Home2home Romanian dog rescue Exposed

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Home2home Romanian dog rescue Exposed The purpose of this page is to warn people of the business "Home2home dog&cat rescue" Wendover, UK.

BRUCELLOSIS ON TRANSIT TO UK ARRIVING 26.04.21So this dog was adopted by B and arriving tomorrow directly from Romania. ...


So this dog was adopted by B and arriving tomorrow directly from Romania. YESTERDAY Alison told the adopter her dog had been bitten by his brother. After questioning if it was a bite (doesn't look like a bite to us either!) She was told he wouldn't be travelling. Only to discover today he's had a name change and is being advertised for adoption arriving tomorrow! AND after saying he has canine brucellosis he is now blood tested for it?! Yes and he has it!

BRUCELLOSIS IS INCURABLE AND ZOONOTIC- meaning it can be transferred to humans.


Every message we get is similar to this. Whether people have paid an adoption fee or not AF blocks the previous owner an...

Every message we get is similar to this. Whether people have paid an adoption fee or not AF blocks the previous owner and advertises the dog as child and cat friendly and then takes them back and does it again. Anyone that wants to warn others is welcome to send a message that we can post anonymously if you prefer.

Another dog sold at least 4 times being falsely advertised as cat and child friendly.  Another adopter threatened with l...

Another dog sold at least 4 times being falsely advertised as cat and child friendly. Another adopter threatened with legal action then blocked. How many are there?

You spelled SERBIAN wrong sweetheart.  Several of the messages to our page recently have been passed on to the authoriti...

You spelled SERBIAN wrong sweetheart. Several of the messages to our page recently have been passed on to the authorities. We won't post about anything that could jeopardise a conviction.
If your dog arrived sick - APHA
If you paid for a dog that didn't arrive - trading standards AND action fraud
If you have been threatened - police

All of whom have open investigations. We are happy to help you and everyone is welcome to remain anonymous.

Posting here is the best way to get Alison's interest so could someone please let her know one of her pups is up for sal...

Posting here is the best way to get Alison's interest so could someone please let her know one of her pups is up for sale for the second time since he was adopted 9 weeks ago.

What country is it anyway?Following from our post earlier we did some digging into the 2 golden retrievers adopted from ...

What country is it anyway?

Following from our post earlier we did some digging into the 2 golden retrievers adopted from "Romania" in April 2018. The lady enquired, was 'homechecked' the same day by a woman that fosters for Home2home and would never pass a homecheck - so it's a good job Alison asked her to do her own eh 😉 - and was then pressured into paying fees for them to travel 'from Romania' the same day! So the 2 dogs were delivered 'from Romania' within days.. odd right? Now the adopter wasn't given transport paperwork, a mistake? I don't think so because if she had been given the transport paperwork she would have seen that the date of import was 2 weeks previously and the dogs had been adopted in Scotland and surrendered back to Alison for being 'not as described' - the second adopter discovered this and questioned AF to be given the usual nonsense- not your business, not relevant etc.
So this adopter (I'm going to call her Elle) messaged the page today to tell us of her experience and we offered to run the chips to make sure the romanian street dog story was true. Well...wouldn't you know they were pets from puppies owned by the same family in 2012 until they were sold in 2017 in Belgrade - SERBIA. And miraculously wound up with Dejan Sevic in SERBIA but managed to arrive in the UK with ROMANIAN passports 🤯🤔
Poor Elle, what a lot to take in! It certainly explains why 2 dogs that met age 6 in the UK are so bonded - because they've been together since they were born in Serbia then bought for pennies to be sold by Home2home dog&cat rescue as ROMANIAN RESCUE DOGS- which they are not!

Elle does not wish to remain anonymous however we've advised her to contact trading standards so have chosen to withhold her name.

Start telling the truth about dogs' history Alison!

We would like to thank Alison Fielding for advertising our page on the rescue page. It has helped a LOT of previous adop...

We would like to thank Alison Fielding for advertising our page on the rescue page. It has helped a LOT of previous adopters find someone who can help them 😊 Thank you Alison, that was thoroughly decent of you.
We are trying to reply to everyone as quickly as possible and will help in any way we can.

LIES AND DEFLECTION Alison is continually posting statements saying this page is run by disgruntled ex admin spreading g...


Alison is continually posting statements saying this page is run by disgruntled ex admin spreading gossip from old news. Well we can and will help anyone who messages the page and this one is an adoption in August 2020 so not old news.

Isn't it strange that almost every person that complains wishes to remain anonymous because Alison is such a tyrant they are worried about protecting their dogs from her? I've never heard anything like it in all my years of rescue. Protect from a rescuer?

Let us be clear. When a dog is in your possession it is YOUR property. No one has the authority to remove or claim the dog other than the RSPCA. Home2home is NOT A CHARITY, nor is it a non profit organisation or an animal rescue. It is an unregistered, uninsured, unregulated small business that is liable for tax that it doesn't pay.

Back to the subject in hand. A small sized litter of puppies, from a 5kg mother. All adopters in a group chat and given paperwork with several different dobs. How can this be? Alison tried to brush it off saying 4 of the puppies are biologically hers (mother below) and the rest were being fed by her so that made her their mum and it doesn't make a difference which mother they were from, that doesn't affect their breed and size. 🤦‍♀️ WRONG. At no point has AF identified which pups are from the small mum and which are from the others. Where have the other 2 mothers disappeared to?
So now this adopter has adopted and brought home a pup far bigger than what they imagined which a vet has identified as most likely being a malinois shepherd cross. Small sized? 🤔 The dog was also advertised as dog, cat, child friendly and is none of them 🙄 so a behaviourist is required days into the adoption of a puppy.

When questioned AF has ignored, changed the subject, lied and attempted to make the adopters feel guilty for asking. Sound familiar?


Well apparently our public page is being investigated by the police 🤥While freedom of speech is not a crime,  p...

Well apparently our public page is being investigated by the police 🤥
While freedom of speech is not a crime, peddling stolen dogs is and we can assure Home2home that the trading standards investigation is very real.

Keep your empty threats Alison, we aren't scared of you 😉

How much is the adoption fee? £325 or £1,113.89? You may remember us posting about Mary and Daisy, 2 serbian dogs import...

How much is the adoption fee? £325 or £1,113.89?

You may remember us posting about Mary and Daisy, 2 serbian dogs imported from Dejan Sevic by Alison Fielding under the rescue Home2home dog&cat rescue as ROMANIAN dogs with romanian passports and romanian TRACES. The owners were unaware the dogs were serbian and illegally imported. Mary's owner is aware now and unfortunately the adoption of improperly vaccinated and illegally imported dog was only the start of her problems. Her 18 month old neutered dog arrived in season. Asking for help, begging and demanding Alison Fielding corrects the mistakes made by the botched surgery in Serbia resulted in her allowing the dog to have 2 full cycles and wait until the end of the 3 month window before Mary was finally spayed yesterday as Alison was adamant she was to be treated by the local PDSA hospital which is closed due to covid. Alison then made a meagre contribution of £145 to a bill of £933.89.

This is one of many victims of Alison Fielding left with astronomical vet bills from improper preparation and assessment of dogs.

I've posted this before but we have a lot of new followers so please have a look at Alison's disregard for resident anim...

I've posted this before but we have a lot of new followers so please have a look at Alison's disregard for resident animals' safety. This dog did attack the poor cat 😪

2 Serbian dogs imported illegally and adopted out by Home2home as Romanian dogs. Both came from Dejan Savic. Both adopte...

2 Serbian dogs imported illegally and adopted out by Home2home as Romanian dogs. Both came from Dejan Savic. Both adopters are completely unaware their dogs were imported non-compliantly.
Names: Daisy and Mary.

£32.50/night for kennels?! Are they gold plated? Or is it in the garden of Alison's 2 bed council house where she pays h...

£32.50/night for kennels?! Are they gold plated? Or is it in the garden of Alison's 2 bed council house where she pays herself for foster of every relinquished dog? 🤔

So Home2home have relaunched as a group after closing down their page due to bad reviews.  They now claim to be nonprofi...

So Home2home have relaunched as a group after closing down their page due to bad reviews. They now claim to be nonprofit which they are not. This is a fraudulent claim and any donations made by people believing it is a nonprofit organisation are not being taken legally. Alison has again been reported to Action Fraud for this.
And VOLUNTEERS insinuates that you are not paying yourself for boarding of foster dogs - which you are.
Try not to lose any more dogs this week.

Anyone wanting a bedtime story please pop over to Home2home [few and far between] happy endings for a nice fairy tale by...

Anyone wanting a bedtime story please pop over to Home2home [few and far between] happy endings for a nice fairy tale by Jo Milward-Croft, top dog thief. The same woman who specifically told Alison Fielding that Levi had a fantastic home and should be returned...then changed her mind and had her husband slash Levi's owners tyres.
This 'lady' runs a dog boarding business in Reading. I certainly wouldn't trust her with my dog. Would you?

We aren't supporting foster dogs or sending anything to the rescuers who we have blocked but please keep the donations c...

We aren't supporting foster dogs or sending anything to the rescuers who we have blocked but please keep the donations coming because Alison's 3 holidays this year need paid for. 💰💰💰


It looks like Home2home dog&cat rescue has closed. The page has gone. Unfortunately Alison Fielding is still giving out terrible advice to adopters. Young adult dog, resource guarding, bit a 5 year old child.
Do you
A) hit dog with a rolled up towel.
B) lock dog in crate
C) relinquish dog to AF to be rehomed for a 3rd time before his 1st birthday.

Clue: these were the options given by Alison Fielding.

25.01.20..... L adopted Levi from Home2home Cat and Dog Rescue - adoption fee £325 paid and contract signed.24.02.20.......

25.01.20..... L adopted Levi from Home2home Cat and Dog Rescue - adoption fee £325 paid and contract signed.

24.02.20..... L was sent to the hospital, by her doctor, however she wasn't admitted over night, but was advised to rest for a few days, until she felt strong again. ( she had been experiencing chest pains )

26.02.20..... L asked Home2home for helped with her dog, as they provide full rescue back up, she asked them to foster Levi, until she was well enough, to walk him. This was agreed and foster organised.

28.02.20..... Levi was collected from L's home, by fosterer Jo.

28.02.20.....Jo messaged the rescue saying Levi was well looked after and should return home. (We don't know what was said to her prior to this.)

29.02.20..... Jo messaged L saying " Levi was doing fine, but she felt he would be better off being homed with someone else, as he had too much energy for L".

02.03.20 am...L tried making contact with both Jo and Home2home (Alison Fielding) to return Levi home, as she felt well enough to have him back. Neither foster Jo or Alison replied to her.

02.03.20 pm... L received a message from Jo saying " it was up to the charity home2home to decide whether Levi could be returned, and tried to convince her that maybe another dog called Coco would be better for her".

L had signed no forms regarding the foster of Levi, although Jo did ask Linda for his passport and travel papers, when he was collected on the 28.02.20.

03.03.20.......L sent a message to Alison Fielding Home2home, saying that Jo needs to return Levi home, and that she would cover any petrol cost incurred. No reply.
L notified Dog Lost that her dog had been stolen, as she feared she would never see her dog again, and contacted the police.... CRN, police didn't seem interested in helping, saying it was a civil matter, she also changed the microchip to stolen, to stop Alison Fielding, selling the dog on.
At this point the Stolen Levi team was started including 2 former members of Home2home admin who had dealt with Levi's adoption. The team contacted Alison fielding and fosterer Jo and had no response from either. They also contacted current members of Home2home admin who were completely unaware of the situation and were horrified.
Alison, phoned L requesting a Doctors Letter, proving she was well enough to take care of the dog, a letter from her Landlord to prove she can have a dog, and notification, of who would be looking after the dog, if she
were to be ill again.

04.03.20..... L called the police for an update and asked "if I get the address will you get him for me?" She was told yes and related this back to Team Levi. She was given the address to give to the police who then refused to go or assist L. Team Levi asked Doglost for help who advised this was outside their capabilities. L went to the foster home alone, to get back her dog. Two elderly ladies were home, who phoned the fosterer Jo for information, they were told, not to return the dog to L, and L was asked to leave, as the Charity Home2home and the police had been called. L said, ok I will sit in my car and wait for them to arrive. While L was sitting in her car, a large Truck pulled up behind her, and large man got out, and went to L's car, opening her car door, and shouting for her to get of his land, saying the dog now belonged to Alison Fielding, before slamming her door shut. L realised what a serious situation she was in, and drove away, only to get a little way down the road, to realise she had a flat tyre (L believes it was slashed, but cannot prove it).(police are waiting for the report from the garage)

04.02.20 Alison Fielding collected Levi from Jo and took him to her home then placed him in kennels.

05.03.20 L reported the incident to the police, CRM they advised her to produce all the required information ie, doctors letter, landlord letter and RBU. Rescue back up and Doctors Letter were e.mailed over to Alison Fielding, but L was still awaiting Landlord letter. ( Alison Fielding has still not replied to these
documents )

08.02.20 Alison Fielding moved Levi to a new home with the intention of foster with view to adopt.

09.02.20 new foster/adopter spoke to team Levi and the police and the decision was made to return Levi to his owner.
As expected both dog and owner were delighted to see each other.

Since helping L fight to get her dog home, it has come to light, that Alison Fielding doesn't have a Licence to be a Charity, she fundraises without appropriate fundraising licence, she is bringing over Serbian dogs illegally, and running
dog boarding from her 2 bedroom council house, without being registered.
Alison Fielding pays herself boarding fees from rescue funds when a dog is relinquished to her. There are no accounts available.So the questions being raised
1. Why did they ask for Levi's documentation? Were they planning to keep him?
2. Why ask for letters from doctor, housing association and not respond or acknowledge them? (In fact Alison fielding informed the new adopter the doctor's letter was fake)
3. Why weren't these questions asked BEFORE adoption?
4. Why would L have been a suitable adopter for Coco when Alison was adamant that Levi was not safe with L?

Alison Fielding has no charity status, no non profit registration, no licence to board and doesn't have a legal hold on ANY dog fostered or adopted out by Home2home rescue as (this has been advised by 2 lawyers) it doesn't exist due to not being registered. Many previous adopters have contacted the team and unfortunately they can't provide RBU for all of the previous dogs. However Petrac are happy to remove dual registration if you call them as many have done.

Levi is home (Riley) and now under the RBU of a legal rescue. Alison fielding told the lady that returned Levi that she would be using all rescue funds (generally about £20k according to admin) to take L to court for trespassing at Jo's farm. It will make a change from her spending it on lavish holidays through paying herself for boarding Home2home dogs I suppose...


Riddle me this. Why does a dog with a Serbian microchip have a Romanian passport and no titer or CHED?  🤔

Riddle me this. Why does a dog with a Serbian microchip have a Romanian passport and no titer or CHED? 🤔

No refunds. No charity or non profit status. So where is the money going?

No refunds. No charity or non profit status. So where is the money going?

Deleted review

Deleted review

And surprisingly he attacked the cat

And surprisingly he attacked the cat

A dog returned for attacking a teenager being advertised as child friendly? I hope any potential adopter sees this befor...

A dog returned for attacking a teenager being advertised as child friendly? I hope any potential adopter sees this before a child is injured because the admin team will lie to you and take fee after fee 💰💰💰




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