Urethrocystoscopy in 11yo male entire Collie who was referred with a history of acute-on-chronic dysuria. This is an endoscopic view of the urethral obstruction, a 5mm stone, which was retropulsed back into the bladder using continuous saline irrigation to dilate the urethra and assist movement. This was achieved using continuous saline irrigation via the working channel. An indwelling urethral catheter was then placed prior to laparoscopic-assisted cystoscopy for urolithotomy. A very challenging procedure to day the least as tiny stones which are too large to suction into a laparoscopic port yet also ‘slip’ away from graspers, baskets, and especially, Nd:YAG lasers. This one was retrieved using grasping forceps via working channel of 2.7mm x 30 oblique telescope placed near apex of the bladder. The indwelling urinary catheter was left in situ to allow the urethra to ‘rest’ for 12h-24h post-procedure. The dog started to urinate actively on his own. He was discharged 12h later bright and happy just in time for Christmas 🎄