Question: How to calculate dosage when begin a treatment?
Confirm cat SYMPTOMS and WEIGHT first.
🏷Calculate Step:
1⃣ Make sure the (unit) dosage (unit:mg/kg)
Usually, Dosage unit is: mg/kg
Wet FIP beginning with 6-8 mg/kg;
Dry FIP beginning with 7-8 mg/kg;
Ocular FIP beginning with 10 mg/kg;
Neuro FIP beginning with 12 mg/kg;
2⃣ Calculate the total mg GS (unit: mg)
Total mg: Cat weight(kg)* Unit dosage (mg/kg)
3⃣ Divide it to injections(mg/ml)or pills(mg)
Injection Volume: Total mg/Concentration(mg/ml)
Pills amount: Total mg/Pills content(mg)
🏷Calculate Formula:
💉Injections Volume: Cat weight (kg)* Unit dosage(mg/kg)/ concentration (mg/ml)
💊Pills Amount : Cat weight (kg) * Unit dosage (mg/kg)/Pills GS Content(mg)
FIP Dosage calculation:
This dosage calculator calculates the appropriate dose of any medication based on your weight.