The Rescue Chronicles

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The Rescue Chronicles Welcome to our Foster Dog Blog. Come meet our pack & follow along on the daily life of our fosters.

Hey guys!"If I could turn back the clock, I'd make sure the light defeated the dark. I'd spend every hour of every day k...

Hey guys!

"If I could turn back the clock, I'd make sure the light defeated the dark. I'd spend every hour of every day keeping you safe."

We got to pick up Tanks ashes yesterday and I know it will sound morbid, but it feels so good to have him home πŸ’™

We also got to bring home his paw print mold πŸ’™πŸ’™ And the shelter even had nose and ear prints done as well as a clipping of his fur 😍😍😍

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Once again we have been reminded what an amazing group of people we are surrounded by ❀️❀️We would like to say ...

Hey guys!

Once again we have been reminded what an amazing group of people we are surrounded by ❀️❀️

We would like to say Thank You to Five Acres Animal Shelter for the beautiful bouquet we received today in honor of Tank, and more importantly, for allowing us to care for such wonderful boys!

We would also like to thank everyone who has sent thoughts, prayers, condolences, and so much love our way!

Today has been hard, yesterday was harder, and Wednesday felt impossible, but no matter how hard it's been or how much it hurts, we wouldn't change a single minute that we were given with Tank or Franklin. They were such special boys and they will be in our hearts forever ❀️

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."We said goodbye to the best Shepherd boy w...

Hey guys!

"How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

We said goodbye to the best Shepherd boy we know today πŸ’”

He started the day off with a homemade pupcup with a couple blueberries on top, enjoyed a Kong while watching one of his favorite movies, and then spent some time doing his favorite thing; laying by the back door watching the world. He had tons of snacks and snuggles and kisses, and to top it off, he had a sausage egg and cheese sandwich for lunch.

R.I.P. Tank, our honey pie. You fought so hard for so long and we could not be more proud to be your mom and dad, but you can rest now. You will forever be our protector, our guard dog, our house gazelle, our sugar faced old man, our Tankarooni, our honey pie, my spider killer, our peanut butter boy, our gentle giant, the best Shepherd boy we've ever known, grandmas favorite, our son πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

We hope you know how loved you were and always will be! Our house won't be the same without you πŸ’™

We will miss you always Tank, but we will see you and Franklin again some day, we promise! ❀️❀️❀️

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!It's never an easy call to make no matter the circumstance, but we will be saying goodbye to Tank this Wednesda...

Hey guys!

It's never an easy call to make no matter the circumstance, but we will be saying goodbye to Tank this Wednesday.

Over the last month or so Tank has started having full out nosebleeds on top of his usual nasal discharge. He's also got an area on the bridge of his nose near his left eye that appears to be swollen and causing a slight bulge to his eye. Add this to all of his other symptoms and it's believed that a nasal tumor is what is causing the bleeding, which could also be what caused his seizures in the beginning rather than a brain tumor.

Though he's only had a few, the nosebleeds have increased in length a little each time. Therefore, there is a real possibility that if he were to have a nosebleed when we weren't around to help stop it, he could bleed out.

He has fought so hard for much longer than we ever thought he could or would! Statistically speaking, he would have been given an average expectancy of 6 months by most vets...he has made it just over 11 months...

We are SO grateful for the time we have been given with him, but we don't want him to suffer, and we certainly don't want something to happen while we're gone, and for him to be alone and scared.

We will enjoy the next couple of days with him and spoil him rotten of course, and then on Wednesday we will sit with him while he joins his brother across the rainbow bridge πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!"Paws? What paws??"This is what I imagine Tank is thinking every time we have to trim his nails and the fur on ...

Hey guys!

"Paws? What paws??"

This is what I imagine Tank is thinking every time we have to trim his nails and the fur on his feet πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

He is well rewarded for his cooperation though, he gets turkey and honey nut cheerios during every nail trim πŸ™ƒ

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!So glad I get to spend another birthday with this handsome boy!! As usual, I couldn't help but share a bite of ...

Hey guys!

So glad I get to spend another birthday with this handsome boy!! As usual, I couldn't help but share a bite of Birthday cake with him πŸŽ‚

That face 😍😍😍

*Before anyone freaks out, he only got 1 bite.

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Does anyone's dog have a morning routine?Tank does!Every morning after he has given us kisses and dragged himse...

Hey guys!

Does anyone's dog have a morning routine?

Tank does!

Every morning after he has given us kisses and dragged himself off the couch he does some stretchies and then he does a downward dog and rubs his face on the rug or his bed; that's right, his butt is usually in the air for this 🀣🀣🀣 Then we head outside so he can do his business. When we come back in it's breakfast and Dasaquin time and after breakfast he flops down and rubs his face on his bed again before parking himself in front of the back door to watch the birds and squirrels.

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!So we're a few days behind, but 3 days ago, two former fosters, Sandy and Happy (formerly Andi) both celebrated...

Hey guys!

So we're a few days behind, but 3 days ago, two former fosters, Sandy and Happy (formerly Andi) both celebrated their Adoptiversaries with their families!

Sandy has been with her parents 4 years now and she is just as spoiled as ever! She loves spending her days in her big backyard and lounging on her queen size bed in the AC to cool off. When it's cooler she also enjoys taking walks around the neighborhood and saying hi to all her doggy friends. We are forever grateful to Sandy's parents for taking a chance on this sweet scared girl!

Happy has been with her family 3 years and her mom couldn't imagine life without her! This is a little bit of what her mom had to say, "She is my faithful shadow. And she is excellent with our new grandbaby when she comes to visit. In fact, Happy will mother the little thing, whether I need her help or not. I was changing the baby’s diaper a couple of months ago, and Happy could hear the baby fussing. Happy began whining. The whining escalated in volume and frequency. Finally Happy JUMPED over the dog gate - which she has NEVER done before (and I was unaware she could) - to come sniff the baby herself and ascertain that she was okay. It was a bit naughty, but pretty motherly and adorable."

I know we've said it before, but we will continue to say it, we have some of the best adoptive families, and we are always so happy to get updates like these!

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!We are very happy to report that it's been about two weeks since Tanks first bad day and he has yet to have ano...

Hey guys!

We are very happy to report that it's been about two weeks since Tanks first bad day and he has yet to have another!

However, in hopes of preventing another bad day like the one he had, we're learning how to massage and stretch Tanks joints to help with any stiffness and potential pain he might have from his arthritis.

Why we hadn't thought to do that before I have no idea! πŸ™ƒ

Whether Tank will cooperate is a different story. He's usually super tolerant but arthritis is no fun, so we'll just see how it goes.

We can't fix arthritis, we know that, and we know he can't live forever; when he's ready, he'll tell us. But there's no reason we can't try to make the time he has left as comfortable as possible.

*Just to clarify in case anyone has questions: Tank is already on Carprofen AND Gabapentin, plus Dasaquin. His vet would really prefer not to add any more medications to his daily routine and to be honest, we agree. We would rather have to say goodbye than to have him walk around like a zombie because of too much medication, or worse, have his kidneys start to shut down.

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!"The world would be a nicer place if everybody loved as uncnditionally as a dog." β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œHere is your yearly re...

Hey guys!

"The world would be a nicer place if everybody loved as uncnditionally as a dog." β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

Here is your yearly reminder that your dog (or any other pet you may have) doesn't care what pronouns you use or who you love, as long as you love them the most!

Happy Pride Month everyone β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

We don't care how you identify or who you love on this page, as long as you show others kindness and you treat animals well, you will always be welcome here!!

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!We just want to take a minute to brag on this kid (and his previous dad for raising him and Franklin so well).....

Hey guys!

We just want to take a minute to brag on this kid (and his previous dad for raising him and Franklin so well)...

From day one with us, Tank and Franklin stayed in our dog room (which is a spare bedroom in the basement away from street and neighbor noise) anytime we had to leave the house and at night. They had a TV, a queen size mattress, a couch and an open crate in case they wanted to go in, plus a camera which we added after Tank was diagnosed so that we could monitor him when he had to be left alone. When Franklin passed we thought Tank might not want to be down there by himself but surprisingly he seemed to take comfort in that room, maybe it still smelled like Franklin, who knows...

Unfortunately about a month and a half ago after a couple of near disasters, we made the decision that it was no longer safe for Tank to do the stairs. His back legs just aren't strong enough anymore and we didn't want him to get hurt.

We were worried that he would have a hard time adjusting to staying alone upstairs all by himself...but he settled right in like this had always been the norm.

It never ceases to amaze us how well adjusted he is 😍😍

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!He may not be good at catch anymore, but he still has fun anyway πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚(We didn't set Queso on his head like that, ...

Hey guys!

He may not be good at catch anymore, but he still has fun anyway πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

(We didn't set Queso on his head like that, that's how it landed and we scrambled to get a picture before Tank moved πŸ˜‚)

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Over the last month, maybe month and a half, Tank has had some, what we call,  "meh days". They're not bad days...

Hey guys!

Over the last month, maybe month and a half, Tank has had some, what we call, "meh days". They're not bad days, nothing specifically seems wrong, they're just days where Tank isn't interested in his usual things and just wants to sleep. They aren't a super regular thing and considering everything he's got going on, we sorta expected that. Plus honestly, humans have those days too so we try not to worry about it.

Wednesday however, was Tanks first official bad day 😟

He wasn't wanting to stand up, even with the promise of going outside, and when he did you could tell it was hard for him to do. Plus he was having trouble getting comfortable and therefore pretty restless when he wasn't laying down.

We were worried that it might be that time...but to our surprise, we woke up Thursday and Tank was almost completely back to normal!

After thinking about it, we believe he overexerted / overworked his muscles Wednesday climbing on and off of our bed multiple times (we've showed him how to use the bench at the end of the bed to help himself up, but he's stubborn) and after getting some good sleep and resting his muscles he was feeling much better.

Thankfully he seemed even better today, so we aren't worried for now 😁

Since he's already on so much medication, there isn't much that could be done if he does start to have bad days on a regular basis, so if we get to that point, then we know it will be time.

Just look at that happy boy πŸ₯° He's not ready to stop fighting quite yet!

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Tank is doing his daily yoga in preparation for his Kong and an afternoon and evening of Dr. Pol and naps.He's ...

Hey guys!

Tank is doing his daily yoga in preparation for his Kong and an afternoon and evening of Dr. Pol and naps.

He's got such a hard life 🀣🀣

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Apparently chewing on bones is exhausting lol. This picture is actually from back in October, but he takes naps...

Hey guys!

Apparently chewing on bones is exhausting lol.

This picture is actually from back in October, but he takes naps like this all the time; with his bone either on the floor next to him, laying underneath his head, or still propped between his paws πŸ˜‚

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!I'm not sure how many of you will remember former foster Rex, but we got a text a few days ago from his mom inf...

Hey guys!

I'm not sure how many of you will remember former foster Rex, but we got a text a few days ago from his mom informing us that Rex crossed the Rainbow Bridge in his sleep this past Monday 😭

We haven't had much contact with Rex's adoptive family since the first few months after his adoption, and that's not unusual. But we are so grateful that they reached out about this.

I know like all parents, we aren't supposed to have favorites...but Rex was one of our favorite fosters! He was so sweet and so gentle, and if he had been dog friendly, I have no doubt that we would have foster failed! He was our sweetiepie.

We are so happy that he got 2 1/2 wonderful years with his family. They adored Rex from the moment they met him. Rex even found a best friend in their som, and would sleep in bed with him every night. They were inseperable.

R.I.P. Rex. You were a very special old man. You left pawprints on a lot of hearts and I promise, none of us will ever forget you

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!The one upside to Tank losing some of his hearing...he sleeps SO soundly now!The dog next door is barking inces...

Hey guys!

The one upside to Tank losing some of his hearing...he sleeps SO soundly now!

The dog next door is barking incessantly like problem, sleeps right through it.

The neighbors are having the roof replaced AND the roofers are blasting the radio...he's snoring.

I'm singing in the back of the house while I dust...snoozing away.

We're loudly telling the characters in the horror movie we're watching everything they're doing wrong...he is zonked out.

Oh to sleep like a dog 😴

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Anyone else automatically say "Big Yawn" when their dog yawns or is that just us? I'm not sure why, but dogs ya...

Hey guys!

Anyone else automatically say "Big Yawn" when their dog yawns or is that just us?

I'm not sure why, but dogs yawning is just one of the cutest things! πŸ₯°

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Today is Harold's 5th Adoptiversary!Harold has had another wonderful year with his family and even gained a new...

Hey guys!

Today is Harold's 5th Adoptiversary!

Harold has had another wonderful year with his family and even gained a new younger brother a few months ago, a little Chihuahua they call Chapi.

He's still getting used to playing with such a small dog since he and Abbey were much closer in size, but I think he's just happy to have a playmate and fellow napper in the house again!

Seriously, how stinkin' cute are they?!

The difference between the dog we brought home and the dog Harold is today still amazes us! He has gone from always nervous to always happy and we will never be able to thank his family quite enough for that ❀️

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Sometimes you just need a good snuggle with your stuffed dinosaur πŸ˜‚We were cleaning up the kitchen and looked o...

Hey guys!

Sometimes you just need a good snuggle with your stuffed dinosaur πŸ˜‚

We were cleaning up the kitchen and looked over and noticed Tank completely konked out with his leg over Reptar 😍

He's just too cute!

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!We love these grey rainy days, but since we know most of you probably don't feel the same, we wanted to brighte...

Hey guys!

We love these grey rainy days, but since we know most of you probably don't feel the same, we wanted to brighten your day with a little "please share your pizza with me" blep from Tank πŸ˜‚

How can you look at that face and not smile?!

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Well our household is thoroughly enjoying this lovely chilly day 😁😁 Snow would have made it even better, but we...

Hey guys!

Well our household is thoroughly enjoying this lovely chilly day 😁😁 Snow would have made it even better, but we'll take what we can get lol.

Tank is definitely a chilly weather boy! Not sure if he's always been that way, but when we walk outside on a nice chilly day, he gets an immediate spring in his step, it's adorable.

Does your dog prefer cold or warm weather?

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Is it just us, or does this photo give off "Middle aged divorcee setting up an online dating profile for the fi...

Hey guys!

Is it just us, or does this photo give off "Middle aged divorcee setting up an online dating profile for the first time and doesn't quite understand how selfies work" vibes? 🀣🀣🀣🀣

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!Someone had a vet visit this past Wednesday and it went really well. They did decide to add Gabapentin to his d...

Hey guys!

Someone had a vet visit this past Wednesday and it went really well. They did decide to add Gabapentin to his daily meds, which isn't a surprise. It seems like his past seizures have really amped up his arthritis issues, so pain management is a must, plus it can help with any mild head tremors he may have as well.

He even got complimented by the vet when she took his blood; he raised his paw and held completely still for her. He's such a smart kid! πŸ’™

Tank now takes 16 pills total each day; 8 in the morning and 8 at night. He doesn't care though, all he knows is that he gets even more meatballs and they make him feel better πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!"My face may be turning white, but my heart is pure gold. There is no shame in growing old "We got a puppy pict...

Hey guys!

"My face may be turning white, but my heart is pure gold. There is no shame in growing old "

We got a puppy picture of Tank yesterday, and oh my goodness 😍😍😍

Tank as a Puppy vs Tank at almost 10...

He's definitely got the sugar face going on now but I think that just makes him even more handsome πŸ’™

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!"You're never too old to love and be loved"Whether a dog is 10 months or 10 years old, you never truly know how...

Hey guys!

"You're never too old to love and be loved"

Whether a dog is 10 months or 10 years old, you never truly know how much time you will have with them. Don't count a dog out just because they're older. I promise you, whatever time you have with them will be more than worth it ❀️

It's been about 6 months since Tank was diagnosed, and he is still holding strong and pushing forward. No matter how much or how little time we have left with him, we are so proud to have him as a member of our woof pack!

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾

Hey guys!We have never seen Tank act more like a puppy than seeing him in the snow πŸ˜β„οΈπŸŒ¨οΈHe had a BLAST romping and froli...

Hey guys!

We have never seen Tank act more like a puppy than seeing him in the snow πŸ˜β„οΈπŸŒ¨οΈ

He had a BLAST romping and frolicking through the yard, bouncing around and, trying to catch snowballs, and dipping his nose down in the snow to try to eat it β„οΈβ˜ƒοΈ

Getting him to sit/stand still for a good photo didn't really happen, but personally I think the blooper shots we got are pretty epic 🀣🀣🀣

*Important Note - The photos that appear to show Tank running around off leash were edited, he was safely on leash the whole time.

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We hope you have a pawsitively wonderful day 🐾




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