Since hatching our last 4 chicks myself, we’ve had another chicken go broody, followed by one more!
I joked that it’s a broody pandemic over here.
Mama Gray-Gray is sitting on 2 eggs that should hatch Monday.
We are letting Gray-Gray hatch out some eggs because I fear she is too smart for the bait & switch and would not accept any day old chicks we try to sneak under her over night.
Norma is in another coop so I’ll put a camera there tonight or tomorrow. We will be trying to have her adopt chicks instead of letting her hatch some. Why?
1. She won’t have to sit as long
2. We have a breeder in the community that can give us sexed day olds so we know whatever we get are girls.
We fear Dahlia & Juju bee from the last batch are boys so we’ll have to wait and see.
Sometimes we get to enjoy the fruit we grow too.
Egg-citing day here today!
More Farm Drama
It’s never dull around here! About 11 days ago when things weren’t quite so hot, another one of our hens went broody.
She was sitting on 4 eggs in a coop that is in direct sun a good portion of the day, and poor insulation.
After moving her to cooler coops repeatedly failed, we set up shade sails & misters around the coop she chose to sit in.
Then we were all faced with temps over 105°. Embryos won’t survive over 104.5 so we decided to move the eggs she was sitting on to an incubator to keep them safe and replace what she was sitting on with decoys.
Still she sat, for a couple more days. Until finally, not knowing the real eggs were safe, she abandoned the nest. I think she knew that the eggs couldn’t survive these sustained 109+ days.
Ultimately, this was the healthiest choice for herself that she could have made.
So it looks like we’ll be hand raising these 4 chicks that are growing. Unless, as it cools down she decides to go broody again.
Yesterday, it was soooo hot, that the incubator itself reached 104.5 degrees. As we were coming home from the gym I could hear the temperature alarm on the incubator. I rushed in and immediately got the incubator open and to a cooler area.
It’s often sustained temperatures of 104.5 or higher that would kill an embryo. Since we weren’t gone more than 2hrs I was hoping that the babies were ok. But I wouldn’t be able to check until dark.
All 4 had survived 😅
Here’s a video of one of them so you can see what an embryo looks like at day 10. Pretty cool!
Toby-Doo hopes you all stay cool this summer!
Now that Maribold & Millie are mostly integrated, the 3rd coop is available to all. Now we can see some chickens lay eggs, which is kinda fun. Loretta is in the nest box. Charlotte there is kinda doing her own thing. 😄
First day out!
Today mama & babies ventured out of the coop into the run.
Big day for babies
Today we are moving mom & babies to the general population in the big coop! Mom will keep them safe and with the heat expected today they will have better ventilation and that coop is better insulated so it stays cooler.
Hatch 🐣
First baby hatched! 🐣