This is a good example that lip licking isn't always a stress signal.
Riot is loving this attention from his granny. When she pulls her hands away, Riot pushes for more. He doesn't want her to stop.
It's important to look at the full picture when assessing how a dog is feeling 👌.
Icey girl is back from the vets (spay).
I've taken tomorrow off work to keep a close eye on her. I'm back to work on Saturday. I will be checking on her through my cameras, so please be patient with me. I'm not being rude, just got to make sure my girl is settled!
Big Spencer came in for his 1st session today from the reactivity course.
This guy is just a big bouncy goof! He gets over excited around people & can be a little unsure of dogs (mix between excitement & nerve).
Spencer was fantastic today. We past people & dogs with either no reactions or minor reactions. I'm really looking forward to seeing more progress from this boy!
Icey girls 1st session on the bark 👌.
She is so much fun to watch - such a goof!
Another random retrieval with Riot 👌.
What should we do next?
A little random retrieval with Riot 👌.
Something new to try - Octopus 🐙!
From Rafa's Raw. Everyone loved them 😋.
Good morning, from Ice 💎.
Spot & Ice enjoying a little garden fun together ❤️.
That's our garden finally secured, which means no more leads for Riot & Ice 🙌.
The next task is adding in a 2nd fence (replacing an old one), then replacing the grass with something that can handle the dogs 🐾!
Displacement behaviours.
Displacement behaviours occur when your dog is experiencing *big feelings*. This can be excitement, frustration, anger, anxiety, etc.
In this clip, Riot is showing a displacement behaviour. He really wants to bite the hoover, but he knows he's not supposed to. So he's throwing/thrashing his toy around instead of biting the hoover.
Other examples of displacement behaviours are: bringing you a toy when you come home. Scent marking. Sniffing. Scratching. Circling on lead. Lead grabbing, etc.