Please help us Share Nationwide for THEA. If you have any information please contact MUDDY PAWS CRIME
Thea where are you ?? Please keep looking for & sharing for beautiful Thea.
If you have any information please contact MUDDY PAWS CRIME
Will YOUR share be THE ONE to bring information ??
Please share on all social media platforms. We are so grateful for your continued support
Thea is a female husky. She went missing from G52 Glasgow area on 24th October 2020
She is microchipped and spayed
If you have any information Please Contact
EMAIL [email protected]
It has been too long with no information on Thea. Could your share bring the information we need ??
Thea is a female husky. She went missing from G52 Glasgow area on 24th October 2020
She is microchipped and spayed
Have you seen Thea since 24/10/20 ?
Has a neighbour,friend, family member bought a dog matching Theas description SINCE 24/10/20 ?
Have you bought Thea not knowing she was missing ?
Theas family just want her home. It has been way too long.
Please join ,invite friends to Theas page and share share share.
If you have any information please now contact admin at
Don't be afraid to get in touch with information. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence .
If you have any information please contact
Group Admin Lets get thea home
EMAIL [email protected]
On the 24th October, Thea will have been missing 3 years 💔
Thea wants to come home to be with her family , they’re missing her , help them to be reunited by sharing far and wide please!
If you have any suspicions don’t be scared to contact us. We follow every potential sighting in the strictest of confidence.
To the person (s) who has Thea you can end the heartache her family are suffering by doing the right thing ,making sure Thea gets back home to her family! Someone must know where she is, please don't be afraid to come forward, all information given will be treated in strict confidence
Thea is a female husky who went missing on the 24th October 2020 from Glasgow GS3
Please if you have any information please message the group or please contactMUDDY PAWS CRIME or scan the QR code
Please be assured all information given will be treated in strict confidence
Memories of their woodland walks, falling leaves and muddy paws;
crackling fires and a cozy warm bed.
We don’t want them to be memories for this family; we want them back where they belong - at home.
Please share and show that you care.
Please contact admin here or muddy paws crime
Sunday is the day of rest so they say but this family cannot rest until their much loved family member is back where they belong.
Please if there’s one share that you can make today please share for this missing dog on #ShareSunday #MuddyPawsCrime 🙏🙏
Any information please scan the barcode and contact Muddy Paws Crime to help this dog home 🙏🙏@followers
Two simple steps we can all take this June, let's get Thea home; not a moment too soon
Show that you care and please invite and share 🙏 Lets get thea home