Sylvaen Tamaskans

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  • Sylvaen Tamaskans

Sylvaen Tamaskans Health, Temperament, Conformation. World-renowned ITR registered breeder of quality Tamaskan Dogs.

With over a decade of breeding experience and over a dozen litters to our name thus far, we are proud to be internationally recognized for our dedicated efforts to preserve and promote this rare wolf-lookalike breed. Through careful selective breeding, to improve the breed as a whole, each of our litters is meticulously planned so as to produce Tamaskan puppies that conform to the official breed s

tandard set by the International Tamaskan Register (ITR): the international registry for the Tamaskan Dog breed! We look forward to making a strong contribution to the future of this incredible, unique breed. Whether you are looking for a beloved family pet or a personal hiking companion, or want to participate in more advanced obedience training (service dog, SAR, etc) you've come to the right place. Our goal is to produce healthy Tamaskan puppies with exemplary temperaments and an eye-catching appearance. Our adult breeding dogs are all fully health tested, as well as DNA tested via EMBARK. Moreover, all of our puppies are also DNA tested via EMBARK before they go to their new homes. We take pride in our Tamaskan puppies who bring so much joy to the lives of their families and we want to share this joy with you. Once again, welcome to our website... we hope you enjoy your visits here! Much love from the Sylvaen Pack.

UPDATE: So the good news is that there is no intestinal obstruction, and the contrast dye passed the whole way through. ...

UPDATE: So the good news is that there is no intestinal obstruction, and the contrast dye passed the whole way through.

Zephee is also negative for the SNAP Leish 4Dx Test (six vector-borne disease causing pathogens) and her blood sample was clean under the microscope (no evidence of Babesiosis / Piroplasmosis).

Her blood panel results today tend to indicate an infection / inflammation so she got a long-duration (3-day) broad-spectrum antibiotic injection and a vitamin B12 injection to help with her anemia since she hasn’t been eating.

Overall, Zephee seems perkier today and she is still active and alert, and she is drooling less… thankfully she hasn’t lost too much weight despite not eating for the past couple of days.

We have ruled out Leptospirosis and Addison’s Disease as she would otherwise be much sicker, weaker, more lethargic and would have vomiting and diarrhea, which she doesn’t have at all.

Overall, it’s probably “just one of those things” that will likely remain undetermined… but it seems she is already getting better compared to yesterday.

EDIT: she just ate half a kilo of BARF 🥳 so it seems she is on the mend ☺️

Unfortunately, Zephee is sick… for the past week or so she has been eating less and less. It’s been really hot here late...

Unfortunately, Zephee is sick… for the past week or so she has been eating less and less. It’s been really hot here lately so our dogs usually don’t eat much during the daytime, but we feed them in the early morning and late evening when it’s cooler… and she’s just been “off” (not her usual self) though she is still alert and active and she is drinking and peeing normally.

To encourage her to eat, we tried giving her different types of delicious foods, which she would normally eat happily (cooked chicken wings, leftover steaks, raw turkey drumsticks, frozen sardines, dog treats, kibble with olive oil and cooking cream mixed in, etc)… and she would just pick at it or leave it / ignore it completely. 🤦‍♀️

After several days of this, it was clear that she wasn’t improving and she became increasingly despondent and lethargic, so I became increasingly concerned that it could be pyometra, which is a risk for any intact adult female, though in that case she would likely be drinking a lot more water than usual. I took her temperature yesterday and it was normal (38.8 C / 101.84 F).

We took her to the vet clinic this morning and thankfully it isn’t pyometra as the ultrasound was clear and her uterus is empty / not detectable. However on the ultrasound it seemed like there was something in her bladder (perhaps a kidney stone) so he extracted a urine sample for analysis. Her urine and blood panel results are normal / inconclusive (low RBC / slightly anaemic, which is to be expected considering that she hasn’t eaten anything in the past 2 days or so) and her sodium level is low while her CHE level is slightly elevated (results attached).

Her temperature was 39.5 C (103.1 F) so this is considered a fever (though her temperature could have been slightly elevated from stress of being at the veterinary clinic). The lung x-ray was clear, as was the abdominal x-ray, but there was a slight shadow in her stomach so this afternoon she will get a barium contrast and tomorrow she will get another x-ray so we can see if there is a potential blockage (as I suspect could be the most likely explanation). 🙈

She is not interested in food at all (she turns her nose up at everything) and she is drooling quite a lot, but she isn’t vomiting at all. No p**p for the past couple of days (as expected since she has stopped eating). Hopefully we will get some more answers tomorrow. 🤞

In the meantime, any other ideas? 🤔

For Tamaskan Dogs, that phase is more like 9-18 months old… but otherwise: yes… 😅

For Tamaskan Dogs, that phase is more like 9-18 months old… but otherwise: yes… 😅
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Happy 3rd Birthday to our “Hogwarts Houses” litter (Oberon X Echo)

Neytiri (Sylvaen Asatru) after her bath this morning 💖

Neytiri (Sylvaen Asatru) after her bath this morning 💖


Good thing the CDC recently banned the import of rabies-vaccinated puppies under the age of 6 months old from rabies-free EU countries… 👏 bullet dodged! /sarcasm 🙄




Happy 8th Birthday to our "Fire" litter (Nanuk X Ziva)

UPDATE: Sylvaen Valentine is now reserved and he will be going to live in Poland 🇵🇱 AVAILABLE PUPPY: Sylvaen Valentine (...

UPDATE: Sylvaen Valentine is now reserved and he will be going to live in Poland 🇵🇱

AVAILABLE PUPPY: Sylvaen Valentine (male) G1 Tamaskan puppy from our Dusk X Echo litter, born 16 April 2024 (16 weeks old)

Through no fault of his own, Sylvaen Valentine is currently looking for a new family as it didn't work out with his previous home (the child in the family turned out to be allergic to dog fur, so he was returned to us). He is a fantastic puppy and he has a wonderful temperament... super friendly and gentle with children, and very well behaved overall.

He is fully vaccinated (Canigen DHPPi/L x3) at 7 weeks old, 10 weeks old, and 13 weeks old, and vaccinated against rabies (RABISIN) at 12 weeks old, and dewormed 6x (at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks old). Full Dentition / Complete Scissor Bite and both testicles properly in position. He is microchipped and has an EU Pet Passport, and he has been DNA tested via EMBARK:

As with all our puppies, he comes with a comprehensive health guarantee. Both of his parents are fully health tested (hips, elbows, eyes, heart, DNA) with excellent results, and all of their health certificates and x-rays (etc) can be seen on our website:

He can go to live anywhere in Europe and he is priced at 2500 EUR (+VAT if applicable). If you are interested, please email me: [email protected]

Zima is a natural when it comes to posing... just like her momma Misty, and equally as photogenic

Zima is a natural when it comes to posing... just like her momma Misty, and equally as photogenic

Storm (Sylvaen Blisstina) at Asserculis Tamaskan in Romania 🇷🇴

Storm (Sylvaen Blisstina) at Asserculis Tamaskan in Romania 🇷🇴

Ranger is such a goofball... getting him to pose nicely for photos is a challenge because he automatically wants to sit ...

Ranger is such a goofball... getting him to pose nicely for photos is a challenge because he automatically wants to sit for treats, and then rolls over for belly rubs 😄

Happy 5th Birthday to Tor (Sylvaen Survivor) 🥰🎂🐺

Happy 5th Birthday to Tor (Sylvaen Survivor) 🥰🎂🐺

On this day, one year ago, we faced a terrible flood here at Sylvaen Acres and we had to be evacuated, along with all 13...

On this day, one year ago, we faced a terrible flood here at Sylvaen Acres and we had to be evacuated, along with all 13 of our dogs (thankfully we didn’t have any puppies at that time). It was a crazy ordeal and very stressful.

Even now, one year later, we are still recovering from the damage. The clean-up process took months, with everything covered in crusted slimy mud and saturated in smelly swamp water.

We lost so much to the flood… clothes, shoes, furniture, hundreds of books we had in storage, construction materials, several huge bags of dog food that had to be discarded, dozens of bales of straw, garden furniture, sporting equipment… and, unfortunately, the flood insurance only covered a small fraction of the costs, but thankfully all of our dogs and farm cats survived.

One year later, the landscape still hasn’t fully recovered and it will likely take several years to return to pre-flood conditions (especially the lake area, which was turned into a swamp) but we have rebuilt a lot and we are currently in the process of building a flood wall around the developed area of our property as protection against future floods. It was a massive setback, but we overcame it and hopefully, if it ever floods again, we will be protected by the flood wall and better prepared for what to expect so we can take all necessary precautions.

RIP Ninja… the sire of our 2014 “Ninja” litter 💖

RIP Ninja… the sire of our 2014 “Ninja” litter 💖

Rest in Peace Ninja ❤️
02.11.2010 - 03.08.2024
Ninja had been doing so great. Even two weeks ago he was dashing around with and I was awed that despite his age Ninja was doing so great and so playful.
Sure, he was running slower, his hearing declined and he was showing sign of old age obstinacy. But he was in great shape. I was certain that he would have years to live.
2 days ago however he started to withdraw, even though he rarely left my side, not even when I wanted to go to the bathroom.
We brought him to the vet and Ninja got X-Rays, Ultra Sound and bloodtests. It was unclear what was exactly wrong, but it did not seem acute. He got medicine and I was supposed to pep him up and return in the morning.
During the night he was weaker and withdrawn. Caressing him made him happy, so I did that throughout the night. Around 05:00 I fell asleep and woke up at 06:09 with my hands still in his chest.
There was no breathing and I knew he had passed away.
I am sad that Ninja died, but I am also happy it went quick. I would have felt guilty for the rest of my life if I had given him into a clinic where he would have died alone.
The results of the tests were that Ninja died of an infection in the abdomen, possibly cancer. That most likely nothing could have been done to save him, even if it had been discovered sooner.
But that is how he was. Not showing pain. A proud, strong, self confident companion. I know you all see the pictures and videos and admire his charisma and looks. But the real beauty was his character. Never looking for trouble with other dogs. He was always ready for an adventure. He snug under the bed to keep me warm when I had the chills, even though it must have been very warm for him. Dogs followed his lead and fearful humans realized he was a friendly soul. Everyone liked him.
I still laugh when I remember our first morning. At 5:30 I heard fast steps running toward the bed, saw him flying on the bed on top of me. My arms were covered by the sheets and Ninja was on top of me. He kissed me licked my face and I could not defend from his love. I laughed hard and was so happy.

Thank You Ninja for Your love ❤️


Happy 7th Birthday to our "Noble Grapes" (Nero X Ziva) litter!🥰🥳🐺🎂

Despite a huge number of emails, applications and inquiries from all over the world, we still have two available female ...

Despite a huge number of emails, applications and inquiries from all over the world, we still have two available female puppies from our Dusk X Sable litter! They were born 13 March 2024 and they are now 4.5 months old: Sylvaen Asatru (plush coated) and Sylvaen Pagan (short coated).

Both girls were reserved since birth but, due to unexpected circumstances, there were last-minute cancellations and, since then, we've been searching for the perfect new homes for them.

They are both super friendly, very sweet and cuddly... extremely playful and curious. They love to explore and they also LOVE playing in water and splashing in the paddling pool. They are used to walking on a leash and they love children and meeting new people of all ages.

They are both fully vaccinated (Canigen DHPPi/L x3) at 7 weeks old, 10 weeks old, and 13 weeks old, and vaccinated against rabies (RABISIN) at 12 weeks old, and dewormed 6 times (at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks old). We are not charging for the additional vaccinations or deworming treatments, or any extended stay costs up to this point. They are both microchipped and have EU Pet Passports, and they have been DNA tested via EMBARK.

As with all our puppies, they come with a comprehensive health guarantee. Their parents are fully health tested (hips, elbows, eyes, heart, DNA) with excellent results, and all of their certificates (and x-rays, etc) can be seen on our website:

These girls are now old enough that they can travel freely anywhere in the EU (15+ weeks old) and many other countries around the world, including some countries with a higher import age! As per the CDC's new import regulations, they can travel to the USA on/after 13 September, once they are 6+ months old.

If you are interested, please email me: [email protected]

Also, if you have already submitted an application or email and haven't heard back from me yet, or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me. We are welcoming all serious inquiries!


Happy 3rd Birthday to our “Deep Space” litter (Snow X Layla) 💖🎂🥳🐺

Update! Some changes for puppies travelling from rabies-free EU countries to the USA from 1 August onward: now rabies va...

Update! Some changes for puppies travelling from rabies-free EU countries to the USA from 1 August onward: now rabies vaccination won’t be required, but puppies will still have to be 6+ months old to enter, which means that the rabies vaccine will have to be done anyway since it is a requirement in the EU from 12+ weeks old onward. Microchipping is also a requirement in the EU.

Once again, these updates reveal that the CDC really has no clue about the EU regulations and requirements, upon which they are basing their decisions for entry to the USA.

Finally, “dogs must appear healthy upon arrival” really means very little… no other vaccination requirements? Deworming treatments? The EU regulations are much stricter and puppies can travel freely throughout the EU from 15+ weeks old, but apparently will still have to wait an additional 2+ months to travel to the USA from 1 August onward, for no good reason. 🤦‍♀️

CDC issues regulations to control the entry of dogs into the United States from other countries. The

Ranger is a goofy boy :)

Ranger is a goofy boy :)

Lunas (Sylvaen Cupid) after his bath, before he went to his new home in Switzerland 🇨🇭🥰💖

Lunas (Sylvaen Cupid) after his bath, before he went to his new home in Switzerland 🇨🇭🥰💖

✨EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES!✨AVAILABLE PUPPY: Sylvaen Valentine (male) G1 Tamaskan puppy from our Dusk X Echo litter, bor...


AVAILABLE PUPPY: Sylvaen Valentine (male) G1 Tamaskan puppy from our Dusk X Echo litter, born 16 April 2024 (3.5 months old)

Through no fault of his own, Sylvaen Valentine is unexpectedly available again!

He went to his new home last week and, unfortunately, the child in the family turned out to be allergic to dog fur, so Sylvaen Valentine was returned to us this morning.

He is fully vaccinated (Canigen DHPPi/L x3) at 7 weeks old, 10 weeks old, and 13 weeks old, and vaccinated against rabies (RABISIN) at 12 weeks old, and dewormed 6x (at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks old). He is microchipped and has an EU Pet Passport.

He has been DNA tested via EMBARK:

As with all our puppies, he comes with a comprehensive health guarantee. Both of his parents are fully health tested (hips, elbows, eyes, heart, DNA) with excellent results, and all of their certificates (and x-rays, etc) can be seen on our website:

If you are interested, please email me: [email protected]

The EMBARK DNA results for our most recent litters are now finished! 🥳

The EMBARK DNA results for our most recent litters are now finished! 🥳

ITR registered breeder of quality Tamaskan Dogs. This website contains useful information about this rare wolf-lookalike breed as well as photos, pedigrees, health test results, awards, media work, upcoming litters and available puppies. Located in Zagreb, Croatia (Europe).


There is no cure




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Our Story

Hello & Welcome to our page! With almost a decade of breeding experience and over a dozen litters to our name thus far, we are proud to be internationally recognized for our dedicated efforts to preserve and promote this rare wolf-lookalike breed. Through careful selective breeding, to improve the breed as a whole, each of our litters is meticulously planned so as to produce Tamaskan puppies that conform to the official breed standard set by the International Tamaskan Register (ITR): the international registry for the Tamaskan Dog breed!

We have been officially registered with the International Tamaskan Register (ITR) since 2019 and the Tamaskan Dog Register (TDR) since 2009. We are also registered with the Croatian Ministry of Agriculture (license number: HR191/64/15P). We look forward to making a strong contribution to the future of this incredible, unique breed. So, whether you are looking for a beloved family pet or a personal hiking companion, or want to participate in more advanced obedience training (service dog, SAR, etc) you've come to the right place.

Our goal is to produce healthy Tamaskan puppies with exemplary temperaments and an eye-catching appearance. Our adult breeding dogs are all fully health tested (hips, elbows, eyes and DM) as well as DNA profiled via Neogen GeneSeek and DNA tested via MyDogDNA (Genoscoper). Moreover, all of our puppies are also DNA profiled via Neogen GeneSeek and DNA tested via MyDogDNA (Genoscoper) before they go to their new homes. We take pride in our Tamaskan puppies who bring so much joy to the lives of their families all over the world and we want to share this joy with you. Much love from the Sylvaen Pack.

We currently own 4 registered Tamaskan Dogs: