Just Dexter saying “ I love you!” 😃❤️
First structured walk went great!! There were so many distractions; neighbors in their driveway, someone mowing, cars driving by, a bicycle and a barking dog! She rose to the occasion and surprised me with how tuned into me she was!
Honey has been with us a few weeks and in the past three days I have really seen a change in her. Her trust in me has multiplied and she is so fun to watch. We are working on confidence boosting activities. The first time she was scared of the place bed and terrified of the tunnel. You can see she is slowly gaining more confidence because she trusts me! We are also working to increase her focus on me. When we first worked in the basement she could hear my dogs and husband upstairs and could not focus. She really has come so far. I can’t wait to see where she goes!
Meet Honey!
Honey has been staying with us for a little bit to build a solid training foundation while she waits for her forever home. She loves her people so much!!! ❤️ She is such a sweet dog and a very fast learner!
Boomer rocking his place command in a new place with lots of distractions! 👏🏻 🐕
Boomer had a vet appointment, so instead of waiting in our car we took advantage of the vacant parking lot right next to us to do a little training session. 👏🏻
We live in the country so we don’t practice much in the city, so these opportunities are wonderful for us!
Boomer was practicing the stop command as well as staying calm with all the distractions around him. He did great! And I’m sure he enjoyed this more than sitting in the car!
Training shouldn’t just be done at home and doesn’t have to be well planned out. Take the little opportunities to do some spontaneous training and see if your pup can transfer his skills across a variety of settings and in the face of new distractions! 🐶
Take a look at Husker! 👀 He was introduced to communicative leash work to create calm, enjoyable walks! Before, Husker would drag his owner down the side walk. In order to change his behavior we first had to address his state of mind. 🐕
Through the communicative leash work, Husker has better ways of dealing with his feelings of over excitement. Equipped with new tools and knowledge, his owners are able to help Husker deal with all the exciting things they will encounter out on their walks! 👏🏻