Delicious New York style cheesecake made in the Bosch Universal Plus Mixer! Topped with fresh fruit or sweet jam… a sweet treat made “just because” or for company! Only one problem…. It didn’t last long!
In an effort to use the whey from cheese making, I decided to replace the water with whey in my sandwich bread. The bread turned out delicious and soft! Thanks to my Bosch Universal Plus Mixer is easy to make 100% of our bread! HUGE Bosch sale until July 17th! Best prices until Black Friday! Use my code KMBAKERS20 to save on accessories (can not be combined with sale price). Link in the bio and comments!
Happy Independence Day! Never forget, freedom isn’t free! So thankful for those who fought and continue to fight for our independence. 💙❤️🇺🇸❤️💙
T-Rex is a spunky little bull! Loving farm life!
Calf watch concludes for the spring season! Cayenna had a gorgeous bull calf about 6:30 this morning. Meet Rex! We missed the delivery by only seconds…. After a long travel day yesterday we were dragging out of bed for milking chores… An experienced cow, Cayenna did great! She’s allowed me to touch her baby and get in close to give her a little TLC. Breakfast delivery with a bucket of warm molasses water.
My seed snails are growing! I LOVE this seed starting method!! It uses less silage and less waste! Full details on the blog
Who doesn’t love pizza?!? Homemade makes it even better!! Sourdough pizza crust made from fresh ground flour makes it a wee bit nutritious…. But oh so delicious!