24, and he’s still in remission, gaining back some weight he lost during chemo, and feeling great!

In a visit to Dewey’s regular vet prior to his splenectomy, she mentioned how Dewey had a whole team of doctors taking care of him. I hadn’t really considered it at the time, but thinking about it I realized just how right she was. The Internal Medicine Vet at Animal Diagnostic Clinic, Dr. Rolfe, diagnosed the lymphoma and then consulted with the oncologist at Animal Diagnostic Clinic , Dr. Lopez, to get us scheduled for a consult and chemo. Throughout chemo Dr. Lopez sent referral updates to Dewey’s regular vet, Dr. West, at McKinney Animal Hospital to keep her updated on his condition. Then prior to Dewey’s splenectomy, Dr. Lopez consulted with the surgeon at Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center, Dr. McKay, and filled her in on Dewey’s history and condition to prepare for surgery. After surgery, Dr. Lopez referred us back to Dr. Rolfe for the kidney evaluation, and Dr. Rolfe consulted with Dr. Lopez again after examining Dewey and reviewing his records. And, although she’s 150 miles away, and I haven’t seen her in person since she was just a kid, Dr. Cayley Burleson Webster at Animal Medical Clinic of Burkburnett has been our “special consultant” reviewing Dewey's records and answering my numerous texts, calls, and emails since the very beginning of this journey. All of the specialists have communicated with me and each other and have been readily available for any questions, and I truly feel that this whole process was handled better, and with more professionalism, than a lot of situations in human medicine. So, yes, Dewey really does have a whole team of doctors taking care of him. However, Team Dewey is much bigger than just the doctors, and includes everyone at Animal Diagnostic Clinic Dallas and Plano and McKinney Animal Hospital who have always taken great care of Dewey, my whole family who have all been great, and gladly changed their schedules to make sure Dewey always has someone to stay with him when needed, and, of course, ALL OF YOU who have been following Dewey’s story and supporting us with your thoughts and prayers! Thank You All!

God is good and we are very blessed!🙏🐾❤️

Dewey's friends at ARFhouse included his picture in their Summer Newsletter with a super sweet message!  Thank you so mu...

Dewey's friends at ARFhouse included his picture in their Summer Newsletter with a super sweet message! Thank you so much for thinking of The Dewd and for all you do caring for your dogs and finding them forever homes!

North Texas Giving Day is coming up soon and you can schedule your gift now! If you would like to donate to ARFhouse you can use the link below. Dewey appreciates it!




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