I’ve been taking time to be still lately. Lighting a candle while I enjoy my first cup of coffee. I take this time to be thankful. It has really calmed some of the chaos in my mind in this very busy season of life.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This has been in the fridge for a while and is no longer good for some hard cider so I’m letting it ferment to apple cider vinegar. It is not apple scrap vinegar made from scraps. This was pressed apples made into fresh cider and then fermented naturally . I prefer these older ways, the product isn’t as predictable but I’m okay with that.
Food is medicine, making farming/homesteading a medical profession. Getting quality clean food, sunlight, fresh air, God’s music, and exercise is so important to your health! Homesteading gets you all of this!
The only thing missing from this video is milk cows, pigs, chickens and other livestock. But I am on a very small lot so I don’t have them. But my farmers do! And they are excellent farmers.
#foodismedicine #growwhereyouareplanted #farms #knowyourfarmer #rawmilkrevolution #meatheals #livestockfarming
Last falls Apple Cider has turned to vinegar and hard cider.
The difference between sprouted brown rice flour and regular brown rice flour.
4 ingredient corn chips
Corn, lime, salt and tallow. For local friends these gorillas can be found at the Latino Grocery. Best chips ever. See the comments for the nachos photo.
Morning Brew
Thanks to @twochickshomestead the morning brew has a raw egg added. Wow so creamy and lots of B vitamins.
Back to basics here. Sprouts, specifically broccoli, alfalfa and a salad mix. Salad, sandwiches, soups.
In the Dark of Winter
Sunrise is 8:19 today and sunset is 5:10. The irony of this is we won’t see the sun at all.
I don’t struggle with depression now they I have my vitamin D optima and good fats in my diet but the lack of sunlight or even seeing the sun does bring on the winter dull drums.
So I have my happy lap out! It really does help me wake faster in the mornings.