Brand new, expandable home.
Winder sale, now only: $26,995.00.
Approx. 400 sq./ft. 20'X20' nominal size. Spacious bath with large walk in shower, master suite, bonus room, and great room with kitchen. Kitchen cabinets included / furniture is not. I have one set up as a model home so you can view it in person and see if it is for you. Walls and ceiling are insulated well (SIP panel construction). Double pane insulated windows and doors. Wired for 120V and plumbed.
These are designed for a park model locations or tiny home applications. It can be set permanently on a foundation or as a ready move, on blocks. Just unfold, bolt corners, seal joints and enjoy. It is well built and about 8000 lbs. You can easily use a crane to load/unload. It is designed for it with crane hook holes like a shipping container. This is not the same as the plastic walled, plexiglass single pane, thin wall, thin frame, junk homes you see on Amazon.
Can easily be set up for year around use. Just insulate the floor or set on your choice of foundation. We set ours up as a three season and the well insulated walls, ceiling, windows, and doors make it possible to keep it comfortable with a small and inexpensive quarts heater.
This is a quality product you can inspect in person. See a video tour and more pictures at: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN_zlNAtJC0Vd9uaziHYbbnrd7PfU2FVuo-gCfo-glAZTGDuobYB9_aaWlbJ0hDKw?key=VFkybDdrd3UxLXgyUTYtT2JHSmpxYmEzbm1oZTN3