Hey everyone! Haven't posted in a year plus but if you are considering some ASF feeders, this is a great weekend to drive to Poughkeepsie NY! Have many extra small and medium ASFs! Contact me through email. Thanks!
Mother ASF Rat Working Hard
This may look like too many babies feeding at once but I know 18 are drinking!
Sleeping Like A Rock
Fuzzy sleeps through everything!
African soft furred rats
The white African soft furs are consistently having pure white and all brown babies as well as albinos which look just like my original Asf's! I've already seen 4 albinos from 2 different litters. They are strong breeders! I'm very happy to have this new line! Thanks again Jamie!
On my website (asfrats.com) I tell the story of almost hairless baby Asfs that eventually grew to be a shorter fur of a different color. This here is the first African soft fur I have seen that is this hairless although he still has the long grey fur on the bottom most part of his sides. It looks like "male pattern baldness"!
Weighing 2 record breaking African Soft Furred Rats
Here are a few photos of some my albino Asf rats!
White Asf rats getting used to their new habitat!
Good news! I always try to find "new blood" to introduce into my colonies and I found some! I was contacted by a very cool person who happens to breed "show quality" gerbils. She briefly got involved with some Asf rats but since they are still not as accepted as pets, I assume, it didn't work out, so I volunteered to take them off her hands. A special thanks to Jaimie for driving 3 hours round trip to get them to me. You can visit her page at Facebook.com/gerberadaisygerbils. Jamie is very passionate about her gerbils and has many beautiful color morphs to choose from!
Here are some photos of the new Asf's. Videos coming soon! I have never seen all white Asf rats before. Some still retain just a splash, or less, of color on their backs but there are a couple that are completely white! Then there is 1 rat that is charcoal grey! Don't know where that came from but there are a couple of fuzzies that also appear to be grey from front to back! Looking forward to watching them grow up!
Just a few photos of some of my African soft furred rats!
Female albino Asf rat and a standard male Asf have babies
Albino African soft furred rat babies snoozing.