Puppy Play Time with Mom!
After breakfast and potty time, everyone got to play and play and play! The sprinklers were on, so the puppies decided to play on the dry cement over the very wet grass. Harmony is LOVING having some of her babies back! She's been reaching them to play fetch, teaching them where to stay in the yard, and running all their energy put of them!
Movie Night turned into play time.
Georgia, Green Puppy, Female.
3 weeks old and started on potty training!
Puppies are getting pretty good at keeping their sleeping area clean!
Chow time!
This was taken yesterday. The puppies are now experts at eating mush!
Lullabies in the puppy pen!
The kids love singing to the puppies. And the puppies love the pets and cuddles. *Videos focused on the actual puppies are on their way!* This moment was just to cute to not share 🥰
Snuggles and playtime.
Check out the little tail wag at the end!
Ten days old and walking.
We've got puppies up on their feet and starting to walk! Showing off his skills is Delaware (boy)
Yellow, York, (boy)
York wanted to be a little closer to mama.