Time for a Connie update
Video says it all 🥰😊
Connie update
from Fay
Connie update: From Fay
'This morning I woke to an elephant dancing on my bed
Yes it was 6.02 and Connie wanted breakfast. She approached my outstretched hand twice, I didn’t quite touch her. She came right up to the pillow nose first pushing her self against me ( I was safely under the blanket) She then took the end of the blanket in her mouth and started to pull it off me Just like in a movie.
I got up and got her breakfast as she wanted After breakfast they dogs came back to bed Connie front legs on top of me sniffed my face all over with her little tail wagging like mad Happy Saturday'
Further progress was the introduction of 2 strangers into the house, while she didn't go near them, she didn't freak out either and hide. Connie also has an outside run now, so she go outside on the grass when she wants, she is still coming in quickly, and will take awhile to get used to it. Rene and Fay feel that she is ready to be desexed now, they have got her used to the vet they will use and she is very comfortable with her.. Connie also left a present on Fay's bed ( photo in comments )
Once again, this is the end result of puppy farms, poor little dogs like Connie.. At least Connie is getting the best care and is with the right people..
Say NO to puppy cuddles if they come to a shopping center near you..
She is quite the demanding little miss now😅
Connie update
2 weeks ago, it was thought Connie was maybe ready to have a new person introduced slowly. Unfortunately it caused a little setback and Connie reverted back to hiding behind chairs, not coming out to eat with her with her fur family and it took a little while for her to find her brave again..
Connie still won't take food from a hand, although she is coming closer, she won't allow people to touch her, but will come up and touch them.. it was time for Connie to venture out in the back yard and get used to a lead.. which she seems to be accepting quite well.. she has to be cornered to have the lead put on though. It's a slow process, one step forward and 2 back.. but she is making progress
Connie is still settling quite nicely, she still wont take any treats from a hand, no matter how tempting, however she has taken a spot on the bed and claimed a chair as hers. Connie will sniff fingers, however still wont let anyone pat her, pulling back if a hand is raised.. Her crate was her safe space and if she felt unsafe, would retreat back into her crate for safety, however for the last 3 weeks, she hasn't been to her crate, and that is a bit step in the right direction.. she has even been a little bit naughty :-)
The next step is to get her desexed, however waiting for the right time, as there is a real fear that it could set back her progress..
Connie has only been socialised with Fay, Rene and their fur babies so far, a slow introduction to another person did not go well, so that has been put on the back burner, although she seems to have accepted seeing another person outside the window without panicking, that is a big step.
Missy has a new name, so everything from her past is different, Missy is now Connie.. she has had no affection or love in the past, and is very wary, but she is not moving away, and actually leans into the scratch..
Missy Update
its now been 15 days since Missy was captured and safe, during this time, Fay and Rene from A Mini Rescue have been working with her every day to gain her trust in people.. Its slow process, that cant be rushed, and she needs to trust in her own time.. as in getting a lost and scared dogs to come to their owner, its so very important that the dog comes to you.. This is such a big step, taking treats