People have been showing a lot of interest in cooper! In the mean time, we have been focusing on potty training and commands for ease of transition.
We live in Van Buren Arkansas and transportation is an option if you are looking for a Dalmatian in your life.
If anyone has ever wondered what Dalmatians are like off the leash, here’s our 4 year old male Pongo on an evening walk/run!
It’s all about the training
We’ve done 2 courses, intermediate and advanced, with Pongo when he was 1 years old
Scooter is one of our most adorable puppies we have and he’s still available!
Our Dals love their human babies as much as their own🥰
For those new to the page, we took some time off for me to have our last baby this year.
Pongo and Perdita love their new baby and she just adores them💕
The Plantation will have another litter with Perdi’s heat in the next few months.
If you have any questions or concerns about our puppies, or the Dalmatians in general (excluding costs and travel packages we offer), please feel free to ask them on the page because you never know who has the same question 😁
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Luna Mae Marshall (formerly Maudie)
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Hamish Durbin
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Jax (formerly Hubert)
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Patrick Swayze (formerly Wee Dingwall)
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Lucky Diaz (formerly Harris)
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Merida Bliss
Clan DunBroch has all grown up!
Rocco (formerly Fergus)