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Four PAWS Sake UK Somewhere for Help, Advise and Support. for anyone who has or has had pets from Rescue Centres abroa


We would respectfully ask the Government to give urgently needed help with the anticipated massive increase in heating costs for this Winter to small and medium sized Animal Rescue Centres who are unable to absorb these costs.


So food for thought we have seen the West Ham Footballer being fined £250,000 from his club and his two cats removed by the RSPCA. Is this really acceptable no.

There needs to be a total ban on owning cats, dogs any kind of pet. Why because £250,000 will mean nothing to him our footballers are paid over the odds.

To be honest there is no price on our dogs and cats they provide people with unconditional love and loyalty what is needed is more education on this exact subject.

They may be small, medium large dogs/cats but they all deserve the care and love that they expect and yes I will say expect for there well-being if nothing else.

Dogs are not just dogs they are part of our family they are loyal, loving, caring they have feelings just like we do, they are sensitive which is why they make the perfect companions for all walks of live.

Sit up and listen they are not just animals no pets are they are lifelines to so many people embrace please x

It seems a few of our posts are being reportedWe don't know why as all we are doing is sharing awareness  No animal dese...

It seems a few of our posts are being reported
We don't know why as all we are doing is sharing awareness

No animal deserves to be mistreat by anybody never mind 'rescues'

Please refrain from liking with sad or angry faces as to avoid Facebook bots / algorithm

And as always love your animals with the love you would expect 😘

Goodnight all

On this day in 1926, a London publishing house first released Alan Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh children's book.

On this day in 1926, a London publishing house first released Alan Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh children's book.

Cats meet Hampsters 🤣

Cats meet Hampsters 🤣

Well this sums  my furbabies up in 1 🤣🤣How about yours ??Bet there will be a few if not all of you

Well this sums my furbabies up in 1 🤣🤣
How about yours ??
Bet there will be a few if not all of you

I felt this needed to be in here Admin Wendy

I felt this needed to be in here Admin Wendy

In loving memory of all our lost ones 💔

In loving memory of all our lost ones 💔

Still happening and alot more. Please please beware.

Still happening and alot more. Please please beware.

I wanted a family and was happy it was you.I thought I'd be loved and spoilt like your your humans do.You tided me up an...

I wanted a family and was happy it was you.
I thought I'd be loved and spoilt like your your humans do.
You tided me up and left me there outside for days on end.
I look into the window hello I am here friend.
I watch as you cuddle and love the little humans.
I wish that could be me why am I out here.
I bark to get attention but you shout shut up dog.
I try to get the energy to stand to see you all
But I am too weak and I begin to fall.
All I wanted was some love food water and play.
I am still outside my friends come help me it's ok.
I look into the window one last time.
Before my eyes finally close and gone am I.
All I wanted was a family why didn't they love me so over the rainbow bridge I will now go.
They didn't even cry when they found my body there
It was like they just never really cared.
I'm happy now and healthy and running round to play I'm loved by all the angels over the bridge today.
I'm sorry I was not good enough for you
I wish I could of done better then you would not of been so crule.
Good by friends I still love you all even though you was not nice to me at all



What pets do you all have and how did you meet them ?

1 of my cats was abused as a kitten so we demanded her to be ours so she was in a safe environment
She's still skittish 2 years on but has improved lots


⚠ CAT FOOD RECALL UPDATE | An outbreak of a rare condition that causes severe illness in cats has led to a voluntary recall of multiple brands of cat food ➡

Despite a nationwide product recall, vets are concerned not enough is being done to warn owners about the widely sold brands, as more cases are recorded.

Fold Hill Foods is voluntarily recalling a number of its hypoallergenic cat food products, from brands including Sainsbury’s, AVA, Applaws and Wilko, over a possible link to an outbreak of a potentially fatal cat condition, feline pancytopenia.


Dogs Are Awesome - Funny Dog Compilation! | UNILAD

They arnt just pets they are family 👪 ❤ They love you endlessly and rely on you

They arnt just pets they are family 👪 ❤
They love you endlessly and rely on you

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a p*ep.I could see that you were found it hard to sleep.I wh...

I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a p*ep.
I could see that you were found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear.
"It's me, I haven't left you...I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."

I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea.
You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today, your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.

I was with you at my grave today, you tend it with such care.
I want to reassure you that I am not lying there.
I walked with you toward the house, as you fumbled for your key,
I gently put my paw on you. I smiled and said, "It's me."

You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know that I was standing there.
It's possible for me to be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty, "I never went away."

You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.
The day is over...I smile and watch you yawning
And say, "Goodnight, God bless, I'll see you in the morning."

And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we will stand, side-by-side.
I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out...then come home to be with me.

-Author Unknown

Just a little info I found from rspca. Some people may not even know xx ADMIN WENDY

Just a little info I found from rspca. Some people may not even know xx ADMIN WENDY

So we have set up this page to highlight the pitfalls and heart aches that can occur when trying to adopt a puppy/dog fr...

So we have set up this page to highlight the pitfalls and heart aches that can occur when trying to adopt a puppy/dog from overseas.

Yes we are aware that there can be successes but of late there have been more heartbreak. Technical problems occurring with adoptions and so much more.

If anyone has a story to share please do we look forward to hearing them.

In memory of Bobby and Thor ###


So there are good and bad but I would like to remind many of the downfalls of puppy farms as well as adopting from overseas puppy farms.

You may feel that you are doing good but there are a lot of overseas rescues that are being puppy farms and actually pinching dogs from the streets to sell on.

Here is an extract from a story that I am reading at the moment, it is a true life story.

So Pickles the Yorkshire Terrier has just had her litter of puppies not the first time either yet again they have been taken away from her again they are not even 6 eeeks old. She is left in an overcrowded, noisy and dirty barn. She is weak and her skin is burning all over from a very painful skin condition. She has lived this live for 6 years.

The fate of her puppies is yet again unknown, would you really want to fund something so awful? Think twice x



Make sure to brush your furbabies  especially with this heat I THINK IVE CREATED A NEW RABBIT (from his malted hair) Thi...

Make sure to brush your furbabies especially with this heat

I THINK IVE CREATED A NEW RABBIT (from his malted hair)
This is a day after brushing too

He's a lion head cross

Trust me they will thank you 😊🙏

We sure have got this!

We sure have got this!

So here is our story, it is long but ends as best it could.From the very start we must mention we are a family of 3 adul...

So here is our story, it is long but ends as best it could.
From the very start we must mention we are a family of 3 adults. Myself, Christian and Laura. We have 2 adorable male cats who are 1.5 year old brothers.
Between us 3 we have had over 10 dogs and over 20 cats and various other animals so we have experience in the bucket loads. And so let's continue this terrible take of a family just wanting to love and change a dogs life.

Bobby is an amazing soul, who we found by accident after asking about over 3 other puppies. Being told to wait, be patient, etc. etc. We Honestly thought we had found the perfect friendly rescue place, recommended to us by a dear friend. We were sceptical as Pro Anima Rescue is in Macedonia but we gave it a try.
After a while I saw a post by them asking for volunteers to help them start fundraising, marketing and admin roles. I've always loved raising for animals so yes I volunteered. Placed in a chat with others. And not long after came a photo of Bobby asking if I'd consider a dog with issues etc. Bobby being 2 they said. Nervous and quiet. And told me his only cure would be his own family. Oh his story of how was dumped on a road with his 8 siblings, only 5 survived and 4 rehomed but Bobby was left. Awwwww we talked as a family and said oh we sure could help him and give him the love needed.

We stated that we wanted to be able to take a dog everywhere with us, and were excited to be offered Bobby and would love to help him.

We had a video call with The Shelter Owner, and two associates. The shelter owner spoke no English called Jasmina, who Elena called Boss. Elena spoke fairly good English and had Tamara based in Scotland as her associate who helped with anything not understood.

I answered a multitude of questions which felt like went on forever. Considering so many were on the application form also. And then was asked to take them round my flat and communal garden as they were aware of.
I took them round both and even went further to show a field which through a gate attaches to our gardens. And our communal garden gates. Also it was seen that other gardens backed onto ours but had 6ft high fences so all good.
I even locked myself out and needed buzzing in during the live, Tamara laughed and said " showing us how secure it is"

After the home check I was told they would get back to me about Bobby

Then Justina left and I was left with Elena and Tamara who discussed the fundraising sides and other things asking me to be the lead fundraiser for the UK if I was ok with that. Of course I'd really wanted to help other poor dogs and cats.
The call ended.
The next day I messaged Elena and asked about Bobby and was told yes.
She asked if we were sure and I found it odd given he was nervous and shy but we already knew and had decided to help him.
So anyway it was agreed he would travel over in July.

Time went on. Elena gave me discount on the travel as said because I was helping them. Which I was chuffed about.
We bought everything we needed and asked for measurements as really wanted to make sure we had all his needs taken care of.
I also asked if was lead trained and she said no but they would look at sorting that before he left. She also said was fine with cats etc.

So time passed, Elena suddenly said if we wanted she could see if he could travel earlier in June. We were excited
So it was arrange he would leave them in June. Oh my we were so happy to get him. So we waited patiently for news when he was leaving.

On the day he was due to leave I messaged Elena and asked how he was and if he had left. She told me yes he had and that he had to be sedated to go. Oh my heart pounded as I was so worried as if I had known he would need sedating as so distressed I'd have said no stop he isn't ready. But was done so I just asked to keep me up to date. I was so extra worried for him at this point.
We got updated when they arrived in Romania and stayed overnight.
Oh the wait was painful like waiting for a family baby to be born etc.
When they arrived at the Euro Tunnel we began to get so excited. Our boy was on his way. Our new family member coming home. We got no sleep as very anxious for him.
The morning came and the van arrived. Oh my he was here.
We all three went out to welcome him. He was so scared they had to pull him from the van and as soon as he got out he did a wee for England and a poo. Thanks Bobby welcome home.

We then had to have a photo showing us with him even though Bobby was not keen and I wasn't either as so worried about him. We then carried him in as they advised. He was only given to us on a lead we had to hand over. We said we had a harness inside we could get but they said no its fine. They had one on him already and a very badly broken collar. ( see pics )

We carried him in. He was so scared poor soul understandably because of his travels. He ran under our table to a corner. So we allowed him to and gave him space.

We popped some treats near him. He rested and looked thirsty. We brought a big bowl of water to him which he drank. And then we re filled and he drank that also. Then had his treats.
He fell asleep so we left him in peace.
7 hours later we agreed he probably needed a wee so maybe time to show him were to go but we said on his leach as we didn't want him to be spooked by the doors etc. So we did we managed to encourage him with us out of our flat door to our secure door. And then my daughter took him as I opened door. He went with her and I went in front of him so he knew where to be. I was a little distance in front so not to over crowd him so he could do his business.
He suddenly started to wriggle and before we could even move he was out of his harness. We were shocked but we immediately went to check gates which were OK. He could not get through those as to big.
He did however after a fair bit of time find a loose slat and of he went. We went to find. And came across a lovely lady called Lisa who had just had him in her garden but he ran off. He bolted towards an area called the Copse which is a nature reserve of beauty surrounded in 7 fields of beauty. Somewhere dog walkers love but with very dense bushes and trees.

And so the horror began.
All three of us went into the woods to see if could find him. We went through stinging nettles and bushes, quiet and low to not worry him. No sign.
My daughter and Lisa were looking one way. Myself and Christian went the other way. Honestly it was a shocking and emotional time.
During all this I was in contact with Both Elena and Tamara and they were keen for updates and worried also. We talked to a number of other dog walkers and kept walking and looking. And as soon as I went home to look for the dog lost sight recommended to me. Lisa had already shared him into some local groups for us. And as I was just finishing the online form for lost dog. A message came through from Elena saying they had done it already, claiming not to worry they were doing what could to help me from their end.
Meanwhile I made a poster printed lots with mine and my partners numbers on and went out to get them up all over the Copse.
When we returned we were told we had to use the ones Dog Lost had made which only had my partners number on and one of a Lady called Lynda who works for Pro Anima Rescue.
I was shocked but ok we printed lots of them also and went replacing and putting up at other places.
I was out looking all over the place. We rang the dog wardens to report as hoped for help.
After I had been looking for so long I slipped in some mud and really hurt my ankle.
When I then told Elena, sorry I can't keep being online I need do more offline as I can’t cope. She got very annoyed with me. And told me to stop talking about my own feelings and only think about how Bobby is feeling. Now that angered me as I don't know what she thought I had been doing all that time, as well as listening to her saying things like she would die if he wasn't found, she could not breath until found. " oh what have I done" etc. etc.
I then had messages saying I had to be online all the time. So I said no I am sorting posters and need to look and do offline things. I asked if Christian and Laura could be added to chats to help online while I focused offline to help myself also as online all the time hinders looking.
She was awful and rude to Christian and because of this threatened to action RBU. I was amazed at her behaviour but ignored and decided best to only speak with her in the chat she had organised with others who were trying to assist us look.
I contacted Tamara in shock about the RBU and she apologised and said must be a miscommunication etc. So I carried on and kept looking and looking even in the dark. My ankle became worse but I didn't care if it fell of I only wanted Bobby safe.

An amazing kind lady called Alex came out to help us set up our 1st food station and camera.

We also had a lovely couple called Ann & Graham who came out with a Drone. They amazingly spotted him in the meadow next to the Copse. We went as soon as they said had a sighting. We were shocked and happy. Very emotional and well as for me very wet as I went low and quiet through the long grass to get as near as I could to offer food.
Bobby ran unfortunately and that was the last sighting we had which was positive.
We moved the food station to where last saw. But again no help only for foxes.
At this point after almost a week of Bobby being missing. Pro Amina turned on us. Despite saying not our fault they knew he could run and would be very fast etc.
Someone else in the chat suggested we started another chat with the others who wanted to help called Lost Dog South UK who we were keen to bring in. And suddenly out of the blue Elena again threatened the RBU again we were shocked at her behaviour.

Very soon after she did just that via email and told everyone in the chat that our adoption was revoked because we had cut communication, not kept up to date, not done all we could and not told them truth about our ability to look after Bobby. I sobbed because I was so hurt by this.
But we didn't stop we kept looking for our boy despite Elena always saying he was always hers and all dogs they adopt out are always theirs forever.
We were also very concerned as they never registered his chip until after he went missing and again told us he had a dual chip. So we did not have Control.
They never sent us his chip paperwork.

It was not long after this that Pro Amina told everyone to step back and stop looking. As they were taking on a company called Canine Capture to take over looking for him.
Both others and ourselves were shocked indeed.

Time passed and we never game up, hoping we could get him back as he was all we cared about. Oddly the Revoke notice stated they would pay us our transport costs back once he was safe in his RBU in Scotland. We never asked for money back we wanted Bobby as he was ours. This felt so bad to want to find him and then send again on another journey.
They started to spread round that we had taken him out for a walk not for a wee like we did. They were really upsetting us with their lies. Using my words “taken for walkies for a p*e p*e as if we had taken him away from our property.

We researched them and were shocked to find lots of issues and we then realised how important it was to get Bobby safe be it with us or someone else. He was the priority. If we found him we would fight to keep. If he was found and went elsewhere we would fight for his rights and others so families not put through this.
Which is why I am sharing our story to help others even if one person some good has to come from this.
And to cut a long wait short. After 2 weeks of running free, Bobby was found and trapped. And collected by SNdogs who were following instructions from Elena. So we lost him.

After this, the ping pong game as we call it began.
After some time after he was safe, we were grieving our loss but also relieved he was safe again. We didn't know at this time where he was only that Canine Capture had handed him to someone working for the Pro Anima.

We took advice from professionals and we emailed Pro Anima directly advising that now Bobby was safe, could they refund as they had stated so we could end the horrendous ordeal. Which had ended with us having no new dog or money. Very unfair.

They replied with new demands saying refund would be sent only upon return of his passport and a letter from me relinquishing all rights to Bobby.
We agreed to comply with their extra requests but only upon receipt of the refund.
This carried on for a fair few emails.

Once this started to really effect my mental health we were advised to Use a trusted third party which was best to hold the passport and my letter until payment made.
So our dear friend Jennifer offered and so we sent her the documents via 1st class 24 hrs signed for post.

Jennifer then took over for us and started her own ping pong game to try and sort a payment before sending them the docs via the same postage method so we also had the proof of handover.
Well after a fair few emails and then a sudden message to my partner from Elena, advising should we cause any more problems we would be in court. We got the address. And payment was refunded to PayPal.

After payment was sent. Despite advising them docs were not with us, they sent a lady from SNdogs who my daughter saw walk round our flat buy never buzzed. Very odd indeed.

PayPal advised delay as refund 3-5 working days so we waited for this to clear, made sure they were aware and once cleared authorised Jennifer to post docs to the address where Bobby is now.
Now documents are received. We have a sense of closure and some would say we won our fight, but no we didn't we simply didn't allow them to take more than they could. Poor Bobby was our priority because we are determined to share our experience and help others not to go through what we did.
We were waiting to see how this ended first. Fair play we got money back. And we are grateful to Canine Capture for safely catching him and to SNdogs for looking after him as his RBU here not in Scotland oddly.

Where he will end up is unknown but all we can hope is someone will put in the time needed to undo the harm caused since he was a small puppy to make him how he was. Poor soul.
I asked Elena what had made him so scared and shy, she said “we don’t know" yet Confirmed they had him from 15 days old.
And to lead train him also as he turns 2 on 1st August according to his documents so I hope his Birthday now away from the hands of a shelter in Macedonia Will mean his 2nd Birthday is amazing and happy for him.
Happy freedom day Bobby you beautiful boy, we are proud to have helped you arrive here in the UK and to have met you and hear you snore happily while you slept under our table.
Shame on you Pro Anima Rescue for all the distress, unkind words and upset caused with delays to ending this horror you caused.
We regret ever contacting them and ever helping them like we did.

A family haunted by this trauma.
Please please if we stop one person suffering like us by sharing. We are happy to have helped.

Admin Sue

Caption this! Go on have fun.

Caption this! Go on have fun.

Beware and keep your furbabies in and cool during p*ek times.

Beware and keep your furbabies in and cool during p*ek times.


This is a story of a wonderful lady that decided to foster them adopt Thor to give him the best life ever. As you will see it did not work out as it should have done.

Thor is 3 years old he was in an Romania shelter Bianca owns the charity Nicoletta looks after all the dogs there. Bethany was a UK helper only.

I agreed and sent over foster papers for them all stating I have a 4 foot fence that can not be altered. Thor spent 4 days travelling in a cage in a transport van. We were all excited happy and ready for our new fur arrival. I waited up the whole time no sleep getting everything ready before the 9th July 2021 Friday evening at 9pm Thor arrived and looked much bigger than the rescue pictures.

I welcomed him into my home the transport van drove away and we got him inside closed all doors leading to the outside and took his lead off let him look around and try to settle down. He was so gentle. loving and really an amazing kind dog.

My 8 year old was super excited and look forward to helping Thor thrive with his stay with us all he took treats from our hands as soon as he got to the living room. The rescue did no home checks before he arrived as a foster for us all. I paid no money because they agreed to get Thor to the UK before payment on the 23rd July 2021 They said he needed to be here by the ninth because he was on the kill line list because of over crowding in the shelters in Romania I had Thor 10 mins in the house I was trying to put a lead on him in my kitchen he growled my 8 year old had her hand on the back door in kitchen ready to let Thor see our fenced gated garden. As I was trying to tell my 8 year old child do not open the door she had already opened it and I did not have a chance to get the lead on him. He did a fast run from kitchen and out door over the fence and gone I had everything he needed food bowls harness lead new collarr that is babe tagged toys treats he was going to be one spoilt boy.

After all he deserves it for what he been through as an ex street dog in Romania. My partner ran to try and catch him so did it going through stinging nettles getting scratched hurt soaking wet from rain and walking into a swamp. We didn't manage to find him. I informed the Romanian rescue straight away and was devastated this happened. I was not told to have dog gates at all doors and that Thor was a flight risk. 24 hours he had ran around the two travelling miles away from my home. I contacted a UK recovery dog team who are known very well for reuniting animals back to their family . I even got hold of drone people to help do foot work searching where he was seen last. The next day we went to where he was last seen put lots of posters up saying not to approach him and just call the phone numbers on the posters if seen. 1am Sunday morning Thor was trapped a d taken to my home All this time I was updating Romania rescue shelter about him and how he is. I told them he's blind in his left eye they were adamant that he was not blind in that eye and could see out it. His eye was glazed over and he could not see out of that eye at all.

He was lost in a country and area he did not know. He was frightened and kept standing in the middle of main roads going into farmers fieilds and bushes He back tracked his pathway where he was back to near my home where he new and the dog recover UK south managed to trap him and bring him back to me. I told the Romanian shelter that he is back and safe. They then said that the owner knew his breed all along and he had Pitbull in him which is an illegal breed in the UK. His passport said breed unknown mix that is how he got through UK boarders and customs. Someone from a UK rescue was contacted to get Thor safe. They contacted Bianca who was owner of the charity and told them their plans to get Thor to Scotland safe and loved and protected from being ceased and out down. Bianca happily sighted legal papers to release Thor to the UK rescue and be an official UK rescue dog. The UK rescue came at around 12pm Sunday and took Thor to safety until he was ready to travel again. They did this to stop Thor going back to Romania and be abused and tortured more through long travels.

This beautiful boy was called Monty or to be correct Littlecopse Blue Monty because of his Pedigree.I choose him because...

This beautiful boy was called Monty or to be correct Littlecopse Blue Monty because of his Pedigree.
I choose him because he came to me as a kitten. And I'd gone with a friend to collect her own kitten. I fell in love with him and that was that.
He was a true Garfield, he loved cuddles and was so friendly to our other cat called Holly.(Holly will have her own story soon)

Monty suddenly became very unwell and I rushed him to the vet, they did test after test and referred him urgently to the animal hospital. The news then was nothing expected.
He has cancer and it was so advanced the kindest action was to let him go. Age 6 I held his paw and kissed his nose and told him how loved he was.
To this day I remember his beautiful big eyes close and he was gone.
Always will have a place in my heart my Blue Boy 💙 RIP
Admin Sue

Help us to help Cat & Dog rescue centres here in the UK.Anything from the list helps 😍We will take them to where can be ...

Help us to help Cat & Dog rescue centres here in the UK.
Anything from the list helps 😍
We will take them to where can be used most.

We use cookies and similar tools that are necessary to enable you to make purchases, to enhance your shopping experience, and provide our services, as detailed in our Cookie Notice. We also use these cookies to understand how customers use our services (for example, by measuring site visits) so we c...

This is Bella, She is a brindle coloured staff quite small due to being the smallest of the litter. She was born on 3rd ...

This is Bella, She is a brindle coloured staff quite small due to being the smallest of the litter. She was born on 3rd October 2014. She became part of my family in May 2015 and sadly passed away 20th June 2020.
This is Her Story.

It was sometime in April 2015 (when our other dog was taken and never brought back by an ex boyfriend of mine (will explain in another post)) We wanted to get another dog to add to our family due to feeling lost without one. We looked at potential dogs until we came across an advert for a female staff puppy who had been microchipped and also had her injections ready to be rehomed for free we thought it was too good to be true so I contacted the owner and asked questions about the pup and we was invited to go and view the pup before we decided whether to take her home.

We went and saw the dog and fell in love with her at first sight she was so small and very hyper we adored her so there and then we decided we wanted her. She settled in and was so loved. She hardly ever barked and she always jumped and got excited when someone walked in through the door. She was very protective of me when I became pregnant with my son and when he came into the world she never left his side. She was such a loving, protective, beautiful, hyper, sometimes over excited Dog who was more than a dog to us she was family.
She did run away a few times only for a hour or two but always found her way back to us and was always happy when she did.

I always spoke to her gave her cuddles and kisses which she always did the same she use to lay her head on your lap or on my belly she even use to lie behind you and lay her head on your shoulder and then Sadly she became ill in June 2021. We took her to the vet who did tests and found out she had water on the liver and we was told she didn’t have long to live. They have her liver tablets, steroids and antibiotics to see if it would help but after a few weeks she got worse her stomach was bloated which made her belly nearly touch the ground. She could barely move and you could tell she wasn’t herself at all.

On the 20th June we had to make the hardest decision we ever had to make. We took her to the vets which confirmed our worse nightmare she had deteriorated so much and only only option was to have her put to sleep. It was hard hearing it but we knew it was best for her we didn’t want her to continue to be pain so that was the day she passed away. She had her family with her and we all said our goodbyes but it wasn’t really a goodbye it was a see you again soon. She took her last breath and was now out of pain. We paid to get her ashes so we will always have her with us even though she always will be. The pain of losing her will always be there but at least she can run free now with the others.

R.I.P. Bella. Will always be thinking of you. Miss and Love you Always
03/10/2014 - 20/06/2021

*Admin - Rachel*




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