A Little Journey with the Greens

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A Little Journey with the Greens Little steps in my gardening journey... what i hv learnt... n e joy of seeing e plant fruits! ����

A very Merry Christmas to all!!! Wishing all a joyous and peaceful holiday and oso e Yr ahead!!!Went Bintan for 4 days.....

A very Merry Christmas to all!!! Wishing all a joyous and peaceful holiday and oso e Yr ahead!!!

Went Bintan for 4 days... there was nothing but flowers when I left... but spotted all these "balls" when back... now is e wait for them to be fully grown n ripen... 😊😊

Blue Spice Basil rooted (in water) and non-rooted cuttings to bless... Good for 3 pax... each will get 1 rooted n 1 non-...

Blue Spice Basil rooted (in water) and non-rooted cuttings to bless... Good for 3 pax... each will get 1 rooted n 1 non-rooted cuttings. Self collection at Pasir Ris 5105xx at 330pm-430pm weekdays oni. Thanks!!

Some1 ordered this Ornamental Jigsaw Pepper seeds this mid Aug... Sowed 1 myself coz i wanted to try out e viability of ...

Some1 ordered this Ornamental Jigsaw Pepper seeds this mid Aug... Sowed 1 myself coz i wanted to try out e viability of e seeds before I confirm e sales... n this is e outcome of tt "Test Seed" 1 month down e road... it's in a 7cm diameter plastic drink cup 🤣🤣🤣🤣... a total of 8 buds n still more to come!!! N oh!! I love e colors of e mini branch in e last picture!! 😍😍😍

Went to the RN garden this morning with e kiddos for their gardening trip... Sowed some plants for them previously at ho...

Went to the RN garden this morning with e kiddos for their gardening trip... Sowed some plants for them previously at home and tdy got the children to help get them into e ground... 2 edamame and 3 long bean plants in total... Oh! Spotted some flowers on e black cherry tomato plant too! Wonder if it will fruit successfully coz e weather recently is crazy... fingers cross!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻

Using EVA (I think so... not good at those material names) to giap e stems floating on water... can greenhouse them some...

Using EVA (I think so... not good at those material names) to giap e stems floating on water... can greenhouse them some more... I like to keep my cut stems short... juz personal preference I guess... to me, keeping e stems short makes it easier for me to manage them, as well as allowing them to divert most of their energy to root making... Really love these Blue Spice Basils... they give an unique scent... hv not tried them yet....

When u like planting edibles, n u found these 3 "leggy" seeds, what do u do?? Plant them of coz!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

When u like planting edibles, n u found these 3 "leggy" seeds, what do u do?? Plant them of coz!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Nothing beats to see e roots poking out of e pot from below. Now am thinking to let e roots continue to grow downwards n...

Nothing beats to see e roots poking out of e pot from below. Now am thinking to let e roots continue to grow downwards n do a semi hydro for it, or to up-pot it... still thinking... still got abit of time... 😁

Growing peppers can be easy, can be difficult... but 1 thing (from personal experience) tt I can conclude is tt, they strive on neglect! 🤣🤣🤣 Neglect on watering, but not neglect on pest routine...

Introducing my next round of stars! Edible flowers! Sowed 3days ago and now already waking up! E other pot of Viola no s...

Introducing my next round of stars! Edible flowers! Sowed 3days ago and now already waking up! E other pot of Viola no sound no sight yet -> no photo coz oni show black soil, nothing interesting... but am really curious how long will they emerge... Well, counting down.... hopefully I don't need to to wait too long! Any tips for growing Nasturtium and Viola flowers?? 😁😁😁

Going to new home.... 🥰🥰🥰

Going to new home.... 🥰🥰🥰

8 days down e road, another hair cut session for e doumiao. Can see tt e stalks r getting thinner. Planting 1 round of m...

8 days down e road, another hair cut session for e doumiao. Can see tt e stalks r getting thinner. Planting 1 round of maple seeds is good to harvest for 2-4 rounds, until e stalks r getting thinner n thinner... I didn't add any fertiliser... juz plain peatmoss and overnite water... e seed itself will hv sufficient nutrients to aid their growth for a couple of rounds... whereby then we need to redo another new batch... Now is another wait of 1week+ for e (maybe?) last harvest... we shall see then if they r up for e 4th round ba! 🤣🤣🤣


Think tt e 2 peppers r showing signs of stress... quickly mixed some media... this round I used peat moss as base instea...

Think tt e 2 peppers r showing signs of stress... quickly mixed some media... this round I used peat moss as base instead of soil, coz peat moss is acidic, which peppers prefer... added some vermiculite, perlite & pumice stones too...

E roots r long n looks healthy! N so, in they go to another pot. Personally, I don't like to pot them into big pots yet for their size, coz it will be difficult to take care... 😁😁😁



Collection of wat I am growing now.... Blue Spice Basil shd hv extra to trade or bless... give me a bit more time to gro...

Collection of wat I am growing now....

Blue Spice Basil shd hv extra to trade or bless... give me a bit more time to grow them bigger... Strawberry is a bonus... didn't expect it to grow...

E spotlight is on e 2 peppers... trying to not to care too much for them, but on e other hand, can't really leave them alone for too long...

Nothing plant related, other than e flowers in the painting... rainy morning again... lazy to dig e dirt outside along e...

Nothing plant related, other than e flowers in the painting... rainy morning again... lazy to dig e dirt outside along e corridor... rmbr tt I got this booklet tt I wanna give my ger... wanted to juz do a few spots to show her, but ended up finishing e whole pc... 😁😁😁

Very stress releasing! Minimal mess too!! I think I am ordering 1 for myself... 🤣🤣🤣

A rainy morning.... it's home alone today... with my doumiao tt was harvested a few days ago, cooked ownself a asam lasa...

A rainy morning.... it's home alone today... with my doumiao tt was harvested a few days ago, cooked ownself a asam lasak maggie mee for early lunch. E sprouts r so soft n tender, I juz need to swish them in boiling water for less than 7secs!

Swishing e sprouts in water slightly allows e body to absorb e nutrients more readily....

Pea sprouts r known to contain VitE, VitC, VitA and r superrich in antioxidants! They r oso a good source for dietary fiber and Potassium!

It is quite hard to get a pack of tender pea sprouts tt don't make a clump when we eat... too old liaoz (not me, e pea sprouts too old I mean...). Growing them gives me e chance to eat them at whatever stage tt I want. 😘


A rainy morning.... it's home alone today... with my doumiao tt was harvested a few days ago, cooked ownself a asam lasa...

A rainy morning.... it's home alone today... with my doumiao tt was harvested a few days ago, cooked ownself a asam lasak maggie mee for early lunch. E sprouts r so soft n tender, I juz need to swish them in boiling water for less than 7secs!

Swishing e sprouts in water slightly allows e body to absorb e nutrients more readily....

Pea sprouts r known to contain VitE, VitC, VitA and r superrich in antioxidants! They r oso a good source for dietary fiber and Potassium!

It is quite hard to get a pack of tender pea sprouts tt don't make a clump when we eat... too old liaoz (not me, e pea sprouts too old I mean...). Growing them gives me e chance to eat them at whatever stage tt I want. 😘


Loaded another 3 more "mushroom" trays of maple peas!!! Passing 1 to my makan buddy this Thursday over our soju lunch!!!...

Loaded another 3 more "mushroom" trays of maple peas!!! Passing 1 to my makan buddy this Thursday over our soju lunch!!!

I realised tt growing them in peat works better for me... soak e seeds in water for abt 10hrs... fill a tray with peat moss, no nd alot... juz abt 5cm height shd be sufficient.... lay them seeds in a single layer and then spray water on them, keeping the peat moss moist everyday from then on... my previous batch can be harvested on Day8/9.... Love them in my tofu salad! Yummy! 😋😋😋


My precious!!! Keeping fingers crossed.... No words can describe my feelings when I see this little one sprouted!!! When...

My precious!!! Keeping fingers crossed.... No words can describe my feelings when I see this little one sprouted!!! When I tot tt all is gone and wasted, I see hope!!!

Clocking 2.48mil SHU, this Dragon's Breath is 2nd to PepperX (3.18mil SHU), followed by Carolina Reaper (1.4-2.2mil SHU). Germinating superhots r not easy. It takes patience and correct inputs. I am still learning... Tried paper towel method, but it doesn't seems to work for me... so in e end, I tried bottom watering with warmer than room temperature water every 2 days. Frankly speaking, I am not sure if this does e trick to push this fellow out.... it is still a mystery which needs more experiments.

어째든... 이렇게 만나서 반가워~~ 우리는 잘해보자! 😘😘


Monday can eat liaoz!!!😋😋😋Prefer to grow them in peat... works better for me... 🙂🙂🙂Grab a pack of maple seeds and try ou...

Monday can eat liaoz!!!😋😋😋

Prefer to grow them in peat... works better for me... 🙂🙂🙂
Grab a pack of maple seeds and try out for urself! U won't be disappointed. 🥰🥰🥰

Grow, Reaper, grow!!! Sowed 2 seeds of Chocolate Reaper but oni 1 made it... Germinating superhots r really not easy... ...

Grow, Reaper, grow!!! Sowed 2 seeds of Chocolate Reaper but oni 1 made it... Germinating superhots r really not easy... seed quality, soil conditions, temperature... they all play a significant part to germination.

Hands itchy... took out e maple peas n soak.... 1 small tray in peat... 1 small tray in water... hopefully all goes well...

Hands itchy... took out e maple peas n soak.... 1 small tray in peat... 1 small tray in water... hopefully all goes well n these 豆苗/pea sprouts can be harvest in 7 days time.

These seeds had been soaked for abt 9hrs... discarded those halved ones n left these... 180 seeds in peat, n remaining in water... curious if there might have any difference in e growth for both trays...




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