Raw Fed Dalmatians Admin

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Raw Fed Dalmatians Admin Raw Feeding
Dalmatians Admin

Admin would like to wish all of our members all over the world A Very Happy Christmas 🎄 and A Happy Healthy New Year to ...

Admin would like to wish all of our members all over the world A Very Happy Christmas 🎄 and A Happy Healthy New Year to you all and your Spots and Honorary Spots alike 😊


This study is STILL doing the rounds in vet circles. That's how effective industry nonsense is. So I'll give it another bit of balance on here today...

The title is very explicit: drug-resistant E.coli in puppies is associated with raw-feeding.

Those words "IS associated" are key. Correlation versus causation, and all that.

They state in their abstract that dangerous bacteria from raw-fed dogs ARE shared to humans. To make such a link they need to test both the sick humans and the raw dog food in their fridge to make sure the pathogens match perfectly and yet this study didn't test either! This was, of course, another "survey", the lowest grade evidence you can produce and the refuge of the kibble scoundrel.

Know what they did? They said if anyone suffered a urinary infection within a 50kmX50km radius of a puppy and that puppy eating raw dog food, then the dog and food caused it.


The authors are apoarently very concerned for pups housing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Fair enough. We mustn't be complacent about such things.

When you look at the very first line of the very first table they present in their methods we see they found a whopping 32 of 43 raw-fed pups carried E.coli that was resistant to at least one antibiotic. On this basis, the study concludes:

"Accordingly, we conclude that raw feeding is associated with carriage of ABR E. coli in dogs even at 16 weeks of age."

But right under the above raw dog food data is a second line, this one about non-raw-fed dogs.

How did they fare Conor?!.

Well, 76 of 180 of them (that's 42%) were resistant to at least one antibiotic also!

And yet these dogs didn't get a mention?!!! Yep, I guess these dogs DEFINITELY DO NOT share said issue with humans!

Trust the science, folks, but whatever you do don't read it.

There are a number of other glaring questions with this work - such as the tiny number of raw-fed dogs used, the fact they felt the need to recruit an additional 59 dogs locally from vet clinics. How did they randomly select these? What percentage of these were raw fed dogs (all, I bet) and how many were gut sick?!

Answers on a post card as they're not responding (obvs).

Another issue was that the authors concluded the urinary infections in the affected humans was because they were near an infected (raw-fed) puppy whilst ignoring all the other potential causes they may have been near that they themselves were investigating in the study (such as were any of these pups "near a farm"?! As they note, a very likely cause of ABR bacteria, they being the source of the problem initially!!!).

Also carelessly not mentioned by the authors are the facts:

1) Leonard et al. assessed the antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella and E. coli recovered from pet dogs (n=132) in Ontario between 2005–2006. They found 96% were shedding antimicrobial-resistant E. coli in their faeces. Unless every owner in Ontario was raw feeding back in 2005, it’s more than clear that commercial diets are not innocent in this drama.

2) Unlike raw dog food, authors have isolated the same species of drug-resistant Campylobacter jejuni from a dog fed a commercial dry diet as detected in a girl infected with the same species. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC356901/.

3) Tests of dry pet food reveal repeated failures for nasty pathogens - eg the pet food analysis by Susan Thixton who ordered 12 popular dry/canned pet foods online and sent them straight to a lab "9 of the 12 products contained bacteria the FDA terms as ‘qualifying pathogens’. Included were Streptococcus (of strep throat fame, seven of the 12 ultra-processed pet foods tested), Staphylococcus (common cause of food poisoning in humans, 10 of the twelve of the ultra-processed pet foods tested), Bacillus spp. (common cause of food poisoning, 10 of the 12 ultra-processed pet foods tested).

4) According to the available literature on pet food causing human infections via a test of said product AND the human infection, show us more humans have been ACTUALLY infected with hazardous microbiology by dry food (half them toddlers under two years of age), When you add in the two ENORMOUS safety studies conducted into raw feeding that found food poisoning from raw to human was EXTREMELY RARE (no such studies exist for dry), statistically we can say, for what we know currently, fresh/raw is safer.

Its crazy how often such works miss this crucial bit of balance! It's almost like they needed raw dog food to be the sole issue...

This work was funded by the Antimicrobial Resistance Cross Council Initiative, an industry-funded group that really, really, really cares for your health and well-being.

Overall, because their work is nowhere even CLOSE to proving that raw feeding harms humans, as they very much misleadingly suggest, it gets 3 out of 3 (utter crap) on the Brady Poopometer.

That these are the sorts of studies consumed manically by the vet industry and not the above nor all the studies proving real food is beneficial to health when compared to dry (never the other way around), you can only weep at the state of the "science" used by the veterinary industry.


If you look at the fiber wild canines receive from what they eat, it's a far cry from what's in some ultraprocessed pet foods. While your dog doesn't need beet pulp, grain hulls or sawdust added to her food, she does need fiber. Here's how to tell if your dog is getting enough of the right kinds.



Had a question from a Dalmatian owner re the purine content of Canident. I don't know. Never thought to check. Looking into it now. But look what I'm after finding on that note...

Purines are a type of protein that is converted by enzymes in the body first to uric acid and finally allantoin which is highly soluble and easily excreted from the body. Easy pee-sy,

Most Dalmatians, however, lack the enzymatic ability to convert uric acid into allantoin, a compound that is easily excreted by the kidneys.

The net result is most Dallies are HUA, meaning high in uric acid.

The problem is as uric acid builds it can result in urate crystals and stones.


So Dallie owners (rightly) obsess about purine contents and aim to keep them low to keep uric acid low.

It happens that most purine content info actually arises from the gout realm as HUA is a significant risk factor for this painful disease of humans (sort of like bad arthritis with lots of red swelling).

Interestingly, I just found on a gout website that seaweed consumption has been found to REDUCE uric acid content of at least human men (REF 1).

How exactly is a bit beyond me on such a warm, sunny day, but for the nerds that need it:

"Previous studies have suggested that seaweed antioxidants significantly reduced xanthine oxidase activity and expression in liver, as well as decreased urate-anion transporter 1 expression, increased organic anion transporter 1 and 3 expressions, and thus inhibited the uric acid production and reabsorption and enhanced urate secretion".

Studies show HUA is also a serious risk factor for cardiovascular events and hypertension...and studies show seaweed can help there too (REF 2, 3).

Bloody hell Conor, this is amazing, where can we get this sea-weed you speak of?

From the sea, guys. Go down to the local shore as the tide goes out (away from any ports or marinas...). Snip some brown stuff off a rock. Hang in your garage until it dries and feed you and your dog 1-2g of dried brown seaweed per day to reap many of the benefits above as well as getting an unbelievable nutrient boost to your diet.

But it's hot and I'm not arsed going down the beach and doing that, I hear you say!

Perfect, because we are fully stocked here with a range of amazing seaweed-based products.

Of all, I recommend Canident. Not only might you get the benefits above but it WILL clean their teeth in 5-8wks or your money back. You can keep the product (and the nutrient boost, and reduction in hypertension and HUA).

REF 1 Zhang, T., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Meng, G., Zhang, Q., Liu, L., Wu, H., Zhang, S., Wang, X., Sun, S., Wang, X., Zhou, M., Jiao, H., Jia, Q., Song, K., Wu, Y., Wu, X. H., & Niu, K. (2021). Title: Relationship between seaweeds consumption and hyperuricemia in general adults: A Population-based Study from the TCLSIH Cohort Study. The British journal of nutrition, 1–31. Advance online publication.

REF 2 Teas, J. et al. Could dietary seaweed reverse the metabolic syndrome? 145–157

REF 3 du Preez, R. et al. Carrageenans from the Red Seaweed Sarconema filiforme Attenuate Symptoms of Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats.


The vegetable you should be sharing with your dog! 🥦 No matter what type of food you're feeding, adding broccoli (in moderation) to your dog’s diet is a powerful way to boost their bowl and have a profound impact on their health. Broccoli and broccoli stem contains a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can support;
✅ Brain health
✅ Digestive health
✅ Eye health
✅ Gut health
✅ Heart health and more.
💚 It's no wonder we include broccoli in our completes!


Have you ever noticed the red stuff leftover in your pet's formula? ❤️🐕 You may have been calling it 'blood juice' or 'thawing juice', but it's actually a nutrient packed water-soluble protein called myoglobin! Packed with essential nutrients such as iron, taurine (extremely important for cats since they cannot produce taurine on their own) and B Vitamins!

🏃‍♂️ But what is it? Myoglobin is a richly pigmented protein found in muscle tissues. Where hemoglobin is an oxygen transporting protein found in the blood, myoglobin exists in the muscle, which uses oxygen to extract the energy needed for activity.

🥩 Don’t discard it! Do make sure to feed the myoglobin left over from your pup’s raw meals! Or the next time you're defrosting your own meat and go to dispose of the leaky packaging, offer the red stuff to your pet instead!

💡 Myoglobin can be poured over meals, fed as a “drink” or frozen into cubes as a cold treat!

Give them the good stuff.


If you know, you know... 🤣🥩


Chronic pancreatitis in dogs is a huge problem affecting 2/3 of healthy dogs by 7 years of age. This is disgraceful. It is caused by feeding dry food.


Yet another win for feeding dogs real food (and another major warning for dry and rawhide feeders), this time published on nature.com, no less!

"We found that feeding a non-processed meat-based diet and giving the dog human-meal leftovers and table scraps during puppyhood (2–6 months) and adolescence (6–18 months) were protective against chronic enteropathy later in life. ESPECIALLY RAW BONES AND CARTILAGE AS WELL AS LEFTOVERS AND TABLE SCRAPS during puppyhood and adolescence, and berries during puppyhood were associated with less chronic enteropathy. In contrast, feeding an ultra-processed carbohydrate-based diet, namely dry dog food or “kibble” during puppyhood and adolescence, and rawhides during puppyhood were significant risk factors for chronic enteropathy later in life.


This makes it 5 from 5 for dry v raw comparisons.

There is still ZERO studies that suggest kibble is GOOD for a cat or dog (when compared to animals fed normally) for any ailment whatsoever. Happy to be corrected, please post them below.


🐕 Do you own a dog that is more than one year old?
🌎 We need dog owners from across the globe to share observations and experiences about how their dog eats
⏱️ This anonymous online survey takes less than 4 minutes to complete
➡️ https://rvc.uk.com/dogs-eating-behaviour-survey
📅 Responses are needed before 20th February 2023


Chicken necks - has your pet tried them? This naturally low in fat and easily digestible raw, meaty treat makes a great snack for any size dog or cat (even puppies!) ❤️ But it's jam-packed with health and wellbeing benefits including...
✅ Improving dental health
✅ Strengthening the immune system
✅ Supporting for bone health and muscle development
✅ Aiding tissue repair
✅ Improving mental health - providing a natural release of dopamine from chewing

💡 Feed recreationally as a treat or alongside a boneless meal!


Join Drs Nick, Brendan and Conor Rawpetmedics Tuesday Night Live 7 pm (GMT) we are pleased to bring you the renowned Dr Judy Morgan. Hold on to your hats as it’s a likely whirlwind through best start approach to immunity, nutrition and neutering with an insight into issues across the pond.


Did you know feeding a raw diet doesn't just have a huge impact on your dog's or cat's physical health, but also their mental health too? 🧠❤️ Here are just a handful of the real reasons you should try a fresh, species-appropriate diet (it is after-all what they are supposed to eat!). 🥩 Have a question about feeding raw? Pop them below and we'll answer away!


Wondering what to do with the leftover turkey carcass? 🦃 Make bone broth! Turkey is highly palatable and even the fussiest of dogs love it. Bone broth is also a fantastic source of calcium, iron, phosphorous, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese and often rich in glucosamine & chondroitin. 🐕❤️ Added a variety of herbs can also boost the broth for its purpose!

So steal (or share with your raw feeding friends!) this Tummy Boosting Turkey BARF Broth recipe to treat your dog and save waste. Follow the link for 3 more bone broth recipes to ease joints, reduce stress or fuel up before exercise: https://www.nutriment.co.uk/blog/post/4-bone-broth-recipes


Recording available here: https://www.drjudyu.com/store

📚️ Leaky Gut Syndrome can be at the core of many different conditions, including:
- skin disease
- a compromised immune system
- food allergies, digestive problems
- ear infections
or any common health condition that comes from an inflammatory disorder.

⭐️ Sign up now to attend this FREE, live webinar with Julie Anne Lee, DCH RCSHom and Dr. Judy Morgan here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AD7w_1WjR6K5moCbfSEggQ

Can't attend live? Register anyway to get a free copy of the recording.

Australian memembers...if they do any without organs

Australian memembers...if they do any without organs

How high is the purine in Rosè wine?Asking for a friend 🤔

How high is the purine in Rosè wine?
Asking for a friend 🤔


We just wanted to give our wonderful Affiliates a shout out tonight ❤ 🥳🤩
Our mission here at the RFVS is to help spread the word and educate our friends and colleagues about the benefits of raw and species appropriate feeding for our gorgeous pets, and these guys make this possible!
We couldn't do this without them, and we are so grateful for their support! Please check out their pages, give them a follow and keep up to date with all the wonderful things that they do 😀

We also updates the Affiliate page on our website this week: https://rfvs.info/affiliates/

*Please note these aren't in any specific order - they're all wonderful*

Paleo Ridge Raw Dog Food
Bella & Duke
Embark On Raw The Natural Pet Food Store
Honey's Real Dog Food
Natural Animal Nutrition
Hug Pet Food
Cotswold RAW
Natural Instinct
ProDog Raw
Purrform Ltd
Benyfit Natural Raw Pet Food
Pet Domain
Raw Made Simple
Albion Country Bowl
Lifetime Pet Cover
Naturally Cats
Green's Wellness Centre For Pets
Westies & Besties Magazine




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