Waggin' Wheels House Call Vet

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Waggin' Wheels House Call Vet Hi! I am Dr. Tracey Alden and I care for small animals in the comfort of their homes. I have been a vet since 1999, graduating from OSU...GO POKES!

I started my house call practice in 2009 and enjoy caring for all animals. I serve the OKC metro. I consider caring for your pets an honor and appreciate the confidence and trust placed in me. Your pets health and well being is of the utmost importance.


All eight-year-old Ares wants for Christmas is a ✨ LOVING HOME ✨

This sweet senior gal from our Sanctuary loves meeting people! Every time Ares goes on sleepovers with volunteers, they rave about how loving and easygoing she is.

Ares enjoys leisurely walks, spending time with other mellow dogs and especially loves going for car rides. She would make a great adventure buddy, but is also happy to cuddle up on the couch with you for a movie marathon.

If you're interested in making Ares' Christmas wish come true, click here: bfas.io/Ares ❤️ -amy


Wishing everybody a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!


Hello friends, I am in need of a part time admin assistant to help me a few hours a week. Duties include data entry, monthly reminders and general office duties.

Are you or someone you know of anyone looking for a few hours a week that can help? PM me contact information if you know of anyone. Thank you!


Good morning friends! Hopefully you and your furry friends are well and enjoying summer!

We talked last week about the upcoming holiday and the steps to take to help your pet through the frightening fireworks. This is not something to not be prepared for, TODAY is the day to call your vet if you need anti anxiety medication for your pet if you haven’t already. Benadryl works wonderful for allergies but is not effective at controlling anxiety.

As always, you can reach me at (405) 513-8399 for an appointment.

Have a happy and safe July 4th.


Hello friends, I am looking for a part time admin assistant to help me a few hours a week. Do YOU know of anyone looking for a few hours a week that can help? PM me contact information if you know of anyone. Thank you!


Good morning friends and happy Wednesday!

With Independence Day quickly approaching, let’s talk about how to help your dog through this frightening holiday. Call me today, (405) 517-8399 for help with your pets firework anxiety.

1. Don’t bring your dog to or near firework events. Dogs are sensitive to loud noise, flashing lights and strong smells.

2. NOW is the time to prepare:
✅ Is your pets microchip up to date with current address and contact number?
✅ if your pet wears a collar or harness make sure their tag is attached and up to date.
✅ consider a sedative for your pet.
Your vet can prescribe anti anxiety medication based on your dogs size and weight. There are also over the counter options available in pet stores. Anxiety vests or Thundershirts.
*Benadryl is highly effective for allergic conditions, however, it does not have a lasting calming effect for your pets severe anxiety.
✅ White Noise and music can also help calm your dog.
✅ If you have an outdoor pet, if there’s any way possible, bring indoors. Even in the garage with fans is better than out in the elements. Check fences and gates. Crates can also be very comforting.

‼️Signs of Anxiety‼️

Elevated heart rate
Yawning, Panting, Pacing, Trembling
Loss of Bladder/Bowel control
Tucking Tail, Ears laid back, Eyes opened wider
Destructive behavior, chewing, digging
Excessive vocalizing

3. Remain calm in your demeanor and disposition.

Have a Safe and Happy Independence Day.


Good morning and happy Wednesday friends. I hope this finds you and your pet happy, healthy and staying cool on these incredibly hot days!

Today we will talk about the importance of continuous treatment for fleas and ticks. Left untreated, these pests can cause a laundry list of health issues for your pet and make your home all but uninhabitable.

The best defense is year round preventative treatment as fleas can live in temps as low as 33° for up to 5 days.

I recommend NexGard chewables for dogs over the age of 8 weeks old and it comes in various strengths dependent on your dogs weight. There are certainly other options for prevention, speak with your vet.
For cats, Frontline topical treatment beginning at 12 weeks of age and a minimum weight of 5 pounds is recommended.

Treatment is recommended every 4 weeks.

Symptoms of fleas on your pet:

▪️severe itching/scratching
▪️biting at and chewing skin
▪️hair loss
▪️red irritated skin
▪️droppings and eggs on skin


The American Dog Tick, or wood tick, is a species that is known to carry bacteria responsible for several diseases in humans, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Tularemia. It is one of the best known hard ticks.
Deer Ticks are the most concerning because the can potentially infect pets and humans with Lyme Disease.


Depending on the species of tick, the life cycle can be 3-18 months. In Northeastern states the average wood tick can live up to 2 years.

👉 flea and tick shampoo
👉flea and tick dip
👉flea and tick control in your yard

Call me, (405) 517-8399, to get started on monthly flea and tick prevention.


Good morning friends, hope this finds you all doing well this rainy morning!

Today we will discuss the dangers of hot asphalt to your dogs paws and the best time of day to walk your pet in the hot summer months.

When is it too hot?

The high heat of summer can become hazardous for your dogs paws. You can do a simple test by placing the back of your hand on the asphalt for 7 seconds, if it’s too hot for the full 7 seconds it’s too hot for your pet. The ground temperature gets much hotter than the surrounding air temperature and absorbs heat fast.

▪️Air Temp / Asphalt Temp▪️

77°/ 125°
87°/ 143°
95°/ 149°

‼️Symptoms of Burns‼️

The paw pads are red and swollen - 1st degree burn
Clear blisters are visible - 2nd degree burn
The skin is charred - 3rd degree burn

🆘 If your dogs paws get burned, always contact your vet 🆘

While waiting for your vet, cool the affected paws under running water.
THE WATER SHOULD NOT BE ICE COLD, as it could cause tissue damage. Bandage the paw(s) to help reduce the chance of infection.

How to avoid burns:

✅ do the 7 second test before walking your dogs
✅ walk your dog on grass
✅ walk your dog when the ground is cooler-early morning or late in the evening after the sun sets.



Hello and happy Wednesday friends! Hope you and your furry friends are doing well and adjusting to the summer weather.

Today’s topic, Signs your pet may be ready to cross The Rainbow Bridge.

Watching your pets health decline is the most painful part of owning a pet. Above all, you don’t want them to suffer. Making an end of life decision for your beloved pet won’t be easy but it’s important to put your dogs needs before your own emotions. Your vet is a trusted source to give you recommendations but the decision is solely yours to make.

Signs the time is near:

▪️Loss of appetite ▪️Extreme weight loss ▪️Chronic pain ▪️Loss of interest ▪️Mood changes ▪️Social withdrawal ▪️Incontinence
▪️Breathing Problems ▪️ Loss of coordination ▪️Trouble standing

The loss of a pet can be overwhelming, especially for children. In our culture talking openly about death is nearly nonexistent. More often than not, adults censor this topic especially around children. This is not necessarily helpful to children who need to understand this concept and accept it as natural.

First, be honest. Children understand when adults try to elude a topic or lie to them. If your child is very young, try to contain your feelings around them as much as you can. This can help the situation seem less traumatic. If your child is surrounded by negative, it will be useless to try to explain the situation as despair will prevail over your comforting words so be careful on how your children will perceive you and your emotions in these delicate moments.

Using stories and/or fairytales to talk to your child about death can be helpful. Try using phrases like “we'll not see them anymore now, but they will always be with us in our memories even if you can’t see them." Teach them to honor their deceased pet, as that way they will live in your child’s heart forever.

flower pup.com


Good morning friends! Hope this finds you and your furry friends happy and healthy!

Well we have arrived….the temps are now in the 90’s and summer weather is heating up quickly! As much as your pet likes to go in the car, in the summer months he/she is better left at home. Your vehicle traps heat and even in 70° temps the car inside can reach up to 118°.

Temperatures can be as high as 145° inside when the outdoor temp is at 94°.

‼️Outside temp / Inside Car:‼️
75°/ 118°
77°/ 123°
81°/ 138°
90°/ 143°
94°/ 145°


Animals do not sweat, so they heat up quickly. Their primary source of cooling is panting and through their paw pads. Flat faced breeds (pug, bulldog) are more susceptible to heatstroke. Dogs that are muzzled, elderly, and on different medications can also lead to heatstroke.

‼️Know the Signs‼️
▪️weakness ▪️red tongue and gums ▪️rapid heartbeat ▪️bloody diarrhea ▪️glazed eyes ▪️vomiting ▪️seizure ▪️rapid panting, excessive drooling and elevated temp

If you suspect your dog is having heatstroke:
Move your dog to a cooler shaded area, use cool (NOT COLD) towels, allow small drinks of water and seek veterinary attention immediately. Your dog may need to be monitored for shock, dehydration, kidney failure or other symptoms of heatstroke.


Good morning friends!!

As the temperatures rise and the calendar turns to May, it will soon be full on mosquito season. Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying, they carry potential life threatening disease. This is also true for your pet.

There is a direct connection between mosquito bites and heart worms. Heart worms left untreated is deadly to your dog. Bites can result in an allergic reaction resulting in swelling or hives and can lead to irritation, pain and infection.

‼️NOT all mosquitoes carry disease, however, it only takes one bite!‼️

“Heartworm disease is impossible to see, as a tiny egg is left behind from the bite. This egg grows into a worm and travels through your dog to reach the pulmonary arteries between the heart and lungs. Heart worms grow and make it difficult for your pet to breathe. Eventually dogs get fluid in their abdomen because the heart can’t pump enough and organs fail.” *

Heart worm treatment is very hard on your dog, a long process, and is quite expensive.

Year around monthly preventative is available and highly recommended to protect your furry friend from such an awful disease. Call me today to refill your Heartgard or to get started on a monthly preventative. 405-517-8399

* Daily Paws, Brendan Howard, 4/28/21


Good morning friends, I hope this finds you and your furry friends happy and healthy!
As spring is in full force, soon we will be in severe weather season. Emergencies related to weather often happen fast and with little warning. Today we will discuss emergency preparedness and things to consider ahead of a severe weather event.

✨Make and practice an emergency plan
✨Having a “go bag” will save valuable time and with less chance of forgetting important items for your pet.

So, what should be in your go bag?

✅Copies of Rabies and other vaccination records in a waterproof bag
✅A week supply of medicine your dog routinely takes
✅Bowls and a supply of food and bottled water to last a few days
✅Your First Aid kit for your pet
✅Leashes, collars and harness with up to date tags
✅If possible, a crate
✅Clean up supplies for your pet (bags for waste, disinfectant wipes)
✅If time permits, a few things to comfort your pet; a blanket, toys, chew bones

Other Considerations:

‼️Ensure your pets microchip is up to date with the correct information
‼️Many emergency shelters do not allow animals other than service dogs
‼️List of pet friendly hotels
‼️List of boarding facilities and nearby veterinarians that offer boarding
‼️A trusted alternate person to evacuate your pet in the event you are unable to do so.


✨Good morning and happy Wednesday my friends!

Welcome Spring!!! We are enjoying flowers and trees in bloom and warmer temperatures but warmer temps means increased risk of HEATSTROKE in your pets.
Animals do not sweat, so they heat up quickly. Their primary source of cooling is panting and actually through their paws. Taking a few precautions will help ensure your pet enjoys a happy healthy summer too!

▶️ Walk your pet early in the morning or late evening. Avoid surfaces that absorb and retain heat. Asphalt, pavement, metal, sand and concrete. These surfaces retain heat and will still be hot after sunset.
▶️ Provide cool fresh water for your pet.
▶️ NEVER LEAVE YOUR PET IN A CAR. Not even for just a few minutes.
▶️ Bring your pet indoors during the especially hot hours of the day.
▶️ Keep your air conditioner at a consistent temperature, many people turn their A/C up during the day while gone. Be sure it is comfortable for your pet.
▶️ Flat faced dogs (pug, bulldog) are more prone to heatstroke.
▶️ Dogs that are muzzled, elderly and different medications can also contribute to heatstroke.


🆘 Know the Signs🆘

▪️weakness ▪️red tongue and gums ▪️rapid heartbeat ▪️bloody diarrhea ▪️glazed eyes ▪️vomiting ▪️ seizure ▪️rapid panting, excessive drool, elevated temp

Move the dog to a cooler shaded area, use cool towels (NOT COLD), allow small drinks of water and seek veterinary attention immediately. Your dog may need to be monitored for shock, dehydration, kidney failure, or other symptoms of heatstroke.

With awareness and a little precaution you can keep your pet happy and healthy in the coming spring/summer weather.


Good morning friends, Happy Wednesday and Happy Spring!!!

Today let’s talk about making a first aid kit for your pet. Emergencies happen in a split second, having a kit together can save valuable time.

So what do you need? Consider the following items.

✅Phone numbers to your Vet, Emergency Hospital and Poison Control
✅Neosporin, Milk of Magnesium, Benadryl tablets, 25 mg, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol wipes
✅Cotton, q-tips, gauze, adhesive and self adhering tape
✅Tear gel or saline solution for eyes
✅Magnifying glass, tweezers, scissors, digital thermometer, oral syringe
✅Bath towel, muzzle, leash and collar, flashlight and bowl

Check your kit periodically to ensure items are complete and nothing is expired.


Happy Wednesday friends! Today we will discuss a guide to first year puppy vaccinations.

Going to the vet repeatedly over several months for vaccinations, and then boosters or titers testing throughout your dogs life may seem like an inconvenience. The diseases that vaccinations will shield our pets from are dangerous, potentially deadly and thankfully, mostly preventable.

Your pets vaccination schedule will be established between you and your vet. Below are common vaccines given at age appropriate times.

▪️6-8 weeks: distemper/parvovirus
▪️10-12 weeks: DHPP
▪️12-16 weeks: Begin Heartworm preventative
▪️16-18 weeks: DHPP, Rabies
▪️12-16 months: DHPP, Rabies
▪️Every 1-2 years: DHPP
▪️Every 1-3 years: Rabies*
* this vaccine required by law


The AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for dogs.


Good morning friends! Hopefully your week is off to a great start and your furry friends are happy and healthy!

Today’s topic: Life span of dogs

Several factors determine the longevity of dogs. Among them, the ones we will talk about today are size, breed and general health.

Small dogs live significantly longer than their larger counterparts. A small dogs average expected life span is 10-15 years, while medium sized dog breeds live 10-13 years. A large breed dog has an average expectancy is 8-12 years.

In addition to size, genetics play a significant role in a dogs life expectancy. Some dogs are predisposed to certain illness, just like humans.

Common causes of early death in dogs:

👉Congenital and inherited abnormalities
👉Infectious Diseases
*important to keep vaccinations and parasite control up to date.

Tips for longer lived dogs:

✅Feed a healthy diet
✅Maintain a healthy weight
✅Stay up to date on vaccines and preventatives
✅Know breed related diseases and their symptoms
✅Regular vet check ups and bloodwork
✅Restrict access to toxins and harmful substances



Happy Saturday friends, I hope you and your furry friends are well and ready to see Spring!!

House plants add beauty to our homes and outdoors but be aware that many are toxic to your pets if consumed. Today we will discuss the most common toxic house plants for your pets, however, this is NOT an all inclusive list. This is a good time to ensure you have the number to both your veterinarian and the ASPCA Animal poison control center, 1-888-426-4435 posted nearby. A fee may apply for using this service.

‼️Aloe Vera
‼️Dumb Cane
‼️Elephant Ear
‼️Devils Ivy
‼️ZZ Plant
‼️Asparagus Fern

Symptoms can range widely, if you suspect your pet has ingested these plants CONTACT YOUR VET or ASPCA poison control immediately.

👉Be advised the consumption of any plant substance may cause vomiting and GI upset.


Good morning and happy Wednesday friends!

Hopefully your furry friends are happy and healthy. As we look forward to spring, the temps will be warmer and lots of things will be in bloom; ticks/fleas will be quickly be becoming active. Left untreated, these pests can cause a laundry list of health issues for your pet and make your home all but uninhabitable.

Today we will discuss flea and tick prevention and the importance of treating your pet on a regular basis.

✅ The best defense is year round preventative treatment as fleas can live in temps as low as 33° for up to 5 days.

I recommend NexGard chewables for dogs over the age of 8 weeks old and it comes in various strengths dependent on your dogs weight. There are certainly other options for prevention, speak with your vet.
For cats, Frontline topical treatment beginning at 12 weeks of age and a minimum weight of 5 pounds is recommended.

Treatment is recommended every 4 weeks.

Symptoms of fleas on your pet:

▪️severe itching/scratching
▪️biting at and chewing skin
▪️hair loss
▪️red irritated skin
▪️droppings and eggs on skin


Good morning friends!

I hope you’ve had wonderful holidays and are starting the New Year off great! Today we’re going to discuss indications that your pet is healthy, as always, call your vet if you suspect your pets are unhealthy.

✅ Skin: check for fleas, scabs, growths, white flakes and red areas
✅ Coat: glossy and pliable without dandruff, bald spots, or excess oil.
✅ Eyes: bright and shiny-mucus and tears are normal but should be minimal
✅ Ears: light pink and clean and free from odor. Some wax is normal but it should not be excessive or crusty.
✅ Nose: nasal discharge should be clear, never yellowish, thick or foul smelling.
✅ Mouth, Teeth and Gums: gums should be firm; pink, black or spotted. Mouth infections can lead to serious problems in gums, other areas and heart.
✅ Temperature: a normal temp is 101.0°-102.5°
✅ Heartbeat and Pulse: normal heart rate is 50-130 times per minute in a resting dog. Puppies and small dogs have faster speeds while large dogs have a slower heartbeat.
✅ Elimination: Urine should be clear and yellow; stools brown and firm. Runny, watery, or bloody stools - call your vet.
✅ Vaccinations: Regular vaccinations can keep your pet from getting serious, sometimes fatal diseases. Regular booster shots provide protection your dog needs.

Source: www.AKC.ORG

The AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for dogs.

Call soon for January appointments!

Call soon for January appointments!

Good morning friends!  Can you believe the holidays are upon us and we will “Gobble until we wobble” next week?  Holiday...

Good morning friends!
Can you believe the holidays are upon us and we will “Gobble until we wobble” next week? Holiday meals, family and friends - all things your pet can enjoy too with a little knowledge of what they can and cannot have from your feast!

It’s always a good idea to have the Animal Poison Control number handy and the holidays are no exception, (888) 426-4435.

So just what can your furry friends have from the table? The list below are some common holiday foods that are ok and what you should avoid.


✅Carrots, Celery, Corn (no cob), Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans,
✅Apples, Pumpkin
✅Rice, Quinoa
✅Turkey—NO skin, fat or bones


❌Garlic, Leeks, Onions
❌Grapes, Raisins
❌Raw potatoes, Dough
❌Canned Cranberry
❌Pre-made desserts, Pie Filling

This is NOT an all inclusive list but a good start of what is for/not for your pet… If in doubt, LEAVE IT OUT!

Wishing you and your furry friends and Happy Thanksgiving!


Good morning friends, I hope this finds you and your furry friends happy and healthy!

In the coming colder months we need to take some precautions to ensure our furry friends are protected from the elements. Today we will discuss some basic weather and safety related tips.


A lethal dose can be ingested from your pet licking a few drops from the garage floor or driveway. It has the highest fatality rate of any toxin seen in pets.

👉Don’t shave your pet during winter - his/her fur will protect the skin and provide warmth.
👉Wash and dry feet after walks to remove ice, salt and chemicals - check for cracks in paw pads or redness. Towel dry when bringing inside from potty breaks.
👉If you walk your dog, massage petroleum jelly on to paw pads to help protect them.
👉Bathe your pet as little as possible during cold months.
👉Pets burn energy to stay warm, feed a little extra and always be sure your pet has fresh clean water.
👉Make sure your pet has a warm place to sleep, off the floor and free from drafts. *

‼️If it is too cold for you, it’s likely too cold for your pet‼️

Bring pets indoors when the temps are 32° or lower. If your pet must stay outdoors, provide a shelter designed for cold weather that is dry and draft free with a covered door. Shelter should be large enough your pet can move easily but not so big it doesn’t retain your pets body heat.



Good morning friends! Can you believe we are at the end of September already?!? Now that the calendar practically says October, the temperatures will be cooling down and you may be considering taking your fur family member to the dog park. Today I would like to talk about some things to consider before you go.

✨Dog Park Awareness✨

So, the dog park isn’t for all dogs. Young pups, dogs that are fearful or timid and especially older dogs, as they may have sight and mobility issues.

‼️Young dogs and puppies are at at risk until fully vaccinated. ‼️

All forms of play and socialization for pups and young dogs should be supervised and positive to avoid potential behavioral issues and fear.

Hidden Health Risks:

👉Ticks, fleas and heart worms
👉Canine Influenza/Kennel Cough
👉Disease from dog f***s, other wildlife droppings
👉Giardia (a protozoan parasite)
👉Standing water/ponds can have algae that are quite harmful to your pet - besides being a breeding ground for mosquitoes

Other Considerations:

Taking your pet to play at the dog park can bring undesirable behaviors, among many are:

✅Learned disobedience
✅Defensive aggression
✅Problematic play styles
✅Resource guarding
✅Frustration Aggression
✅Arousal-unable to calm down


Hello and Happy Wednesday friends!Let’s talk today about what people food to avoid giving your pet.  First and foremost,...

Hello and Happy Wednesday friends!

Let’s talk today about what people food to avoid giving your pet. First and foremost, keep this number handy in the event of an emergency.


So just what should your pup not eat? The following is not an all inclusive list but will touch on many things our furry friends should not be given.

👉ALCOHOL - under no circumstances should your pet have alcohol. May cause Vomiting, diarrhea, incoordination and depress the central nervous system.
👉 CHOCOLATE, COFFEE AND CAFFEINE - these products contain methylxanthines which are found in cacao seeds. When ingested by pets can cause severe side effects, even death. Note: dark chocolate is more dangerous to your dog than milk chocolate.
👉MILK AND DAIRY - pets do not produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose found in dairy products.
👉GRAPES/RAISINS- the toxic substance within grapes isn’t exactly known. These fruits can cause kidney failure.
👉NUTS- contain high amounts of oil and fat, can cause vomiting and gastrointestinal distress, potentially pancreatitis.
👉ONION, GARLIC AND CHIVES- can cause gastrointestinal irritation and lead to red blood cell damage.
these contain salmonella and EColi that can be harmful to humans and pets. Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin that decrease the absorption of biotin which can lead to skin and coat problems. Feeding raw bones can be dangerous to a domestic pet who might choke on splintered bones and fragments.
👉XYLITOL OR BIRCH SUGAR artificial sweetener found in gum, candy, baked goods, toothpaste and some peanut butters. These can cause insulin release in most species. The increase in insulin leads to hypoglycemia or lowered sugar levels.
👉YEAST DOUGH- can rise and cause gas to accumulate. This can be painful and cause the stomach to to bloat, twist and become life threatening. Yeast produces ethanol as a by product and can cause your pet to suffer symptoms related to alcohol ingestion.

Source: Www.aspca.org
📷 istockphoto.com/fcafotodigital


Good morning friends, hopefully you are off to a great start of your week.

✨Today’s topic✨ Kennel Cough
We did a general post on possible causes of your dogs cough but today we will specifically focus on Kennel Cough.

*Kennel Cough is common and is an inflammation and infection of the larynx, windpipe and main lower airways. It is common in younger dogs however any age can be affected. Just as human colds are caused by many different viruses, kennel cough can have multiple causes. Dogs catch it when they inhale bacteria or virus particles into the respiratory tract. This tract is normally lined with a coating of mucus that traps infectious particles. There are a number of factors that can weaken this protection and make dogs more susceptible.

▶️Dogs in group settings (obedience training, doggy daycare, dog park, boarding) are most often affected.
▶️Cold temperatures
▶️Travel induced stress

‼️Possible symptoms‼️

👉persistent forceful cough
👉reverse sneezing; however this condition can be completely normal in certain breeds
👉runny nose
👉eye discharge
👉they will likely not loose their appetite or energy level

Treatment and Prevention

KENNEL COUGH IS CONTAGIOUS - keep other pets separated.
Although most cases resolve without treatment, your vet can prescribe medication to minimize the symptoms including antibiotics and cough medication. Most dogs recover completely within 3 weeks it can take up to 6 weeks in older dogs and those with other medical conditions. Because ongoing kennel cough can lead to pneumonia be sure to follow up with your vet if your dog doesn’t improve within the expected amount of time.

PREVENTION is helpful and effective but does not guarantee protection against kennel cough. It can be caused by so many different types of bacteria and viruses. There are 3 forms of vaccination for Kennel Cough, injectable, nasal mist and given by mouth. It is also important to know no form of vaccination will help treat active infections.


Good morning and happy September friends. Hopefully you’re having a great day and your furry friends are happy and healt...

Good morning and happy September friends. Hopefully you’re having a great day and your furry friends are happy and healthy!

✨Today we will discuss the top reasons your pet coughs, symptoms and treatments.

If your pet is coughing the best thing to do is contact your vet, many causes are completely treatable but require a proper diagnosis in order to be treated. Describe the cough as thoroughly as possible along with any symptoms your pet may have. (Coughing blood, mucus, foam)

*Possible causes:

▶️ Heart Disease - coughing results when parts of the heart enlarge and compress airways in the lungs or fluid backs up in the lungs. Cough is soft and continuous and likely worse at night.

▶️ Pneumonia - another common condition, can be the result of bacteria, pre existing viral infections (k9 influenza, distemper), swallowing difficulties, regurgitation, or certain metabolic disorders. If your pet has pneumonia, they will likely have high fever, poor appetite and low energy. Cough is moist and soft.

▶️ Kennel Cough - also common, is inflammation and infection of windpipe and main lower airways. Kennel cough is more common in younger dogs although any age can be affected. Dogs in group settings, obedience training, doggy daycare and boarding are often most affected. Cough is hacking, dry and raspy.

▶️ Trachea Collapse - a condition that causes the windpipe to become soft and floppy. It affects toy and small breed dogs most often. Cough is dry and spasmatic, they cough repeatedly and have a hard time calming down. Dogs with trachea collapse often also have bronchitis and/or heart disease.

▶️ Heart worms - dogs with heart worms may have a cough that is mild and persistent, low energy and weight loss. A severe infestation can result in signs of heart failure including a swollen abdomen from fluid build up.

▶️ K9 Influenza - dogs are subject to contracting the flu. Cough exists as a result of respiratory infection and can last 10-30 days. If you have other pets, you will want to quarantine your affected pet as it is contagious and can be passed along to your other pets.

▶️ Allergies - can result in coughing, watery eyes and itching. There are allergy medications available.

When your pet has a lingering cough, it is time to contact your vet. Describe, in detail, the cough and additional symptoms.

Call me, (405) 517-8399, if your pet needs to be seen for coughing.

*www.hills pet.com
Dr. Sarah Wooten, 3/5/2020


Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 18:00
Thursday 07:30 - 18:00
Friday 07:30 - 18:00




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