Go, Bailey, Go! Sweet girl loved the chase!
At 17 years old, sweet LeeLee's favorite thing to do is snuggle and get massaging pets. She did like this ball roller I brought and held up for her to play.
I've always taught my cats to enjoy being swung, usually in a laundry basket. Here the teenagers Ziva and Isabel are swung by their cat Daddy. Try it with your kitties. Just start slowly.
Ziva is helping put decorations away.
More Pippen antics. He wasn't playing with this until I moved it, and started the ball rolling.
Ever blow bubbles for your cat? Pippen enjoys watching and chasing them.
For calico lovers like me, Aria's coat is so wonderful. She enjoys going outside, even in the cold, for some string play.
For those of you who remember Ginny, the sister of the two who's owner died last summer. A good friend adopted her. She's well loved and doing great. I stopped by to play with her, and she always remembers me.
Mindy, Sophie, Melanie, three sweet girls who like to play.
Merry Christmas from Cozy Cats at Home, as Ziva and Isabel share their love for one another. The mutual grooming went on and on.
Weasley leaping at thought of almost Christmas! Sirius gets in on fun a bit.
Sometimes you just gotta have fun with cats. Karl Otto did get to capture the fuzzy worm later.