Feeling The Weight Of The Rein

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Feeling The Weight Of The Rein Blog following a 15 year old girl in her dressage career.


Rehabbing King….

King completed his 5 months of box rest he did 2 months before the vets said another 3 so 5 in total. As soon as he was allowed out we started walking him twice a day in hand for 15 minutes. As you can imagine that was how shall I put it interesting, daring, taking one’s life in to one’s hand 🤣 I literally had my own TBx shaped kite. Trying to keep him sane and not ballooning was exhausting. So being stabled at Crow Wood Equestrian we get the option to use the water treadmill at a discounted rate.

After the first week my dad said for safety let’s put him on the treadmill. He has to complete 60 days of water treadmill and inhand walking then I can tack him up and ride him in walk. I cannot wait to get back on him I have missed being behind his ears so much. It is a long slow process of kings rehab but we want to ensure that he’s fully healed and back to full strength before we start putting him back in training mode.

Our farrier Ben Dewhurst decided that now that he’s out walking he needed to have his graduated shoes taking off and leaving him barefoot for a while as the shoes had done their job whilst on box rest but were becoming detrimental to his rehab whilst walking.

The girls at crow wood love king I mean who doesn’t right. When they put him on the water treadmill for the first time they fully expected him to lose his head as some horses do especially with him being box rested for so long, but they were amazed that the little champ just does what he does and takes it all in his stride. They do laugh at him though as he’s that lazy he doesn’t pick him feet up walking in the water but doesn’t realise that he’s actually making harder work for himself 🤣

D Day 1 2024So today is D Day and for those that don’t know what D Day is it’s Dressage Day. We took Connie up to Crow w...

D Day 1 2024

So today is D Day and for those that don’t know what D Day is it’s Dressage Day. We took Connie up to Crow wood as it’s right near to where we are stabled and it’s a lovely venue. This is also Connie’s first ever dressage test.
Prelim 17a was first. My mum read this test out for me just so I could concentrate on Connie and not where I’m going next as it was the first test I’ve done since July last year.
I thought the test went really well. I do know though that I pushed her too much in the free walk, so much that she jogged a little and I know I will have gotten marked down for that.

17a result 68.62% earning us our first red ribbon.

Going in to 19 afterwards I didn’t need mum to read I feel like I could do this one in my sleep I’ve done it that many times. The test in itself I felt like I did really well, however I know that I forgot to trot before E on my last circle and ended up trotting on E 🥴 let’s see how much I get marked down for that one. I also know that I was holding my breath literally the whole way round so that made me tired.

Results for 19 66.88% and another red ribbon.
I am literally OVER THE MOON!! I am so happy. Petplan here we come!!

Starting as we mean to go on….So lately we have been training Connie to go from being a show jumper to dressage queen an...

Starting as we mean to go on….

So lately we have been training Connie to go from being a show jumper to dressage queen and let me tell you it’s been fun, hard work but fun at the same time. She just so nice to ride. She’s easily the best horse I’ve ridden (sorry King) her movements are out of this world she literally just floats.
Anyway at lessons Tori’s been fine tuning our transitions, trot work and of course my hands. I’ve literally not had a bad lesson. She’s so good and she gets better and better. Don’t get me wrong she can have her moments and we have had a couple of them recently but on the whole she’s a sweetheart.
Mums entered us in to our first dressage test together and I am both excited and nervous at the same time. So check back later for the scores as I’m about to go in now and ride them.
Laters x


How she moves 😍

Come on Vivien….So Connie, Connie is a German Warmblood and her passport name is come on Vivian which my mum was ecstati...

Come on Vivien….

So Connie, Connie is a German Warmblood and her passport name is come on Vivian which my mum was ecstatic about because her cars called Vivian so it’s meant to be 🙄 she’s 13 16.3 bay and beautiful. She’s an FEI show jumper originally and was sold on because she wasnt fast enough between the fences. I believe she’s jumped up to 1m40. She’s lived and competed all over Europe including Sweden Germany and the UK.
As we all know jumping isn’t for me so I am retraining Connie into a dressage horse and I hope we will be out competing soon. And for me she’s got too nicer moves for show jumping anyway.
From the day I got her and I’ve had her 5 weeks now she just gets better and better and better. She has lovely movements and seems to be taking to the change of discipline exceptionally well, when I ask her to do something that she’s not quite sure of she will try her hardest for me until she gets it right. Not like Elsa who will fight me on every obstacle till she eventually gives in 🤣
We have started having lessons with Tori and the difference in her since we got her is phenomenal. You would think that she knows what she’s doing.

Today’s lesson we have been teaching her leg yields. It’s amazing how different it feels and how different it is to teach her than it was to teach King. King you really had to work him and be on him to get him in the correct outline yet Connie “boom” and she’s got it.
I honestly cannot wait to take her out competing I am so excited.
Picture of Connie with her daily pamper session Equissage UK

Merry Christmas 2023……You may or may not have noticed I haven’t blogged in a long time, well truth be told my heart just...

Merry Christmas 2023……

You may or may not have noticed I haven’t blogged in a long time, well truth be told my heart just wasn’t in it. I’ve always said I will talk about the good times and the bad times but lately all I seem to have had is bad times and quite frankly it was depressing me.
Anyway I’ll recap where we were upto the last time I checked in. King had damaged his digital tendon in his front right and was on strict box rest after receiving his Tildren treatment and then at the end of January he can start his rehab. We have decided that we will take rehab low and slow and build up his strength slowly and surely to ensure a full healthy recovery so unfortunately it’s no competing for him this year. Gutted to say the least but I would rather he make a full recovery than break again because we have rushed his rehab.
I turned 16 at the beginning of this month and my grandpa came over to see us who lives in Poland and we don’t get to see each other as much as we like to. Anyway Grandpa came over met all the horses and watched me ride and he was asking my dad if I had any comps coming up and dad explained what had happened with king and with rehab etc it would be a long while before I was out competing again. Grandpa obviously didn’t agree with this and after talking through things with mum and dad he decided he was going to buy me the horse we had seen for sale that I had previously rode, so with a massive thanks to my Grandpa we welcomed Connie into our family.

Check soon for more about Connie x

When the going gets tough, the tough keep going……So I’ve been super quiet recently and to be honest there is a reason. K...

When the going gets tough, the tough keep going……

So I’ve been super quiet recently and to be honest there is a reason. King just hasn’t been right since the summer. We had the issues with his feet where he threw his shoes, then he stood on the cleft of one and ended up with a pretty bad abscess. Then he had to have glue on shoes because the wall of his hooves where badly cracked where he had ripped the nails out so we had to give him a rest from actual shoes. Fast forward 7 weeks he kept his glue shoes on a week, and practically lived in scoot boots to protect his little feet. Whilst all this was going on he was presenting signs of lameness (intermittently) so we popped him on box rest to let his feet heal. 2 weeks ago he managed to have his shoes put back on and I thought this is it we are on to a winner here I can finally get back on my boy. We moved him to Crow Wood Equestrian so that I could concentrate on my training and make use of the mirrors to help me see where I’m going right and wrong. I let him rest a couple of days after shoeing as I know it can make him a little footy. Getting on him that day I felt literally on top of the world then BAM he’s still lame. I cried I actually sobbed my heart out absolutely gutted. Mum contacted GG Vet Physio - Gill Griffiths NAVP to come and see whether he was tight or sore anywhere and she recommended getting the vet out. We decided well my dad decided that going to see Peter Schofield at Hirds was the only place he wanted to go so my mum booked us in.

Tuesday 24th Oct we loaded king onto the trailer at 6.15am and made our way to Hirds Cheshire for his lameness work up. We arrived at 8.30 and were seen to pretty much straight away. After discussing everything with Peter the work up started. Nerve blocks were administered to his coffin joint, no change and then to his hoof where he came sound but then the left leg started dipping which Peter said was normal because it had been compensating for his right leg so off to X-ray he went. After x-raying there wasn’t anything too significant showing apart from something slight around the navicular joint so further test would be required or should I say recommended. Thats when it was decided that he needs an MRI. Once he had the MRI it became apparent that he had injured himself on his deep digital tendon right upto the navicular bone. It had already started to calcify and heal so he has been put on strict box rest for 3 months and had a drug administered (I forgot the name) which will aid the healing and hopefully he should come sound. There is a 20% chance that he won’t but age is on his side with him being only 5.
I am gutted, my parents are gutted and I’m absolutely heartbroken that I couldn’t finish my first full year of BD but fingers crossed there’s always next year.
Lottie Flinn has put a search out for a loan horse that I can compete on and there’s a couple of potential ones so watch this space.

Let’s get back to business….Well I’ve been back at school a couple of weeks now and I already want to stay off and never...

Let’s get back to business….

Well I’ve been back at school a couple of weeks now and I already want to stay off and never go back 🤣 I’m not meant to be cooped up in school I’m meant to be outside riding my horse.
King had GG Vet Physio out to him this week and has confirmed that he is sound and we can now get back to training and back out competing. Do you know how happy that made me feel!! Ecstatic!!

Soon as I took him into the arena though I knew he needed to blow off a little steam so I let him stretch his legs and blow away the cobwebs he even squealed a little in excitement. Once I felt he had burnt enough off it was time to get him back in the box. To say that he’s had pretty much all summer off with one thing after another he’s pretty easy to get back in the zone. We worked on our leg yields, shoulder in and canter work. Making sure he stayed nice and round and worked correctly over his back whilst staying on the bridle. I also showed my dad what we had been working on when we could actually school and that was our walking pirouette. He really is the best boy and I really enjoy teaching him new things.

Just as I thought we were about to start getting somewhere and get booking in some comps BAM King goes lame again. Nothing too serious this time just his feet causing him issues. So I have decided that until he gets his shoes back on in a couple of weeks he can have time off, after all it won’t do him any harm.

Whilst King is out of action I am very lucky to have such wonderful friends who allow me to ride their horses. Alana is my Elsa’s mum and we have been having a few schooling sessions and it turns out that she could be a fab little workers pony as she absolutely loves jumping. My dads favourite though has to be Connie, a 12 year old warmblood. My mums friend Lucy has moved onto our yard and has said that I can have lessons on her whilst kings out of action and I CANNOT WAIT!! I’ve rode her a couple of times already and boy can she move. I’ll get my mum to film the lesson tomorrow and I’ll upload it.

Ciao for now

Summer hols over and out….Last time I blogged I told you I had been selected for the under 25s championships at sheepgat...

Summer hols over and out….

Last time I blogged I told you I had been selected for the under 25s championships at sheepgate equestrian and although it came completely out of the blue I was super excited.. We were on holiday in Greece when my mum got the email and she quickly entered us and it was going to be our first ever stay away competition and I couldn’t wait. We enjoyed the rest of the holiday I had lots of fun with my family and friends. It was the first holiday that I had been on where our friends came with us and I absolutely loved it.

Flash forward to being back home and we were met with the news that king had an abscess so that limited my time for training for the championship. It didn’t matter though because I rode Elsa through the test and though she’s nowhere near kings level I could at least walk through the test to make sure I knew it off by heart.

The week before the championship king had his feet done and had special glue on shoes because with the weather being like it has he managed to throw his shoes and make a mess of his feet so we felt glue shoes would be better to give his hooves a much needed break. Turns out though that abscess he had hadn’t fully healed and he was still lame so we made the heartbreaking decision to withdraw as we knew he wouldn’t be ready in time for travelling a few days later.

With the championship over and king out of action Lottie asked me to come and spend some time with her at her yard and I got to ride the lovely Kermit and now I want a warmblood 🤣
Anyway back to school on weds and it’s year 11 for me so it’s a big year exam wise so I best knuckle down not only in my riding but in my school work too.
Pic of King sporting his new glue shoes.

See you all soon when I’m back competing 👋🏻

Another golden ticket……Being away this past 2 weeks with my family and friends in Crete has been absolute bliss but boy ...

Another golden ticket……

Being away this past 2 weeks with my family and friends in Crete has been absolute bliss but boy do I miss my horse. Anyway not long now till I’m reunited with the best boy in my life and I can’t wait.
I’ve learnt this week that I have been selected for a place at the sheepgate under 25 championship how cool is that? Being new to the dressage world I thought that petplan was the only thing I would be able to qualify for so to learn that I’ve qualified for this is a bonus.
King this past 2 weeks has been living with Lottie and has been having some training. Lottie’s been working on correcting this head tilt that he started developing and she said she’s cracked it and can’t wait for me to get on him when I’m back so I can see how well he’s doing.
That’s all to report for now I’m enjoying the last night of my holiday and then back early weds and it’s straight into training for the under 25s.. excited…..

Me King and the best coach in the world Lottie Flinn

Me King and the best coach in the world Lottie Flinn


Petplan area festival….

On the lead up to petplan this weekend just gone King headed over to Lottie’s for boot camp 101. It seems that King has been hiding a lot of his talent in his lazy attempt at “giving his all” anyway the difference in him was phenomenal. He was working uphill, in front of the leg and overall more rounded.
My dads been studying the BD tests and where horses should be at what age and king ticks all the boxes of where a 5 year old should be. This of course makes me extremely happy and cements that i am doing a good job with him. Obviously he needs a little bit of polishing but overall he’s doing good.
So the day before petplan the nerves were literally kicking in. I stayed out of my dads way and my dad out of mine because we handle stress and nerves in the exact same manner, by snapping at the nearest person to us 🤭 we gave King’a’ling a bath made him sparkle and finished him off under the solarium lights like a proper pampered prince.
D Day or as mum called it the ultimate DDay had arrived. Lottie plaited him up this time as I don’t think my plaits were quite on point for a championship and can I just say it took her 15 minutes and the plaits were mint!! I’m defo asking her for lessons.

We got to myerscough on what was the rainiest day in July on record. It was awful!! It was that rain that literally soaked you right through, luckily it was all indoors.
My time slot was 12.46 and it soon got to my slot, I entered the arena saw that there were 3 judges (that was new) and whispered “right King let’s do this” and then we danced our hearts out. It was quite fitting really as the song playing throughout was Jamelia’s your a superstar and to me King is my superstar. Lottie said it was so refreshing to see that throughout the test I smiled and looked like I was having the time of my life, and you know what I was. I didn’t care what the judges thought of me I did my absolute best, my horse did his absolute best and that’s all I ever wanted.
Waiting for the results though. Wow it felt like an absolute age. There was 42 other competitors and I really didn’t want to come last.
Finally the results were in I scored 65.14% overall and came in 18th out of 42. Honestly I am really pleased with that. We have been affiliated since January only really been doing dressage for 12 months Kings only 5 I’m only 15 and just to get to the championship is a big thing and i Ania Dzieciolkiewicz and Westside Mufasa finished in the top 20!! People forget how young king is and the judges obviously don’t know his age but to me this boy is the best thing to ever happen to me.
Anyway I’m on cloud 9 over the moon and now in Greece with my family, so I’ll catch you all soon.
Thanks for reading x


Touching base…..

You may have noticed I’ve been radio silent for a while and I have. I’ve been busy with lessons and riding my other horse Elsa. Lessons have consisted of keeping king rounded and working consistently from behind and he’s really coming together. I’m really pleased with how he’s working lately he is so willing to please. We have also shook things up to make it a little more fun for him by having a gallop and popping a couple of little jumps (obvs not at the same time 🤣) but it’s really worked with him and he’s going better than ever.
We have recently changed his bit because he started to hang on it and became really heavy in my hands. The one we have changed too seems to work really well but to be 100% sure we have booked Megan Barlow - Independent Bitting Consultant out to check him over completely. We have also got the saddle fitter coming this week as well in preparation for petplan area festivals.
Weekend just gone we went to crow wood again and did 17a. I know I’ve qualified already but with nerves getting the better of me at times we felt it would be better to keep in the competition environment. This time I didn’t have a reader in prep for petplan. Now I’ve done it plenty of times before without as I do have a good memory, well for this at least. But what Lottie Flinn found I was doing was focusing on remembering the test that I wasn’t concentrating on what King was doing, so she said on the last 2 tests that I was to have a reader so that I could work on King and it definitely worked because my scores shot back up. It was a really good test I was really pleased with how he went and it’s made me really excited albeit nervous for petplan.
A special thanks to Holly McMurdo for filming whilst my mum was at work.

I had a day at my auntie Gin’s yard last week and spent some quality time with the first boy I ever loved (pre king) Ama...

I had a day at my auntie Gin’s yard last week and spent some quality time with the first boy I ever loved (pre king) Amadeus. I helped my Auntie Gin back him in 2019/20 and we have such an amazing bond. Isn’t he just gorgeous.

The Golden ticket….Guess what…. My petplan ticket had arrived well by arrived I mean my mums received my invitation to b...

The Golden ticket….

Guess what…. My petplan ticket had arrived well by arrived I mean my mums received my invitation to book my test. Myerscough here we come 👏🏻👏🏻
It’s a bit warm lately isn’t it? Been struggling to ride if I’m being honest because it’s been so hot… We have been going up to the yard later and later so that I can ride when it’s cooled down but it’s not been getting cooler till well late. Anyway I’ve taken advantage of the warm weather and gone on lots of lovely hacks with king across streams which has cooled us both down. I’m lucky really being stabled where I am because the majority of the hacks are quite shaded by trees which is a godsend in warmer weather.
I’ve started a new little job this weekend on the yard I’m on doing groom work with my ‘big sis’ Olivia she’s not really my sister but she may as well be. It’s been quite interesting and there’s a lot to learn and we made a couple of mistakes but you show me one person that doesn’t make a mistake on a new job.
I’ve not really got much more to write about as it’s just been hot and sweaty. So we will see what the next week brings.. Ciao for now 👋🏻

Going solo…Even though I have qualified for the petplan area festivals I decided I am still going to enter in tests to k...

Going solo…

Even though I have qualified for the petplan area festivals I decided I am still going to enter in tests to keep my head in the game and keep those DDay nerves in check. So today we went to crow wood. You might notice that we go to crow wood a lot and that’s because we are literally stabled a 5 minute hack away so it’s perfect. Todays test day was a little different to what I’m used to because I was flying or should I say riding solo. My mum was stuck in work and my dads working away down in Canterbury. So mum dropped me off super early and I plaited king up got myself dressed and headed over to crow wood. Lottie my coach was meeting me there and we agreed to get there just before 10 so that I could warm king up for 20 minutes. Yeah that didn’t go to plan… on the way up we were stuck behind a tractor and I literally had 10 minutes to warm up before it was my time. If my dad would have been here I’m sure his head would’ve fell off with the stress 🤣 anyway as Lottie said I really stepped up today not many 15 year olds would manage getting everything ready, plaiting up and hacking up to the venue alone and smash out a great test 🙌🏻🙌🏻 68.54% first place whoop whoop!! I couldn’t wait to FaceTime my mum and wake my dad up to tell them and show them the biggest grin and to tell them I got an 8.0 for my centre line… if you know you know 🤩
Now it’s time to practice for petplan….


Throwback Thursday…..

On my mums memories today is a very special video. It’s a video of the first time I rode my heart horse my first pony Folly. I think this post should be a little appreciation post of Folly because without her I wouldn’t be where I am today…
A little bit about Folly or Folly Dolly as she’s so affectionately known. She’s a 13.1 Welsh section C and she’s 25. We have owned folly for 9 whole years. She is honestly the best pony in the world. She’s taught me how to ride, how to jump and most of all how to fall off. She adapts to her rider the more confident you are the more forward she becomes but if you are nervous then she almost becomes a donkey.
It’s amazing looking at this video and seeing memories popping up and seeing exactly how far I have come in my riding. Gone is that little 6 year old girl whose legs barely passed the saddle. If I got on her now I’m sure I could wrap my legs around her 🤣

Training days….So after the high of qualifying for the petplan championships we have been very busy in our lessons teach...

Training days….

So after the high of qualifying for the petplan championships we have been very busy in our lessons teaching king new tricks and perfecting what he already knows.
We have been working hard on our medium trot and that coming along nicely however this has now confused king slightly when it comes to canter. The poor guy now thinks do you want medium trot or canter. So to make it easier for him Lottie has told me to put my leg further back when asking for canter and to also say “canter”. Honestly it’s like sorcery because it didn’t take him long to pick it up and his transitions started to become a lot smoother.
Someone mentioned to my mum that my one criticism is that I can’t keep my hands still. My mum mentioned this to Lottie and she told mum that my hands do not concern her at all. They move at the moment because they are constantly flexing/half halting and communicating with King down the rein which is what King needs at the minute. I think people don’t realise or actually forget that Kings only young and that he is actually quite difficult to ride. However every day we ride he gets better and better.
Elsa bean is now stabled with us at Royles and I have been busy bringing her back into work. To say she’s not been sat on for over 9 months she’s doing pretty well. She’s in no way perfect but she so much fun to ride. It’s nice and I’m so lucky that I do have the opportunity to ride other horses and Lottie said it will be good for me to ride other horses and not just king.


Prelim 17a


Prelim 19

Petplan here we come…..Sorry it’s been extremely quiet we have been having a few technical issues resulting in not much ...

Petplan here we come…..

Sorry it’s been extremely quiet we have been having a few technical issues resulting in not much to report. But me and King’a’ling are back on top form and back to sharing all our going’s on with you guys.
So the last 2 tests I’ve completely tanked them the last one at crow wood when I couldn’t get King on the right canter lead and then last week at Cockshot he threw his shoulder out and as I tried to correct him he ended up out of the arena 🙈 After seeing the test my coach Lottie said that King is low key fighting me and basically being an absolute turd a bit like how I’ve been with my parents lately 🫣 (I blame the hormones) so all last week and this week we have really worked on getting king back in the box. Lottie even got on him to see what exactly he was doing so she could coach me through it correctly. Turns out he needed a right good gallop and a time to just have fun. And wow what a difference we have had from him.
The night before my test at crow wood I had a lesson with Lottie and she said somethings just not right and when she checked his saddle (now bear in mind his saddle was checked at the end of Feb and it was ok) she found it a little tight making him a little sore. Thanks to Jo Laycock on our yard for lending me an emergency saddle which can I just say is like the comfiest thing ever and fit King really well we could still go and do our test.
D Day mum decided to enter me into both prelims today and Lottie even came up to give me a coaching session beforehand so that my head was in the game. It paid off because we have finally qualified for petplan and I am super excited. Prelim 17a 69.48% and prelim 19 66.25% earning me two lovely red rosettes. Here’s to the championships…. 🙌🏻

Weigh day for King’a’ling…..We had Nikki Meggison an independent equine nutritionist out to weigh king and go over his f...

Weigh day for King’a’ling…..

We had Nikki Meggison an independent equine nutritionist out to weigh king and go over his feed as he was losing energy whilst schooling. In the 12 months since she last saw King she couldn’t believe the difference in him. He has put on 44kg and now weighs 544kg and has a body score of 3.5 which is perfect. It made me so happy when she said he looks absolutely tremendous. She did change his feed though as the one he was on was not right for him and boy have we noticed a difference. He’s back to his usual forward self. I highly recommend Nikki as she works out a nutrition plan tailored to your horse and as she’s independent she won’t push the most expensive feed on you she does her research and comes back to you with a reasonable feed plan.
I’ve had a couple of extra lessons this week to prepare me for my next test as the last one kind of knocked me a little but I’m happy to say that was a blip and the lessons this week have been awesome. King is literally on fire and I can’t wait to get him back out.
We haven’t had anymore D Days yet as the one last was cancelled last minute so we are waiting to go back to Cockshot next week, hopefully it’s not at the crack of Dawn like the last one 🤣


It’s so nice that spring is finally on its way. Outdoor lesson this morning and it was awesome. We are so lucky to have both an indoor and an outdoor arena so we can ride in all weathers 🙌🏻 Lottie Flinn


When D Day becomes disaster day……

D Day. I’ve become accustomed to how D Days go because of the roaring success that I’ve been having lately. Well I certainly broke my winning streak. Sunday just gone is now known as disaster day. It was my worst score to date. 62.80%. What went wrong?? Complacency, cockiness or just plain old rider error. Well for me it was rider error. On the last part of the test I had to canter between M& C then at C a 20 metre circle in canter. King struck off on the wrong canter lead, I brought him back to trot did it again same thing happened. 3 times this happened and he just kept going on the wrong leg. It doesn’t help that we have trained him to do counter canter so he was perfectly at ease going on the wrong leg. I wasn’t though. I got so frustrated fought back tears and almost forgot the rest of the test. Part of me thought should I just excuse myself and leave before I finish, but I didn’t I finished the test. What would you do in that situation?? Remember my dad saying if I didn’t score high enough I’d be walking home?? Well that day I did…. Granted I walked there first as it’s only up the road 🤣 he’s teased me about that all weekend thinking he’s dead funny.
After the test I spent the rest of the day with my mum and we had went to her yard so I could play ponies with the ginger ninjas. I had a lovely hack out on my mums friends mare Alana who just so happens to be my mums Mares mum. I then had a schooling session with her and Rags’s gelding Lowyn. It was so nice spending the afternoon with everyone and the ponies that I’ve asked mum if we can do it more often.
My adopted big sis Olivia has moved on to Royles with us and her 3 year old knabstrupper warmblood mare Khali and I’ve been helping Olivia work with her. We’ve been covering lunging and general groundwork and she’s taking to it really well.
Lessons this week was a welcome therapy session. She said it’s ok to get it wrong sometimes and to remember I’m only just starting out doing BD. We are still working on getting king more uphill and it’s really starting to show. He’s starting to carry himself in moments and he is muscling up in all the right places now and that makes me really happy.


Wracking up these D Days…..

Sorry I’ve not posted in a while to be honest I’ve no excuse as to why other than time just slips away. Anyway I’m back and I’ll try and be a little more on it with my posts.
So my 2nd D Day came around way to quick as it doesn’t seem two minutes since my last one. However I didn’t need to practice and learn a whole new test as it was the same one I did a Cockshot 🤣. This time we were at Crow Wood and it was interesting because I can hack to crow wood from the new yard only took me 10 minutes, so not having the trailer and getting him ready on the carpark was actually quite relaxing, well for me at least my dad really doesn’t cope very well on D Days his nerves are literally off the chart. He doesn’t even watch the test he always watches the videos then breathes a sigh of relief and says good job Ania or not enough walk etc. To say he’s my biggest supporter is an understatement. Unfortunately my mum couldn’t be there for this test as it was on a Wednesday at 11.30 and she has to work so it was up-to my dad to film it and in true Bart style he managed to sweet talk the steward in to doing it for him so he could concentrate on pacing up and down🤣
The test itself I thought went quite well considering King has been an absolute turd all week he managed to hold it together for the 5 minutes of the test. He did however get marked down for his medium walk because he decided he wanted to jog first. I must say though that my hands were the stillest they have ever been so I’m taking that for the win!! According to Lottie the judge we had is known for being quite hard to please so for us to get 67.52% and another red one I’m thinking we did extremely well even with his little blip.
Have I told you all about James yet? I can’t remember if I have so at the risk of repeating myself I’ll introduce you all to him. (Look out for videos on my FB page) James is a 16.3 bay warmblood and he belongs to David who owns the yard I’m on. He asked me a few weeks back if I would get on and school him as he needs a rider. I obvs jumped at the opportunity (I mean who wouldn’t) James is a show jumper and I’m currently schooling him to turn his hoof to dressage as jumping really isn’t my forte so watch this space for the many updates on James.
Anyway I’m signing off now and going to practice for our next DDay this Sunday. I’ll let you know how I do. Bye for now x

Lottie Flinn



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