The 3-3-3 rule for rescues! 🐕🐕🐕
Have you adopted a rescue? Or are you looking to adopt one? Make sure that you understand the 3-3-3 rule.
Essentially, the 3-3-3 rule is the three milestones your new dog will go through when they arrive at your home.
The first milestone is three days. In these three days, your dog will likely be unsure or anxious. They might avoid taking food or water and will be uncomfortable at first. You need to help build your dog's confidence in this stage by giving them easy wins and positive reinforcement.
After the first milestone, there are the first three weeks. Your dog is finally settling in and getting used to its environment. At this point, you might notice behavior issues. As they become more comfortable, you'll see behaviors or habits they picked up from their previous homes. Patience and consistency in your training will help your dog develop the proper routines and kick the old undesirable behaviors.
Finally, the last milestone is the first three months. Your new forever pal will be comfortable in their new home and treat it as their own. They are pretty set in their routines and behaviors that you might have developed with them.
The key points at every step are patience and consistency! Good luck with your new pal, and check out our page and Facebook group!