Davo Moxham's Insightful Horsemanship

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Davo Moxham's Insightful Horsemanship practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses I'm here to offer some great insights

�the innate ability of a horses soul to please...is truly remarkable �

the great horseman in australia used to say every horse tells a human story ......that mantra has rung true for me in over half a life time of crafting myself to be a horseman for the horse ... our equine mates are a reflection of us ..as owners .handlers. riders..on all aspects of horse management.... after starting a th

ousand odd c**ts and working with so many challenging horses ..redirecting and harnessing their mental focus so it peaks for the best outcome in the horse human relationship... ... ..........working with horses in australia and being fortunate to travel through America handling and riding many varied breeds of horses ...from mild to wild ...I see a massive DISCONNECT in basic horsemanship offered to the horse.. and especially young horses ..which ultimately affects the riding aspect... .we bring these horses into our world we owe it to the horse to get good at being horseman ..horsewoman.....and as I say set them up right for life .....soul to soul ..


In light of all the grievances that happen to our dogs.. let this be a great reminder of the love.. loyalty ..and unrelentless mateship our beloved dogs show to us regardless ...I've owned some special doggie souls in my time ..so this life portrayal struck a chord ..

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses


Andy a young yearling Arab x saddlebred c**t wasn't handled much and jumping out of his skin if the wind blew three weeks weeks ago when I met him

Everything in our young horse foundation work prepares him for a great no worries future

He can wear the saddle a couple of times for 30 mins just to get a feel for it no big deal ...

I love seeing a young c**ts bravado come through it's great to see with the right horsmanship we can help these c**ts to get confident ..and put some great positives into their journey

We see so many horses with massive holes in their education I can't help but not think.. if only those horses had a great foundational start as foals and c**ts ....yes we can help the horses at any age.. but it sure is easier to put the right education in when they are young and help them along confidently in their lifes education .

We help every c**t or horse with their personality..

Giving them the right education helps the scared horses to get confident and brave otherwise the horse stays in worry mode his whole life
the dominant cocky type of horse we can mould that personality to really channel their intelligence for a great outcome

Ahh yessss ..Andy will go out for a good spell and will come back older wiser and braver in a human world ..I'm exciteddd 🤠😁😁


Starting c**ts in some fine Louisiana weather ..😁about to get on and the sky opened up .
young Clyde getting ready for his 4 th ride ...🤠


Ahh yess ..majestic and noble... our equine mates teach us so much about them and who we are ..

I've had so many people over the years with horses I have helped that have had a lot of personal breakthroughs with their mounts that have mirrored their life journey and taught them they can🤠🤠🤠

It has made me reflect in the moment personally on every occasion as a horseman and to see the horses owners having a real try and achieving a mutal partnership with their horse ..this is why we do it for a living ..horses are a great leveller in life

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses


First things first in horsemanship

Every horse I meet I make sure their leading is exemplary

no matter where they are in age and experience in life

A famous old aussie horseman always mentioned if you teach a horse to lead properly he will follow you anywhere

For a horse that leads free.. head on ..side on both sides is a bench mark in the ground work that cannot be skipped

..From c**ts that have never had a rope on to a seasoned horse ..proper balanced leading on their own track is the ticket ...

A horse that leads balanced in their own body.. forward free . halt.. backup and can move laterally on the slightest cue..will also relate this into the ridden work

So often horses don't lead properly they barge.. run forward.. lock down ..back up...take off.. get dangerous when there is a lot of commotion etc

then the rider endeavours to get the horse balanced in the saddle time after time and wonders why the horse won't..or the horse won't offer consistency..

Well if they can't lead balanced mentally and physically and don't understand their responsibilities on the ground .you are just trying to sugar coat balancing the horses body and mind in the ridden work ...you have greatly missed many steps in the proper work

A lot of c**ts after their ridden work I'll always get off out in the paddock .arena etc and lead them home honing their balanced leading skills at every step
another bonus in leading them home is their trust and relaxation in their education really comes to the fore ...

Ahh yes ..A horse that leads nice and relaxed and knows their responsibilities is a delight and you the horseman
should be proud .our horses are truly mirrors of us

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses

I love handling foals ..so much great stuff  can be taught to  them  in pursuit of  our horses  becoming  exemplary citi...

I love handling foals ..

so much great stuff can be taught to them in pursuit of our horses becoming exemplary citizens in a human world ..

we have the perfect time to shape and influence their personality for the best outcome

..all to often people miss so many great benchmarks in the proper work ...and trainers are left to help horses that have become unbalanced mentally and physically.. don't know a lot of the groundwork .pushy .rude ..and outright dangerous ..

we can give our horses the best lives if we spend the time and teach them right ..

there is not one horse in the world that can't learn to tie up... lead properly..trailer/float load stand still ..be good for the trimmer etc. What there is a lot of.. is human excuses ..why my horse can't.because ...
. 4month old warmblood percheron foal DeeDee had a few days of learning some of the groundwork exercises...
first thing was to teach her to face up ..second thing was we started the leading process and a touch of pretending to tie up... she progressed so quickly .. I was also able to trim her feet by myself and she stood perfectly still ..

this post is not about what I can do... it's about getting educated and putting the work in ....you will be proud of your foal come horse and the great effort you put in ...

Ahh Yess ..Our horses are a reflection of us ..go forth and be proud knowing your horse has become a great citizen because of your knowledge ..work ethic.. and kindness

On firrrrreee !! Loll...a beautiful sunset and scenery proceeds a  few great days of bush riding with dear standardbred ...

On firrrrreee !! Loll...a beautiful sunset and scenery proceeds a few great days of bush riding with dear standardbred Glennie ...

nothing like seeing a horse hit its straps for the best when the going gets a little tough
working on straightness.. shoulder control lateral exercises etc on the track you cant beat it .
horses really enjoy going somewhere and it's a win win.. you get to teach some good body control exercises and straightness and the horses get braver and confident trekking through the different terrain on their way to being a proper safe broke mount ....

Ahh yess.. you only get what you put in with horses ..nothing comes easy... if you are truly motivated for yourself and your horse

I had the pleasure to help 7 year old viking spotted draught x  a big black beauty ..advance in his education  ..just a ...

I had the pleasure to help 7 year old viking spotted draught x a big black beauty ..advance in his education ..just a few months back ..i got a few nice photos to put together recently

Viking was very green and had learnt a few evasions with that big powerful draught body of his .. so we got him up to speed in some of the foundation ground work to help him get balanced and free in his movement
.we then proceeded into the riding where he was a bit head strong in the beginning

our goal was to get him listening and chip away at getting him to move forward freely ..

once viking got a taste of listening better to me and moving forward ..without the mini tantrums in the yard

we were outside walking .trotting. and cantering and this is where we could really make some big inroads into vikings mindset and the evasions got less and he really enjoyed going out into the world ...

It's a great reward to see a horse start moving forward freely and confident where they are really enjoying the work and we can start to really control their power also utilising some of the natural obstacles to make it fun for the horse

🤠Ahh yess ..just remember green horses a lot of the time .. can get good at ignoring our requests the trick is to be a consistent leader for our horses on the ground and in the saddle and watch the bond between horse and human get better and better all the time ..

Isn't this the truth😁

Isn't this the truth😁


We are having a half a day mini powerup horsemanship clinic in Williamston this thursday 12 th Oct a few spots have opened up if anyone is interested to trailer in .

1hr personalised lessons on any connection improvements with your equine partner....on the ground or in the saddle

message us for details ...... like Elvis used to say thankyou very muchhh 😁🤠

Had a great few days putting some great miles on pretty  5 year old Clayton...his trot is a powerhouse ...you can't beat...

Had a great few days putting some great miles on pretty 5 year old Clayton...his trot is a powerhouse ...

you can't beat some bush miles in getting the young horses relaxed and on their way to being reliable and well rounded mounts .

being a part of a young horses education and bringing out their best ..so rewarding ..
ahh yess good horsemanship for your horse doesn't come without putting the effort in ..how well rounded do you want your horse to be ..not the excuses


Because Facebook won't let you add video and photos together

Here's a quick snippet of Casper cantering briefly and down into trot ...pretty good balance in his shoulders for a young c**t with his first ride out into the wild blue yonder ...yippee aye yah🎶🎶🎶 🤠🤠🤠🤠 rolling ..rolling ..rolling

Had a great couple of weeks starting  young Casper in his education ..nothing like trainability and a great minded horse...

Had a great couple of weeks starting young Casper in his education ..nothing like trainability and a great minded horse ...

Every step of the foundation work resonates into the c**ts education for the ridden work ...I couldn't be happier for Casper as after a few rides in the round yard ..we were out in the open paddock forward confident riding .along ...

It was great to see this c**t absorb his education and relax ...I look forward to seeing Casper flourish over the years as a great mount as his owner brings him along slowly over time ...

Ahh yess ..c**t starting .at its finest .when you adapt to what the horses personality has to offer in your work ...they will pleasantly surprise you time after time ..to give their best .....


Had a great weekend of trail riding and barbies and meeting great people .. putting some great education in on a couple of mules lately. .
the virginia highlands is glorious country to ride in and great to get the miles in on young horses and mules ..so much varied country and obstacles that our equine mates can learn in ..🤠

one of the other mules I got to meet and greet and help her in the foundation work was 5 year old spotted gaited mule Dolly .. ..wow wee what a stunner and such a lovely minded muley .. such a great animal to develop into a beautiful strong trustworthy riding partner ...

ahh yesss the joys of being horseman we get to work with so many different beauty's ..nothing like seeing young equines shine ....

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses

What a beautiful photo ..of the corolla horses meeting a loggerhead ....the loggerheads come ashore right down the Carol...

What a beautiful photo ..of the corolla horses meeting a loggerhead ....the loggerheads come ashore right down the Carolina coast .. so apparently the photo was photoshopped ..still a nice thought though

Giant sea turtle meets the wild horses at Outer Banks beach 😍

Had a very enjoyable afternoon ride with my visiting  German mate and the two Shackleford banks horses ..Aftermath and T...

Had a very enjoyable afternoon ride with my visiting German mate and the two Shackleford banks horses ..Aftermath and Togo ...at PInecliffs
This was the first time the horses had been ridden off the Foundation for Shackleford Horses property .
Both shacks handled their new environment with great poise and confidence ..it gives me great pleasure when the work you put into the horses starting and education pays off ... the horses enjoyed the adventure as well..
it definitely is a delight to train such stoic and culturally significant horses that bring so much enrichment to the Carolina coast .


A photo of two souls... that is special to me
Gentle Casper letting max get a few pellets .

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses


Ahh yess ..when a mate gives you some. Bear fat ..you give your aussie saddles their 5 year drink 😂😂

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses

Had a great mini powerup horsemanship clinic with all the kids at the start of their spring break .....From the ground t...

Had a great mini powerup horsemanship clinic with all the kids at the start of their spring break .....

From the ground to the ridden work it was great to see a bunch of dedicated young equestrians put in a great effort learning the why's and how's of implementing the language to improve their connection with our horse mates ...

It was a blustery chilly half day which was testing in itself and the other great test was my aussie dialect directing proceedings lolll.

Nothing comes easy with horses and it was great to see the kids putting in such a great effort and make some great changes with their horses .very rewarding to see indeed ....thanks heaps for the great help Whitley Strickland and Sarah Denny Henderson and thanks to all the kidlets ..so much fun .. .

Had a great three  days watching The Road To The Horse in Lexington Kentucky ...apart from a  great horsemanship event  ...

Had a great three days watching The Road To The Horse in Lexington Kentucky ...apart from a great horsemanship event ...picturesque thoroughbred farms and 250 year old horse breeding history ..locally distilled bourbon and great food.. great horse tack etc .i got to say gday to a fellow aussiehorseman guy mclean ..competing at the event ...a very enjoyable three days indeed..

What a great three day horsemanship clinic at Live Oak Arabians in Baton Rouge .such a stunning facility with so much hi...

What a great three day horsemanship clinic at Live Oak Arabians in Baton Rouge .such a stunning facility with so much history !

So many varied young horse personalities to work with and some beautiful different breeds that trailered in .

Thanks to Anne hornbeak for getting across this ..and putting up with my round office rabbling🤣 and thanks to all the lovely auditors for taking the time

I never tire of helping the young ones in their education it was great to meet so many

I think one of my main impressions I conveyed to my fellow equine enthusiasts

it doesn't matter how long you have with your horse in any given time frame but what positive change in the work and relaxation can we convey to our equine mates in their education ...

ahhh yess ..your horse is a reflection of you ..you will only unlock your horses greatness with dedication and mindfulness how little or long you spend with them🤠


We've already had some great clinics so far this year... .🤠Looking forward to meeting great people and horses at my Three Day Horsemanship Clinic .in Louisiana... Starting this friday ...Great stuff ...

There will be a lot of young horse personalities to meet 🤠...ahh yesss ..I'm excited ....Cajun country ... here we come 😀

practical horsemanship for all.... spanning all breeds of horses

This is beautiful Clayton a 5  year old quarter draft  ...coming on nicely with three lessons in the groundwork 🤠When I ...

This is beautiful Clayton a 5 year old quarter draft ...coming on nicely with three lessons in the groundwork 🤠

When I get in the groove with all horses I work ..I really get them on point with side on leading.. near side and offside stopping.. backing ..standing still and forward to match my body speed and really listening to my slightest cues 🤠

I teach them to get as straight as an arrow
For when the horses are dialed into the straightness and the light feel that I'm looking for ........🤠

apart from having great manners for life this great groundwork benchmarks carrys on when I climb into the throne 🤠

the horse starts to get a better balance mentally and physically in the riding ...which adds up to a win win ..take a bit longer to get it right and you'll thank yourself in the saddle .

It's unreal how many horses I get to do a makeover on and these basic pieces of foundation work are skipped ...to me it's all relative... build a rock solid foundation ...

Ahhh yesss ..whistle while you work
the old adage ..straight between your legs straight between your reins ..rings true 😀🤠🇦🇺

Met two nice c**ts today ...and started some great groundwork benchmarks on the two  ......one palomino c**t was by Dark...

Met two nice c**ts today ...and started some great groundwork benchmarks on the two ......one palomino c**t was by Darkelly .......and the other beautiful red roan.. three year old named ozi.. met a real aussie😀 ....when ozi meets aussie 😀😀😀 ...
the main takeaway for me as a horseman and to show the owners was to read the horse on the day and help them get confident.and balanced where needed ..... these horses didn't know me from a bar of soap ...but the great changes and relaxation and trust they made puts us in great stead for the riding someday 🤠🤠
🤠🤠.ahhh yesss ...combining the right exercises in increments in the groundwork so the horse can mentally grasp the foundation work is the key to building a great equine partner for life ........

A little late post  ..day three of the clinic and some afternoon demos ....it was non stop ..and great to meet so many h...

A little late post ..day three of the clinic and some afternoon demos ....it was non stop ..and great to meet so many horses and people .the evening demonstrations were a great highlight As we had two completely different horses in ages and personalities ..and breeds ...my main message to the audience was good horsemanship spans all breeds and disciplines full stop

it was a great showcase to see the positive changes in the two equines over the ensuing evenings

thanks a stack to the Wooten Farm ..Debbi Wooten ..Sarah Denny Henderson and Kathy Pittman Moore ..for all the organizing... hosting and trouble preparing food for all the visitors ..very much appreciated .the wind chill was a bit testing but a nuclear bomb wouldnt stop us ..i had a ball 🤠🤠


Had a great little meet and greet with a young mustang fillie ..and her mates watched .🤠 and so did the human owners ........beautiful ..these mustangs are of different ages out of the same mob from high up in the Californian Oregon border ..what a great home they have... I love seeing such a great home and love and care for these majestic horses .. ahh yess... horses no matter what......touch our lives in immeasurable ways ...

The second day of the clinic ....one of the afternoon demonstrations was with  Klaus ... a big Dutch warmblood who was b...

The second day of the clinic ....one of the afternoon demonstrations was with Klaus ... a big Dutch warmblood who was big bold and full of energy and the crowd went wild as klaus learnt to settle .and not use his size and brute strength against people .... good on you nosey the goat ... you lived up to your name 🤣🤣thanks for coming.. I hoped you learnt something 🎶 ..lolll .....it was another full day of lessons the wind chill factor was 32 f ... I'm a bit weary now .. .

The first day  of an action packed three day clinic  🤠.. a great array of various breeds..and  ages . ...from the ground...

The first day of an action packed three day clinic 🤠.. a great array of various breeds..and ages . ...from the ground to the ridden work keeps you on your toes .... some great changes in the horses were had ...hope the weather is not too freezing tomorrow 🤠

Horses and pigs ...or anything scary for that matter ...Rowan had high flight instincts when the neighbour's suddenly se...

Horses and pigs ...or anything scary for that matter ...Rowan had high flight instincts when the neighbour's suddenly set up a free range pig farm...😭

We were able to help him understand that the pigs weren't as bad as his 65 million years of evolutionary prey animal mind had made him believe 🙈

The first thing we did before we started to take Rowan out into death by piggy Valley was that he was versed in the leading .stopping. and lateral groundwork exercises and mentally understood these benchmarks ...🤠

We then proceeded to run through these exercises on the 200 yard trip into the valley of death ...

So I did my best for Rowan to ease his concerns on the way up as to help him focus on what I was asking of him ..and also allow him to digest mentally his fears

In a short period of time his fears and concerns turned into his strengths as he learnt to be braver and bolder and trust the human that was leading him into the pressure cooker ..instead of Rowan cracking a full mental he was able to think through the situation... follow a human into trust and relise pigs aren't that bad after all ..patience and good direction . what a legend he was ..it went a lot smoother than i had anticipated..I was so happy and so was his owner ...so the owner has a bit of homework to do and one-day will probably ride back on the trail and it will be a walk in the park for Rowan. 😃

Ahh yesss ...pigs and horses .....no worries ...good horsemanship and a couple of treats wins out in the end ..whatever it takes to help the horse 🎶🎶🤠🤠🤜🤛

How could you resist this face ..little Denzel  8 month old Shackleford banks sweetheart ...my little mate gets the roya...

How could you resist this face ..little Denzel 8 month old Shackleford banks sweetheart ...my little mate gets the royal treatment around here 🤠🤠🌈






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