The day is finally here!!! Our 2019 Blueboys Christmas Appeal!!! 😱😱😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️♥️ Today, we will attempt to raise $140,000 Australian dollars for ten incredible dog rescues in just 24 short hours!! ARE YOU WITH US? 😍🙏🏻🙏🏻 Ladies and gentlemen, this is our ONE ask for the year, we save up all our asks for this one day. From day one we knew this account would only be used to make others feel happy when they find themselves scrolling through. We share no sad stuff through the year, we don’t ask you to donate all the time, instead we spend all our free time making fun things for you guys to watch and giggle at. We don’t accept money from sponsors to be able to do our content. We believe so much that if we spend our year making you feel something, that on this one day when we ask you to help us do something special for dogs, you just might because of how we’ve made you feel through the year. So today we’re asking you, to help us create a special Christmas for so many doggies out there that are right now sitting on cold concrete floors waiting for some happiness in their day. The rescues we’ve chosen are already making amazing things happen for dogs in their community, but they can’t do it without a little love from us. Just $2, I wouldn’t expect a cent more. $2 is all it takes from as many people as possible and we will have our goal.
Please share this friends. Please share it on your page, put it in your Instagram story, and if you really love us you could put the go fund me link in your insta bio for the day. ♥️♥️ we love you all so much. This is my whole life. Let’s do this today. We only have 24 hours. Donate now via the link in our bio. 🙏🏻♥️