Was reviewing video from a Friday session and am just SO proud of Marvin and his family in this clip! We were working on him showing relaxed behavior near another dog (off screen to the right). But OF COURSE FedEx had to roll in 🙄. Not only did he cope with the person and the dog at once, but when it became too much - they slammed the truck door- he chose to walk away!
His usual MO is to bark and lunge, so this is a big step. It also shows that the bark and lunge was caused by fear, because now when he slows down his reaction and thinks, he moves away not towards.
Also I would have muted myself bc 😳 but I wanted the audio of the truck to be present. So please excuse my yapping.
#positivevibes #rplustraining #reactive #behaviormodification #ccpdtka #acaab #pitbull #rescue #gooddog #atlantapups
We are always prepared for some level of risk bc we work with animals. But rarely do we expect to be involved in a shark attack! This Tuesday was a close call for Destiny & Lillian and it’s not even Shark Week! 🦈🫣
#positivereinforcementtraining #rplusdogs #gooddogs #sharkattack #rescuedogs #fostertoadopt #fosterparents #sleepydog