Happy as Larry, grumpy Dweens and fantastic Flix

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  • Happy as Larry, grumpy Dweens and fantastic Flix

Happy as Larry, grumpy Dweens and fantastic Flix I decided to start this page up to keep track of the things that Larry and I get up to.


Not quite ready for Burghley but Dween's and I went XC schooling for the first time.

I was a bit more nervous than I have been with SJ but once I got going I felt OK.

Mostly jumped some little jumps but did do a few bigger (75/80cm) but didn't get much video (I told Caz she didn't need to film but I'm glad she did, except she missed my biggest jumps 🤣😤🤣).


As well as my random take your own line during my lesson I took Larry out for a hack (with Caz and Annie) and went to an archery lesson.


Had a fab lesson this morning but also completely misunderstood what Conor meant at one point.

I did think it was a bit ambitious but me and my brave pants just did it anyway 🤣

His reaction 😂

I had tears running down my face!

Thank goodness for CCTV


Very pleased with how horsey life is going.

Larry is doing OK and enjoying hacking and archery.

Dwina is confused because semi-retirement seems to now involve jumping three times a week 🤣

Flix is enjoying life even though she's in the starvation paddock 😔 we've just been continuing with ground and in-hand work. A mixture of TREC, mounting practice, going sideways etc as well as in-hand trips up the driveway (have been avoiding the road just now with the additional farm machinery on it for safety). She's pretty chilled, happy to come in herself, be tied up, groomed etc so think that's all good.

She's hopefully going to go to school this year or beginning of next depending on a few things (💰💰💰) so will just have to see.


Why are all of my animals clowns 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just love Larry!

Only his 2nd go at archery and we tried canter.

OK, I missed but its not easy when you are moving and I wasn't that far off.

He picked up my "ready" signal for canter really quickly just happily cantered down the line 😃


So, just to prove it wasn't a fluke I had a jumping lesson today.

I think Conor was really pleased to see how confident I was and more importantly how much I enjoyed it! After each "rest" I'd usually be saying I don't want to do anymore but this time I just enjoyed the rest while looking forward to my next jump 😀

Stuck at a smaller height but tried to get a better canter (Dwina can be lazy and just puts in the smallest amount of effort required) and just concentrated on straightness and rhythm.

Really pleased with how it went and I swear I must have jumped a million fences!

Then I took Larry out for a wee solo hack which was really nice, I think he enjoyed it. We even did the world's shortest canter along a grass verge 😃

He's doing OK so just enjoying what we can do when we can do it ❤️

Thanks to Rider Eye keeping us safe and seen on the roads and Louise Hamilton Hypnotherapy finding us some brave pants 😆

Some photos from the weekend at the South of Scotland TREC competition. Photos taken by TopGearPhotos ❤️

Some photos from the weekend at the South of Scotland TREC competition.

Photos taken by TopGearPhotos ❤️


It's hard to find a video that can convey feeling but if you watch these two clips (with sound) I think it will show the difference between my feelings about jumping previously and now.

In the first clips I was terrified, my mouth was dry, I felt sick, I couldn't help being vocal. I felt out of control. Every fence I jumped I wanted to stop afterwards to quit while I was ahead before anything could go wrong.

In the 2nd clip I felt nothing like that, it's hard to describe how I felt but I just felt "normal" a bit indifferent? You want to put the jumps up, ok sounds good. Will I go again, OK doke 😀

None of the usual feelings at all, I'm keen to jump again. I'm looking forward to it, enjoying looking forward to it and knowing that I can do it.

Should have said in my previous post that distance is no object for Louise Hamilton Hypnotherapy as she can do remote sessions.

My first one was via zoom and my 2nd one in person, she also has a mobile therapy room (aka her horse box - done up really nicely, doesn't feel like a horse box) that she can use at events for quick 15 min sessions to reduce competition day nerves.

I hope Dweens is ready for this new me 😄


It is absolutely no secret how scary I find (used to find 😉) jumping even though I enjoyed it.

After having lost even more confidence with Larry I decided that I really needed to do something about it especially now that I'm riding a horse I have no reason to be scared on.

Last night I had my 2nd hypnotherapy session with Louise Hamilton Hypnotherapy and tonight I jumped 80 f-ing cm! Willingly and more than once 🤩

No one is more amazed than me!

It felt good, even when I got it wrong I didn't panic just dealt with it and carried on! The old me would never!

Given that I was too scared to jump a 60cm log on Saturday and the week prior to that I had serious heavy breathing jumping a wee cross its a miracle that I did this tonight.

No fear
No sickness
No heavy breathing
No squeaking
No panicking

Dwina is amazing but so am I!

Highly highly recommend Louise, you all know what I was like previously and look at me fly!


Had a fabby weekend at the South of Scotland TREC with Jen R as my pairs partner.

Also excellent company from the NESTies, our camp set up was perfect 😃

We did get a bit lost on the POR but who didn't?! Enjoyed it anyway and always managed to find out where we were supposed to be and made it home safely 😊

PTV was fun though we didn't do any jumping much to Dwina's disgust and we were also a bit slow. Ground was a bit slippy for her so we walked most of it.

Jen did brilliantly and was the highest scorer in the PTV so we ended up finishing 3rd overall.

Very pleased 😁

Big thanks to my sponsor Orange Fox Eventing for the horse and lorry 🤣 much appreciated.

Best sponsor ever.


Aww 🥰

Dweens and I are away in Dalbeattie for the South of Scotland TREC summer (🙄🌧🌧) competition. First time corralling, firs...

Dweens and I are away in Dalbeattie for the South of Scotland TREC summer (🙄🌧🌧) competition. First time corralling, first time in new lorry and first time without Caroline Mosley (😠 she had a better offer)!

She wasn't the only one with a better offer so I'm paired up with another friend and we are going to be the dream team! So 😋 to you Caz.

We survived the night though I did pop out around 0230 to check on her as it was peeing down. She was fine and was lying down snoozing 🥰 she glared at me for daring to disturb her 😆

Currently eating porridge and drinking coffee as we are not out on the POR (orienteering) until 1120 or some such civilised time.


Fun day with the girls today (left the boys in the field) practicing some TREC obstacles and playing around with a flagpole pretending it was a garrocha 😆

We clearly have no idea what we are doing but thankfully Dwina is resigned to the daft things I do and was totally fine with it.

Flixy did some in-hand TREC including low branches and was very good, she's pretty laidback.

Was a nice girls day 😊

Dwina and I love each other really 💕And Flixy getting used to working when other horses leave and wearing her bit.Such p...

Dwina and I love each other really 💕

And Flixy getting used to working when other horses leave and wearing her bit.

Such pretty, clever girls ❤️

Should have taken a picture of Larry trying to stare me out for taking Flix and not him!


My day 😊


Recently Alistair has been investigating different plants to see if anything might be useful for Larry and has been picking various things 😊

The other day he presented me with a bag of sticky w***y to give to Larry. I think we can say he liked it 😃

I feel very lucky that Alistair doesn't just tolerate my horses but actually really cares about them (well, he only loves Larry. He probably couldn't pick Dwina or Flix out of a line up). I just think it's lovely that he's been picking plants for Larry in the hope that he will like them and get some benefits from them.

Well done Patsy Mackenzie and Karen Campbell You two were the closest with Flix's weight 👏Please note, we will NOT be as...

Well done Patsy Mackenzie and Karen Campbell

You two were the closest with Flix's weight 👏

Please note, we will NOT be asking you to guess the weight of any of the humans on the yard 😅


Time to guess the weight of Flix (🙈)!

I don't think any of the other horses will fit on the scales as it is but Alistair will adapt it for us 😃


Obviously Larry is now allowed to do whatever he wants now.

That includes stopping for snacks on (vet recommended) hacks.

Dweens does not appreciate him swinging his snacks in her face 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can't decide if Larry is the luckiest or unluckiest horse in the world.....

This has been a horrendous month after making the decision that Larry's mobility was becoming so badly affected by his stringhalt and shiver (plus his other issues) that the kindest thing would be for him to be put to sleep.

As you can imagine devastated doesn't even come close to how I was feeling (so thanks to everyone who kept me together 💛).

We even did some "last" trips which were wonderful even if heartbreaking.

In true Larry style he's suddenly realised that the reason I keep crying everytime I see him is because it was getting closer to being the last time and he's perked up 🙄

I know that this probably the start of a decline, and he is on bute, but I'm overjoyed that I get to spend some more time with this walking disaster that I love so much.


Orange Fox Eventing caught me talking absolute sh*te to Flix tonight. Just blabbing away 🤣

Flixy is the perfect height for cuddles and I've very glad she seems happy to put up with them.

Very grateful to have her ❤️


Think my little horse might have grown a bit!

Just a little bit more and she'll be ideal ❤️

Flix's new saddle arrived the other day and the lovely Performance Equine - WOW Saddles Sally Talbot-Smith came to fit i...

Flix's new saddle arrived the other day and the lovely Performance Equine - WOW Saddles Sally Talbot-Smith came to fit it.

You'd never believe it but Larry can also wear Flix's saddle so I tried it out today on a little 10 min walk. Larry's not been 100% recently hence the trips to the treadmill and other things. He was looking a better in the field so tried a short walk.

Saddle is so nice! I've never had a new saddle before and it's just beautiful and so comfortable. I'm slightly scared to use it 🤣


Larry had his 2nd visit to Scottish Equine Rehabilitation Centre tonight and it went really well.

With this new facility practically right on our doorstep I thought it might be good to have Larry assessed and see if there was anything that could help him with his various issues.

At our first visit he was assessed by Corin who thought that for a horse with a stringhalt and shiver he wasn't doing too badly 😃

Caroline and Corin thought that the treadmill was worth trying but he might not manage it.

His first session was a definite workout for him (mentally and physically!) and I wasn't sure that he'd gain anything from it.

This 2nd session he found much easier though his leg still caused him some problems (he can't stop on the treadmill!). Hoping the treadmill will help him use himself a bit better and just keep him functioning and mobile for as long as possible 🤞


After being a bit depressed on Thursday evening with two horses pulling (non-serious) sickies meaning we had to withdraw from TREC this weekend the amazing Jenny Sheen offered us not one but two horses to ride!

Initially we said no and offered to help instead but Jenny suggested we just see how we feel....

Our fine steeds (Alfie for me and Solly for Caz) were delivered to the venue on Saturday morning and we thought. Why not! You only live once and all that.

Warmed up and then straight out on the course! Very interesting doing obstacles on a horse you've never ridden and who is shouting his head off for his pal 🤣 enjoyed it and managed to get a few more points than I expected so that's always a bonus 👍 He made me smile and that's the main thing 😀

We weren't sure about riding on the orienteering as an old ankle issue that I'd forgotten about popped up again and it was quite sore after the PTV but decided to go to the map room anyway.

After drawing our map I decided, sod it, I rode for years with a sore ankle what's a few more hours 😀

Had a nice evening meal with everyone and then headed to bed to get some rest for the POR.

Today was fab, weather just right and not too hot for the horses (or riders!).

Caz and I did OK with our map reading with just one error (I think) and our times were not too far out. We were pleased and really enjoyed our borrowed ponies (would love to borrow them again if we were allowed...).

So much thanks to everyone who was at the event especially the volunteers who give up their time to allow us to compete. We really appreciate it ❤️


After yesterday's excitement with Flix I wanted to make sure everything was OK so she came in for a groom and then I put the saddle on.

She was completely happy with this so we headed to the arena and did a bit of wandering around. I don't think there was anything 'scary' in the corner but we spent time in that area anyway.

She was very chilled and relaxed so will just make sure she's happy again before moving on.


I always like to share honestly on my page as everything isn't always perfect and I'm just a normal (?!) average horse owner who sometimes gets things wrong. Today was one of those days!

Today Flixy reminded Orange Fox Eventing and I that she is in fact still a baby and we should always be aware of that!

We don't need anyone to tell us what could have been etc, we know!

I've had Flix since October last year and have taken everything super slowly so I think today was one of those things. I've watched the video over and over and can't see any trigger.

She's had a saddle on plenty of times so is used to a girth etc. She's been sat on ba****ck and with a racing saddle so I don't necessarily think anything was "wrong".

Very glad that this happened before I got on (I didn't get on her after either). Also, just a reminder to not say "Ach, I'm sure it will be fine" when your handler realises they've left their hat elsewhere because it was hot! And to remember gloves!

I was really pleased that after her mad moment she settled in the corner, let me catch her and was happy to walk round the arena again. We then went to the stable and she got a little feed with the saddle still on.

Over the next few days we will go back to wearing the saddle before moving on again!

She can certainly throw some shapes 😂

Thank goodness for CCTV in the arena!

Didn't ride at all this weekend but still had a lot of fun horsey times bring super groom for Orange Fox Eventing on Sat...

Didn't ride at all this weekend but still had a lot of fun horsey times bring super groom for Orange Fox Eventing on Saturday at Cumbria Horse Trials. Though, to be honest I was a bit rubbish and she'd untacked and washed off by the time I sauntered back to the lorry after XC 🤣

Was great to see Caz's family too who always come to support at the events closest to them. Always nice to catch up.

Great result for Caz and Kenny with a nice 5th

Today we headed to Foresterseat Cross Country where we were a superb start box team along with Flora.

We decided that Caz would be best as the starter with me on radio and finish. Caz is great at talking (🤣) and I am far less likely to get distracted and miss finishers than she is! It worked perfectly 😊

Was a fun day and Flora and I enjoyed deciding what colours people were wearing (to write on the card in case people get mixed up). The most popular was definitely maroon, or was it burgundy? 🤔 and who knew how many different shades of blue there were?!

My favourite colours were on a wee girl wearing pink with turquoise love hearts.

Everyone did really well and lots of lovely horses and ponies for us to admire, really enjoyed being in the start box as we got to wish everyone good luck!

You walk a lot more at an event than being in the start box though!


Had a lovely day today starting with a flatwork lesson on Dweens (she's brilliant 🌟). Then a h*ck with Larry.

We set off trying out some different hoof boots but had to turn back as he hated them 🤣

Went back for the usual boots and he was much happier then we had a mini explora-h*ck.

He amuses me as he often decides to take his own route. Today he wanted to take the high road so just made a sharp right and scrambled up the hill 🤣

Where its safe to do so I let him chose his route. Dwina doesn't get to choose as I know she would just go straight home! Larry likes exploring though.

Hope you all had as good a day as me 🌞

It's Larry's 14th birthday today!HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the bestest boy ever ❤️

It's Larry's 14th birthday today!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the bestest boy ever ❤️


I can't quite decide if she's respecting the fence or not....

She kind of is 🤣


Wonder what the horses are doing this morning....

Aww, cute. Everyone snoozing 😴

Hmm, where could Larry be?

Surprise surprise. He's standing where the field shelter used to be 🤣🤣 maybe he thinks he can bring it back with the power of positive thinking 😆😆

Orange Fox Eventing


Flixy and I went on a wee trip this weekend to participate in a training clinic with Joe Midgley Horsemanship

I've been working on some horsemanship stuff, mostly following Tristan Tucker (TRT Method) which, to my uneducated eyes, is quite similar.

I found the clinic useful, the 2nd day more than the first, and was (kind of) able to direct Flix on the ground to move front end or hind end, left or right using only body cues.

On day 2 we worked on sidepass (using me crossing my legs as the initial cue) and shoulder-in. We also did head and neck flexion, reinback and other bits and pieces.

It was a really good educational trip for her as she travelled to Kinross twice by herself, was stabled in a temporary stable, worked in an arena with other horses working/coming and going, spectators, sound system etc. I was very very pleased with her 😍

Please note, we are just learning and I am probably doing a lot wrong! I'm not sure if I can answer any questions but if you have any then ask.

I've got one fun aim, I'd like to teach her to come to the mounting block and turn sideways when I stand on the block and raise my arm 🙋‍♀️


Jumping fun this morning 😊

Dweens is fabulous (of course 💕)




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