We are currently uploading some amazing dart frogs to the website. We will have a complete availability up by the end of today. Please take a look, as they are extremely uncommon in the US, and unfortunately, in the wild. Deforestation, smuggling, pollution, and in general, human threats have caused massive declines of these beautiful frogs. These are the only legally exported (with CITES permits), captive bred Colombian dart frogs available, and we hope you will support the sustainable breeding facility by purchasing these frogs, or by donating directly to them. Through their efforts, smuggling has been reduced, and repopulating wild stock is the goal for a successful future.
For more information, purchasing, or donating, please take a look at their website: https://tesorosdecolombia.com/
Pre-orders for May shipout can be placed on our website, or on the Treasures of Colombia website.