A horse’s behavior is a mirror of their past associations, and present circumstances….
…and, If we put a human interpretation on a horse’s behavior, it says more about us than it does about them.
Just like you and I, horses life experiences are recorded by the brain and given physical and emotional associations.
They have some of the same basic parts of the brain as us, the reptilian brain: in charge of automatic functions like breathing, digestion, fight and flight etc... and the limbic system responsible for memory and emotion. But they don’t have the same cerebral cortex as us that is responsible for complex thought, ego, building a jet, or…. plotting against someone.
So UNLIKE you and I, the horse doesn’t create a story around a situation, hold grudges, manipulate, or intentionally be difficult. They also don’t dwell in the past or future the way we do.
They don’t have the part of the brain responsible for that type of thinking.
If something appears in the PRESENT moment that they have a past experience or association to, they will respond in the manner that that experience was impressioned.
If they have no familiar experience, they will usually respond with apprehension or worry, as the self-preservation of a prey animal...unless they feel SAFE enough to be curious and confident.
Learn to read your horse's behavior as a guide to what they NEED from you, not as a personal attack. They are not capable of being a “jerk”, “difficult”, “stubborn” or any other expletives that people use. Mares are not “nasty”, breeds are not “crazy”….
AND, unlike humans, they don’t have an ego. The ego is the "I" or self identity of any person; not just a term for inflated personalities.
Everyone has an ego, but if we place an egoic interpretation onto THEM, it is really just a projection of something in US!
Projection of the self is what the human brain does without conscious awareness…unless you learn to become aware of it, and even then it’s tricky.
So be careful the next time you call your horse a name or interpret an “egoic behavior” of your horse, you’re likely just revealing your own dirty laundry, and none of it has to do with your horse…. Mirror, Mirror.
So, in conclusion…..
A horse’s behavior is a mirror of past association or present circumstances…
….An EGO based interpretation of horse behavior is a mirror of something in you.