Puppy Pippin - 13 weeks old
Today we had carpet fitters in so i took the chance to work with Pip while there were distractions in the house with just playing a simple bed game.
She was brilliant and so engaged! She worked with me while there was banging and things being rolled out all with too strangers in the house moving around.
In the short video you will see Pip sitting on the mat but the behaviour i desired was a down, while she was sitting i just waited and you see her think a while and then go into the down without any verbal Q from me! Very very happy 🐾
If you would like to find out more about getting your dog to settle in the house or while out having a coffee, drop me a message and we can discuss 🐾
This is one of my dogs Flex, this is a video of flex competing in Agility, this was a first run back to the ring for me and flex after flex had an injury. As you can see she looks fit and fine and she did win the class...... but for me the worry will always be there and i was more worried about her hurting herself than actually working the course to the best of my ability. Is was soon after this i made the decision to not compete flex anymore and let her live her life to the max just being a dog!
As much as I love the sport my dog means more ❤️