Meet dedicated Canine Companions client and , Tammy. Recently placed with her second Canine Companions , Tammy has spent years learning and advocating for a mission she cares deeply about.
In an effort to gain more support for Canine Companions in her area, Tammy recently created the Kentucky Volunteer Chapter. Within the first few months of the chapter’s creation, she's recruited more than 20 new members; secured donations from Kentucky-based organizations, like Brown-Forman Brands; engaged local sports teams, including the Louisville Bats; and much more!
Tammy has represented us on the news, served as a guest speaker for past events and successfully hosted her first public event, a fundraiser at Huber Winery.
Tammy serves on the North Central Outreach Committee and always comes prepared with great ideas and engagement opportunities. We're truly fortunate for the success she brings to the organization, as well as for her genuine enthusiasm to bring the community together!