Hi all, I am a certified member through the IAABC (CSB-D) and receive emails on discussions etc. they have so that I can give input on behavioral/training questions and this link came up and thought it'd be of interest to many shelters out there! It's free and will be talking about playgroups, LIMA, and sounds like it'll have a bunch of other great information for everyone who wants to offer playgroups! Side note: I am not endorsing these people, don't know much about their program, but am just passing this opportunity that I saw in an email. Anyways...keep on keepin' on!
Join our FREE Shelter Playgroup Alliance workshops and earn CEUs [4 CCPDT (8 total) | 5 IAABC (10 total)]!
Click here to choose dates and enroll: https://www.shelterdogplay.org/workshop-dates
Description: This is the first of a two-part workshop series on the implementation of enrichment and inter-dog playgroups in shelters. During this first session we will review the components of a shelter enrichment program and discuss how inter-dog playgroups play a role. Additionally, we will take....