Freeborg Family Foster

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Freeborg Family Foster We foster dogs. Helping them to find their forever family.

Took a trip to a dog park today.   Boone had done so well with the neighbors dogs I had decided to try him out.   He was...

Took a trip to a dog park today. Boone had done so well with the neighbors dogs I had decided to try him out. He was a rock star! Friendly played with several dogs and went up to most of the people there to get some snuggles. This boy is a charmer ❤️. There were two human brothers 5 yrs and 9 yrs. They were very attracted to Boone and he in turn invited them to play. It was a really cute moment. All in all it has just cemented my opinion that he is one amazing dog.


When your favorite song comes on and you know every word... 🎶😂

After a week in our home, I can say that Boone is an incredible dog.   He is fun, energetic, loving and gorgeous.   He l...

After a week in our home, I can say that Boone is an incredible dog. He is fun, energetic, loving and gorgeous. He loves to play with our larger pup and will take his lead when it comes to how rough and how long the play lasts. One thing he is not is cooperative with photo taking, but I am going to get another foster Mom to help with that. Until then know that he is this dark chocolate brown with the most incredible amber eyes ever. There are still things to work on but he has come such a long way. He now will sit when it is time for food. Even after I put the food down, he will sit and let me distract him before I let him go to the bowl. That is so huge as he was quite the gobbler. He now lets me give a treat to the Foster dogs and will wait his turn. This is quite a difference between the everything and everyone is mine attitude.

The perfect family for him is one that loves long hikes, or running. A place that he can stretch those long legs of his. The family has to be sturdy because as long as he is in the puppy stage, he sometimes forgets his own strength. He is quite capable of knocking you over if he comes at you on the run. No small children in this case. It will be a lucky family that gets Boone. Maybe it can be you?

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Fluffy Dog Rescue has many wonderful dogs in need of homes. Our How to Adopt page will tell you all the specifics on what needs to be done to adopt a dog.

More photos of Boone ... none of them do his gorgeousness justice.   He is settling in with my family and learning to re...

More photos of Boone ... none of them do his gorgeousness justice. He is settling in with my family and learning to relax. Still has moments of "frenzy" but nice to know there is a chill side as well. He plays hard and is really fast. We are learning manners and working on sharing. Nothing that a little loving and confidence building can't cure. We have only had two accidents in the house, both on Sunday. He needed to go and we weren't paying attention on one occasion, and the other was a lifting / marking moment that we nipped in the bud on spot. Since then, there have been no mishaps. I would like to get him to show some kind of body language that he needs to go, and hoping that will happen. He really is affectionate. Loves his people. Loves all people.

Meet Boone.   A big energetic Love Bug.   If you like big sweet dogs,  Boone is your boy 😍

Meet Boone. A big energetic Love Bug. If you like big sweet dogs, Boone is your boy 😍

Fluffy Dog Rescue's mission is to, transport dogs in need of homes from southern states and rehome them in WI, IL or MN.

Adopted!  Saffron with her new brother Ollie❤️

Adopted! Saffron with her new brother Ollie❤️

Saffron says to have a great day ❤️

Saffron says to have a great day ❤️

Meet Saffron.   She has traveled all night from Alabama to our home.   Can’t blame a girl for being tired after that.  D...

Meet Saffron. She has traveled all night from Alabama to our home. Can’t blame a girl for being tired after that. Don’t let her napping fool you though because her 7 month old personality is fun fun fun! She has a very sweet temperament. We can’t wait to get to know her better and help her to find her forever family. Any interested adopter can go to

Missy B has been adopted by the wonderful Ms. Elena!  Missy is now going by Astrid and is enjoying her new life with Ele...

Missy B has been adopted by the wonderful Ms. Elena! Missy is now going by Astrid and is enjoying her new life with Elena and brother Otto ❤️


Missy B is doing her part by social distancing by walking early in the morning when nobody else is at the fields. Really she enjoys just being with her family ... that is what is in her make up. She will accept other people under certain conditions but it takes time and patience. Do you have that? Because if you do, Missy B will fill your heart and home with enough love that you probably won't want to share her with anybody else.


Missy B loves car rides, walks, kisses, treats, dancing, her furry brothers and her human family.

She will need a dog savvy person or at least one with a great deal of patience. Another furry sibling for company and to help with her socialization. A fenced in yard if at all possible because she loves to run.

I know you are out there somewhere and Missy can't wait to meet you!

I love walks and my Foster Mom takes me places where I am not stressed out by other dogs and people.   I don’t want to b...

I love walks and my Foster Mom takes me places where I am not stressed out by other dogs and people. I don’t want to be unsociable but I have some trust issues. My Foster family have introduced me to some of their family and friends. They gave me time to get comfortable and in time I was brave enough to go over to them and they gave me treats. I love treats! So maybe I could do the same thing with your family. I know I may take more work in some ways but I am totally fun. I love my foster family and want hugs and kisses all the time. I get so happy I do these crazy little dances. My foster Mom says that she can’t possibly have a bad day when I dance around. I also am good on the house. No kennel and no accidents. I’ll keep working on my social manners while I wait for my forever family. I can’t wait to meet you 🐶

Bounty needs a home with adults only.   Older teenagers .  While I have been successful in getting her to accept strange...

Bounty needs a home with adults only. Older teenagers . While I have been successful in getting her to accept strangers in my home and in other homes, I have not had as much success with meeting strangers when outside. Some of it is the standing as she does not like people standing but will sit on their laps when sitting. We have never had success with children and so if your home has children under the age of 12 as regular visitors, Bounty will not do well. She needs another playful pup as this girl loves to play. She has an intensity in everything she does so in fairness to the other pooch you would want to be sure they are up to the challenge of a high energy girl. She is special no doubt, but she will need work and an environment that will help her succeed. No dog parks and trips to Petco for her.

Making friends at the office ......

Making friends at the office ......


Missy B has come a long way. She goes to work with me in the morning and after the barking alert to let everyone know she has arrived, she will accept treats from the maintenance crew. She even sits on their laps and accepts some back scratching.

She loves her walks. Loves car rides.
She does well in the bathtub but absolutely LOVES the toweling to get dry. Will dive right into the towel.
She is a snuggler and very loving.
Loves her foster brothers and so would do best in a home with another playful pooch.
Is completely housebroken.... no accidents in the house.
Looking for a family who is patient enough to give her the time that is needed to become a confident member of the family. Given time will be okay with guests and visitors.

Really this girl is a joy. Her fear issues can be overcome with time and in return you get this quirky, loyal companion who will steal your heart.

Loves being groomed ..... as long as there are no tangles 🤓

Loves being groomed ..... as long as there are no tangles 🤓


This cutie pie is up for adoption :)


Fun in the park !

Good morning❣️

Good morning❣️

Riding shotgun 😍

Riding shotgun 😍


Missy B was returned by her adoptive family to the Fluffy Dog Rescue organization. We decided to visit her. It took us an hour and a half to convince Missy to let us touch and hold her, and it was heartbreaking to see her so afraid. The good news is that she did finally turn around and we made the decision to take her back as a foster.

Once home, Missy B lost no time in settling back into our household. She loves our family, our other pooches and our routine. She has accepted and allowed visitors to our home to pet her, give her treats and has even sat on their laps. We will tell you that we do not hold a magic wand to make her a different dog in my home, than in her failed adoptive home. What we have given her is a lot of time. Time to get to know our family, our home and to find her place in it. Time to know that we have her back and will keep her safe ... always. . Adopting a dog like Missy B means you need to give her as much time as it takes for her to get to know you and to feel safe. Could be weeks, months or years. We so badly want her to have her forever home, but we are going to wait until that person or family who understands that Missy B may take an extraordinary amount of time to settle in. That she may never like everyone she meets and the best you can do is get her to walk by them without reacting. Which she will do without fail. That if she feels happier without a lot of strangers in her life, that is okay with you too. You've got a safe place she can go.

Meanwhile, we are working on her meet and greet with strangers. We are at 70% and think we can, with time, get her to be more receptive outside the home. In our home, we have had more success because she feels so safe in our house. We are keeping good notes about what works and doesn't. What are her triggers and what things we can do to lessen them. We will be sharing these notes with her new family.

You might ask what the incentive would be to take on such a dog. We understand that the dog who loves every person they meet makes for an easier adoption. Well, Missy is a 100% dog. Once she knows she belongs and feels safe in your ability to take care of her, she is a loving, excited, funny, quirky little fur ball who makes you smile all of the time. You walk in the door at night and she dances around your feet in welcome. When it is time to sit back and relax, she wants to be right next to you. She is 100% your dog and she lets you know that with in every waking minute. She is so worth it.


We have had Bountiful, Missy B, back in our home since December 14th and we have been working with her to overcome her fear aggression. She has been doing amazing and we have high hopes for her finding a forever family. But first, I want to share an article from the Organization Fluffy Dog Rescue. Worth a read. Please.

Fluffy Dog Rescue:

I took this from another rescues page, but I think they took the words out of my mouth. I have been rescuing dogs for over thirteen years and 4,000 dogs, so I believe I am qualified to say this. "A rescue dog is not for everyone, and the dog in the photo you fell in love with might not be a match for you."

We don't get many returns, but when we do the dog may never recover from it. In the past couple of weeks these dogs have come back and I think we are hitting three huge areas that need addressing.

Jemma-A puppy adopted by a couple where the husband was 63 years old. This is not an age that we would say you shouldn't have a dog, but you need to consider what the next fifteen years of your life might look like and will you be able to care for a dog. In this case, no. After three years we have a very scared, confused dog that could potentially be aggressive due to this. The couple is moving to 55 and older housing.

Bountiful-I fostered this young Yorkie/Doxie mix with her sister. They then went to separate foster homes. The sister was adopted and is doing great. Bounty had some challenges in her foster home and both the home visit volunteer and foster discussed this with the adopter. After four days the adopter wanted to return her. She did keep her awhile longer and did bring in a Behaviorist as we suggested. In the end, they said they just didn't want a dog they had to put work into. Bounty did not stop shaking for twelve hours after she was returned. I took her home to try to calm her down. I even used some essential oils. After about a month, Bounty is doing great with me. She is fine with the dogs that we have here. If a new dog comes around she is fearful and will bark. If a new person comes around, or my husband that she seems to not recognize all the time comes in, she will bark and might even try to go after his legs. We have people come over and work with her, but her breed and whatever has been done to her has made her so fearful that she feels the need to protect herself at all times. This is really a horrible way to live.

Ollie-A cockapoo, will be surrendered tomorrow. He was adopted two years ago and the adopter has now adopted a ten month old child. She is fearful that Ollie could hurt the child, as she is now mobile and goes toward Ollie. Ollie is on anxiety meds and has nipped in the past. The first thing we will do is wean Ollie off these meds. When he came to us he was our "ball dog". All he wanted was his ball. He had a ton of energy and needed to have running exercise and mental stimulation. Seriously all dogs need and deserve this.

This point of running exercise and mental stimulation is one that we really can't gloss over. The question every one of our home visit volunteers asks is "How will you run this dog daily?" If you can't, you shouldn't be looking at a dog under the age of seven and for sure not a terrier.

I just had a woman that was 66 years old apply for Provo. He is a 2 year old 24 lb. Border Collie mix that was feral and from a hoarding situation. While we were greatly praised for taking in these six dogs, five of them have been in rescue with us for over six months. They take a special adopter. Special? Someone that is patient, has common sense, the ability to research, learn and reinforce what they have learned with the dog. I don't know. Does that constitute special? I think every adopter should be that way. So when I told the applicant that the dog was feral, she responded by saying, "what is feral." I don't know. If you didn't know, maybe look it up. When I told her she may not be able to touch him due to his lack of socialization with humans, she said she lived alone and would be patient. Oh, I guess you didn't see on the listing that he needed another dog in the home. Anyway, I said he will need running exercise daily and if he decides he is scared, will you be able to control him. Will you be able to pick him up and carry him home. She said, I guess you don't want me to have a dog. No, I want you to think and make the right decision. We are here to help, but the dog we select might not be the one that looks like a stuffed animal.

Just one more. So this is right off the comments of a recent application. "Our one must, is that we have a dog that will welcome our families when they come to visit or at least not be afraid of people and can be left alone during the day. I do want the personality to be a good fit with cats and a grandchild coming this year. We have flexibility to have a kennel in our heated garage for a more active dog if initially being alone in our house with the cats is not a good idea." Well, the dog/cat relationship has as much to do with the cat as the dog. Can't really tell you, but nice to know that if things don't work out you will just put the dog out to live in the garage, until????? Then, your unborn grandchild. Are you asking me how this dog will get along with him/her? Well, we don't adopt to families with children under six years of age. This is because it is before the age of reason. This is not something we made up or because we don't like children. It is a scientific fact. With that said, we then need the adults to do the reasoning. Never leave a child alone with a dog.

So now to the posting from the other rescue. We thank you for caring about our rescue dogs. Please also understand that a rescue dog might not be a fit for you, your sister or your mom. Let them make the decision. Guide them to our website where we have a Resources page to help educate them. Right now most of our dogs are special needs because of their behaviors, or shall I say because people were not willing to put the work into them. Please consider this when applying to bring one into your home.

"Let's talk about decompression.

Decompression is a fancy word for "I don't know where the heck I am, who the heck you are, who the heck they are and or what the heck I'm supposed to do".

Change is stressful. Consider your own stress responses. Are you a little edgy? A little shy? Does your stomach hurt? Do you eat things you're not supposed to (I'm talking to you, the one who shoves handfuls of chocolate chips in their mouth). These experiences are magnified for dogs because they cannot rationalize the transitions. They don't know that a new home is a good thing. They just know that nothing looks, smells, or sounds the same.

The need for decompression is such a vital thing with rescue. It's the reason we have adopters read the long articles about stress response. It's the reason we ask how long you'll give a dog time to adjust. It's the reason we remind adopters to go slow with everything, especially in those first 72 hours. It's why, unless there is a safety issue, we ask that you simply let your new pooch "be" so that their minds and their bodies can relax. And, it is completely normal to feel apprehensive when a new addition joins your family. Decompression isn't just something the new pup is going and your resident animals are experiencing it as well!

Unfortunately (though rarely), decompression isn't offered and wonderful and sweet dogs like Buck are returned within a day. Which means another transition. And more stress. It's the last thing we want for these wonderful dogs, who have already been through so much.

But don't worry about Buck...he's happy as a clam to be back in a loving foster home. While he was initially confused because he did nothing wrong, he knows he'd rather be with a family who just knows it's right and will offer the gift of time! In return? He will give a lifetime of love!

Are you committed to offering a rescue love, patience and time? "

All of the dogs pictured are waiting for a home. A home where someone will be patient with them for months and maybe years. A home where they are not expected to be the life of the party, and socialize with dogs at the dog park and guest that come to the home. A home where there are not children that run, and make loud noises. Maybe a home where a dog can be a dog. This is what rescue really is.

Missy B had a snowy fun walk to start 2020❤️.  She wishes everyone a Happy New Year 🎊

Missy B had a snowy fun walk to start 2020❤️. She wishes everyone a Happy New Year 🎊


Merry Christmas from Missy B and the Freeborgs 🎄

Picking up Missy B for another adventure.   Stay tuned ❤️

Picking up Missy B for another adventure. Stay tuned ❤️

Walking with my foster brother Toby❣️

Walking with my foster brother Toby❣️

Walking with my Foster Brother.

Walking with my Foster Brother.

You have to be willing to be a pillow for Missy B.   But not to worry, she is as light as a feather 🥰

You have to be willing to be a pillow for Missy B. But not to worry, she is as light as a feather 🥰


Miss B is .......

A little naughty (adds to the cuteness factor).
Wanting her forever family❤️


Morning breakfast circles 🥰


Two weeks of no accidents. Love this girl. Doing very well with people on our walks. Will tolerate other dogs coming close if they aren’t too hyper. Will be trying the dog park soon or a play date. Trying to get some videos of her happy dance but she is so quick 🤪


Missy B is for the most part housebroken. She goes out with her foster brothers and uses the backyard. And has not had an accident in over a week. Keeping her on a schedule is key. Her whoopsies only happen when the schedule is interfered with. She is also greeting people more socially on her walks. Treats must be at the ready. She walks past other barking dogs without reaction if you talk her through it. She is simply lovely. And a whole lot of fun.



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