Choices & changes
The definition of insanity & surest way to destabilizing yourself & world…..is to continue doing the same things……same thoughts….same reactions…..same rut….continually hopping on board that same poo carousel …..staying in that same toxic environment or relationship……
and expect change!
You/me/we are the change….
All our pain & suffering comes from not meeting our primal earthly needs…..
To be seen, heard/understood, safe, loved/nurtured…..without these needs being met & satiated…..you aren’t at peace….
You are not safe….
You are not grounded & balanced…..
Humans are born with the ultimate super power….its called free will….imagine that….!!
You are free to choose….
But you are not free from the consequences of your actions….or inactions !!!!
To become empowered….you face yourself, your life, your choices, your truth….
You deal & play the hell out of the cards we have been dealt…..
We go through many layers of accepting until we reach acceptance……
We can & do shatter, splatter, resist, fight, scramble, go kicking & screaming, defiance, rebellion, moaning & groaning our way through life …..
Until that perfect storm we have manifested or tried to ignore…..implodes….
Dissatisfaction, disappointment, disassociation, resentment, entitlement…..all become your keepers…..
With fear becoming your master….
We diminish, shut down…..
Becoming a shadow of our glorious self……
What no longer serves our highest good….simply cannot remain….
It’s time to get real….
How’s life working for you?
We have to learn to say no …..
We have to find our worth & voice again…..
We whisper & face the ugliest truths…..until we can start again…..
We have to call bullsh*t….
We have to set & reinforce strong healthy boundaries…..
We have to choose to put self care as a priority…..
We have to choose to live, speak & be our truth…..
We have to choose to stop entertaining, entangling or accepting nonsense !
We have to choose to live, speak, operate & become authentically…..
Just think…..how smoothe & peaceful life becomes when our words, thoughts, actions & deeds all come into alignment…..
You/me/we are home….
Home is where the heart is…..
Something to ponder
Energising Souls
©️ JB Energising Souls