Happy Thursday!!!! I wanted to take some time and clarify a lot of things about our drop-off and pick-up procedures. There still seems to be confusion over when to come in, where to park, etc.
I'll be really honest, I do not like being this nitpicky. And when I feel like I have to continually address things I've addressed over and over again and get met with "you're too strict" or "you have too many rules," I get pretty disheartened. I think it's been forgotten why we ask what we do, so I want to also give you the "why's" so everyone knows our hearts behind our procedures.
First, let's go over the "why's," and then I'll clarify the procedures. We have been open almost 5 years now!! Praise the Lord!! We are truly blessed. In that time, can you guess how many accidents, cuts, or injuries we've had (aside from a minor nick, mole getting nicked or brushed, etc.)? The answer is ZERO. And that's because we work hard to eliminate distractions and have time to work with each dog (when given the full time we ask). Safety is a huge priority.
Secondly, since we are one on one, that means we get those clients who have high anxiety dogs that need a more quiet atmosphere, elderly dogs, dogs who have seizures, dogs who are nearing the end of their life and need a comfort style groom. So, interruptions can be VERY difficult on these dogs. I can't express how scary it can be to witness a seizure.
Lastly, we don't schedule breaks. All of our appointments are back to back until lunch and then again after lunch until we're done. So, if we get done grooming early, we can take a break, run to the bathroom, respond to messages and emails, etc. This is why ask that you give us the FULL time.
Now that you know the "why's," let's clarify our procedures. I'll be addressing everything I've ever had to go over with clients so we can all know what's expected for the reasons I went over previously.
1. When can I come inside? We allow a 10-minute window for drop off and pick up. 5 minutes before your appointment or told pick up time and 5 minutes after your appointment or told pick up time. Please do not come in any earlier than that. If you are later than that, chances are we have been in contact with you and are expecting you to come in- so just come in so we can catch back up.
2. The white shade is up, but I'm early. Can I still come in? No. Even if you see we do not have a client on our table, allow us the break. Wait until the allowed window of 5 minutes before your appointment time at the earliest.
3. I'm on time, but the white shade is down, and the sign says don't come in. What should I do? Wait until we put the shade up and we turn the sign around. Sometimes, we are running late. It could be because a client had extra coat or matting, a client was late to drop off or pick up, or we are just not moving as fast. We are working with dogs, and we do our very best to stay on schedule, but things happen.
4. The shade is up, I'm on time, but someone is still grooming. Can I come in? Yes! We are expecting you. Not all dogs take an hour- I do some that take 2 hours!! Or there is a late drop off, and we aren't finished. If we had you wait, you might be waiting a long time. We know when to expect you, so you won't surprise us. ☺️
5. Where should I park? Again, if you are early, wait to pull into the driveway. Imagine what your dog does at home when someone pulls in your driveway and then add scissors to that reaction. You can either circle the block, park in the street, etc. When you're within the window of time, as stated above, you may pull in the driveway. A couple of things about that. Pull all the way up so multiple people can also pull in the driveway. If you prefer not to be blocked in, stay in the street and walk up. Things like inclement weather, elderly owners, elderly dogs, clients with multiple dogs, etc, usually want to pull in the driveway, too. We get people in and out pretty fast, so you'll likely not have to wait too long. Also, do not park illegally or block a driveway. It is a privilege to have this from my home. Let's be respectful of my neighbors. Thank you!!
I really hope this helps. I have been back and forth about this. I have felt like I'm asking too much or being too difficult or too strict. But I love this job!!! I love your dogs! Some of you have known me for 25 years now (yes, I've been grooming that long!). My heart is always what's best for your dog, even if that means you have some rules to remember. Maybe those rules will be the thing to save your dog from injury. Bottom line, when things run smoothly, everything is better!!! I think the main thing to remember as well would be rule one. Just stay within the 10 minute window, and the rest we make really obvious with signage. If you all have any questions, please comment. Maybe someone has the same one. I appreciate you all so much and want what's best for your dog, you, Lisa, and me.
Amy, owner