This is a breeder friend who had this happen, and it is so true! We can love both if the breeder or shelter/rescue you get the dog from is trying to do what's best for the dog.
It takes tough skin to be a breeder.
Tougher skin than I actually have most days.
For the most part, I ADORE every aspect of this gig. But, not everyone "loves" breeders (Heck, there's some I don't like!😜🤣)
Infact some people down right hate us.
To each thier own.
I had a lady message me the other day saying "I hate breeders and ONLY do rescue. Your dogs do look very loved and happy, BUT I wish you'd stop breeding!" ... uhm. Ok...
(BTW, I no longer tolerate this. You are immediately blocked)
Well, I love rescue too. You can love both. Why is it always one or the other?
You can need a specific breed for a specific job and THAT'S OK. And it's ok if you seek out a GOOD breeder. And you can need any old dog, for no real reason/ or just need companionship and you can rescue, and THAT'S OK. Do it! I 100% support you. I'VE DONE IT.
Happy here is a rescue. She was going to be shot and ki***ed for merely taking up space with her siblings on a farm, where they'll keep having pups and keep k******* them if they don't find homes. I don't think Happy looks miserable. And I don't think Happy cares if I'm a breeder. She'll never have pups, but she'll always be fed, loved, played with. Do u think she cares? She's just thankful she isn't d***.
Can you imagine someone coming to your business, where you've poured your life into it, and say "I don't like that you're an accountant. I do my own taxes and I wish you'd just stop doing peoples taxes". It sound ridiculous doesn't it? I think we all need to step back and really think about what we say to people and imagine if someone was saying that to us.
We can all do good no matter what we do. We can all spread love no matter what our job. We can all encourage and cheer each other on. You don't have to use/ like/ want something, but we can just scroll on by and shut up. ;)
I love this life. I love every puppy like it's mine until it goes home and I still love them. I love the families I meet and the good outweighs the bad. Try loving your life. It's the best feeling 💕