How high can my #tinydogog jump. This is #wallclimb my very favorite #dogsports
the very reason I got this adorable #badas of a #staffy
what is dog training
Most of my life these days I am spending time convincing dog owners to stop doing what they think is important and focus on very different concepts that are fantastically more helpful.
these days I am on a sort of crusade to teach as many people as possible how to live with their dog in a way that works for the owner, the dog and the live they want to live together.
the more I do this job, the more I realize just how big the gap is between what dog owners need and what they think they need.
How to train a dog when you cant avoid the triggers
we would love all dog training to be 100% positive. but sometimes thats just not what is going to lead us to success. admittedly I believe in giving a dog a chance to decompress befoer we get to the tough stuff.
however that is not always within the realm of possibility & we must have other strategies for when things dont go just the way we want.
How to train a dog to calm down using play
No matter how much I scream it from the top of the social media mountain. PLAY WITH YOUR DOG. learn to control them in their excitement. learn how to help them calm down when the game is over.
if you can learn to navigate from high excitment to chill you can help your dog navigate through almost anythign
What is the cost of not being able to get your dogs attention?
Have you ever taken the time to teach your dog why its a good idea to pay attention to you?
Or do you just continue screaming and getting ignored, showing thats exactly what they should do more of?
If your dog prefers sniffing grass to paying attention to you, how is that going to go when it's a bird, squirrel, dog, person or anything else?
springily enough... just this small exersize could give your a better trained dog than 90% of the dogs in your town!
tons more help around here if you need it!
How to Train your Dog: THE # 1 MOST important thing
What does your DOG love?
when we are trying our best to motivate our dogs to do what we want we must first find something of value to them. Sometimes that is very easy, sometimes it is not.
This is why at digital dog school, we start by dating our dog. a process of gaining an intimate understanding of who your dog is and what they love.
Once we know what they love, we can beging to create an understanding of HOW we can use that thing to make them happy and eventually get the things we want and need.�
How to Train a dog: If you dont have a plan YOUR Fu$#%D #dog #podcast #takeyourdogtoworkday��When working with your dog, befoer you get started, ask yourself 2 questions
what do I do if it goes well
What do I do if it goes wrong
Then go get started. Set your dog and yourself up for #success and know what to do with that success when it happens. It will happen quickly at first and you dont want to miss your opportunities to tell your #dog how amazing they are
Happy dogs Don't BITE people
Helping dogs and owners solve their issues with Aggressive and Reactive dogs is almost never about sit come down stay and heel.
Improving the dogs lifestyle, Improving the dog and owners relationship. Building confidence and understanding are WAY more important.
Lead the dog to their best life and they will follow you anywhere
How to train a #dog dog: remember what learning was like for you
many people believe they have taught a dog something after only a few short repetitions. But the truth is it takes a lot of consistency and repetition to train any dog.
The problem becomes when the #doglover owner is expecting that the dog knows what they want, when in all actually they do not. This causes frustration and stress in the relationship and brings in the possibility of problems.
Judging how dangerous dogs are by the damage they leave! We’re talking about the real dangerous ones this time around.
#dogs bite. How can the #damage they do tell us just how #dangerous they really are!!
How to train a dog even if they won’t take treats!
Dog training BREAKTHROUGH 4 STEPS to success where other trainers fail
In this full hour lecture we explore the what and they why my 4 steps to behavior change WORKS.
Is it the fastest! Nope! Because if you have a real issue or want to avoid them. You and your dog need to take time to understand each other. To build relationship, motivation, and confidence together.
It’s not hard, it just takes time and acceptance of that fact. If you try to go to far to fast you will fail.
But little by little by little overtime is a long way!
Learn more at