These two beautiful girls from Theologos, Kalymnos were sterilised this morning thanks to your kind donations to The Kalymnos Cats Project and Kalymnos Cats. They will be returned to their area tomorrow.
great news !!!!🥳 Johanna’s paw is much better, the swelling is significantly reduced and - as far as the rotation of the paw is concerned - the paw is in the correct position 🙏🙏🙏🙏 the bandage she is wearing now is wrapped so as to resemble a kind of shoe in order to force her to correctly walk on four legs. She will also continue physiotherapy and has another appointment on saturday 😃
Update on Johanna-this was in the clinic - she can walk quite well with the wires and the bandage
Johanna at her Foster home in Germany. She will be seeing a specialist orthopaedic vet next week. She looks great.🐾🐈⬛❤️
Johanna leaves at 6am tomorrow morning on the early ferry to Kos. From there she flies to Germany for surgery and adoption. It has been a privilege caring for this beautiful being, I will miss her! Thank you to everyone who has made her journey to her new life possible. Please donate to help us continue our work.100% of donations go to animal care.
This colony of ferals we Trapped, Neutered, Returned in the spring. Kind people both in Kalymnos and abroad make sure they are fed and monitored. All 9 are doing really well. Your donations enable us. Thank you.
The young black and white cat at the bottom of the picture and the young black and white at the top had string tied around their necks The string must have been there for some time as it was very tight and beginning to embed into its skin - which would cause a very slow, horrific and painful death. Today Kalymnos Cats volunteers managed to trap these cats and remove the string . In the next couple of days we hope to capture the whole colony, which are fed by kind people at Elies and take them to the vets to be sterilised and treated for parasites thanks to The Kalymnos Cat Project.
ΜΗ ΔΕΝΕΤΕ ΚΟΡΔΟΝΑ ΓΥΡΩ ΤΟΥΣ ΛΑΙΜΟΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΓΑΤΩΝ! Η νεαρή ασπρόμαυρη γάτα στο κάτω μέρος της εικόνας και η νεαρή ασπρόμαυρη στο πάνω μέρος είχαν δεμένο κορδόνι στο λαιμό τους. αρχίζουν να ενσωματώνονται στο δέρμα του - που θα προκαλούσε έναν πολύ αργό, φρικτό και οδυνηρό θάνατο. Σήμερα οι εθελοντές της Kalymnos Cats κατάφεραν να παγιδεύσουν αυτές τις γάτες και να αφαιρέσουν το σπάγκο. Τις επόμενες δύο μέρες ελπίζουμε να κατακτήσουμε ολόκληρη την αποικία, την οποία ταΐζουν ευγενικοί άνθρωποι στο Elies και να τους μεταφέρουμε στους κτηνιάτρους για στείρωση και θεραπεία για παράσιτα χάρη στο The Kalymnos Cat Project
This poor neutered feral was found very sick in the street and taken to the vet by Kalymnos Cats. It is chipped to The municipality - they are undertaking its care. Your donations enable us to collect and transport . Thank you!
Ξανθούλης (Blondie) the Vathi cat. Neutered thanks to the Kalymnos Cat Project and your kind donations. Kalymnos Cats looked after him during recovery.The Municipality of Kalymnos covered the cost of the treatment to his wounded leg and necessary medication. Together with cooperation we managed to help this lovely cat. See more in comments.
Update on the Vathi cat. He was returned to his territory in the schoolyard at Vathi. The children turned out to meet him. He ran off for a couple of days,as is normal but now he's back!