The aids are the riders way of communicating, integrating, and influencing the movement of the horse.
How the horse RECEIVES these aids is the make or break between ex*****on, accomplishment, and quaility of movement.
The receptivity of the aids can be assessed in three categories... 🔹Mental 🔹Emotional🔹Physical
How does your horse RECEIVE the aids MENTALLY? Does he cognitively understand what the aid is asking?
How does your horse RECEIVE the aid EMOTIONALLY? How does he FEEL about your hands, seat or leg? Defensive, shutdown, anxious...?
How does your horse RECEIVE the aid PHYSICALLY? How does the body respond? With tension, dullness, reactivity?...and in what anatomical order?
Most of us have been taught the aids in a series of successions and combinations. What many of us don't understand very well is the aids in isolation. This is key to being able to diagnose an issue and get to it's root.
Aids in isolation are like letters. A,B,C,D,E......
Your right leg is a single aid, left leg, right rein etc...
Using aids in combinations is like forming words out of letters...like CAT.
Aids used in combinations with energy and exercises is like writing sentences and paragraphs.
You develop sentence structure and punctuation and it becomes and art. As a horse progresses it can get complex quickly without the right foundation, and if a horse has missed a letter in the alphabet there can easily be discord that purpetuates quality or prevents forward progress.
Common receptivity issues are lack of engagement, rider nagging, tail swishing, rushing, or heaviness...to name a few.
Now of course these issues can also be caused from poor tack, training methods, or body pain, and if not addressed will in turn negatively affect the association of the aids as well.
Remember Pavlov dogs. The dogs learned to salivate at the ring of a bell because of the consistent pairing of food with the sound which programmed an ASSOCIATION. Associations are incredibly powerful!
So even if the aids were not the initial problematic cause, there is now a negative association and many times some of the aids have to be rebuilt even once the bad saddle, training, or body pain is fixed.
If you feel you have a receptivity issue, the fix is to break things down into parts, or isolations. slow everything down into SLOW motion, or better yet start from the halt to asses receptivity.
Let's use the leg as an example
Slowly and Softly present the leg, does your horse tense it's body, grind it's teeth, swish it's tail, or rush off before you even began? Any one of these are signs of a receptivity issue.
The first thing I want is for my horse not to be afraid or defensive to any of my aids. So that means I will approach and retreat with any aid, slowly and Softly until the horse is relaxed.
Step 2 is to educate the horse (from a place of relaxation and confidence) the desired response.
If the horse was defensive to the leg, the first step would be to get the horse relaxed with the approach and feel of the leg, THEN teach the horse how move forward or yeild. Rewarding small effort and not over facing.
Step 3 is to then progressively develop and refin the aid. many riders make the mistake of expecting too much too soon and it can make the horse defensive, anxious, sore, or less willing to try in the future... resulting in nagging.
Building the aids is like teaching a child the alphabet, then teaching them how to spell words, and then creating sentences and structure.
Think of how the aids break down into their most simplist form. Have a really good understanding and awareness of how the aids build from there.
Spoiler alert, understanding receptivity is a cornerstone in refinement and creating soft, light, and willing partners.