The Balanced Dog Behavior and Training Services

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The Balanced Dog Behavior and Training Services Providing teaching for both owners and other dog professionals. Member IAABC & CCPDT She has helped owners through some really tough times.

Innovative, gentle dog training and behavior modification by 30+ year pro, internationally certified dog behavior consultant and trainer, Chris Redenbach CDBC, CBCC-KA. Chris Redenbach CDBC, CBCC-KA, founder of the Balanced Dog, thoroughly enjoys dogs and their people. Despite her 30+ years of knowledge and experience, she can still relate to the struggles of dog owners who are having trouble enjo

ying their pets because of behavior. Balanced Dog programs transform the dog owning experience by teaching owners how to communicate with their dogs clearly through training and a variety of activities that enhance life for both humans and dogs. Many behavior problems seem to magically disappear without additional behavior modification, just because owners have learned how to communicate instead of confuse their dog. When more resistant behavior problems persist, Chris uses behavior analysis to assess the problem and develop a behavior modification program specific to those problems. No one else in Georgia has Chris’s qualifications as a dog behavior consultant and trainer. She is certified by the only two certification bodies that certify people who are not veterinarians or PhD’s. She is one of only 58 people worldwide to hold a behavior consultant certificate from The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) whose test is so rigorous that only 56% of applicants pass. She was also one of the earliest to be certified by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants via their program of defending case studies and designing behavior protocols for a review panel of experts. She has won numerous awards with her own Bouviers des Flandres in French Ring Sport, AKC obedience and AKC conformation. She has also taught animal behavior at Camden County College’s Vet Tech degree program as well as being a member of the faculty of where she is designing a course for behavior consultants. Chris has also successfully defended dogs in court cases and has taught a course for animal control officers. She designed and taught humane education courses for children K-5 and middle school kids.


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He who does nothing consents.


A little while ago an Amazon delivery guy who speaks no English called about my package delivery and so.ething about my dog. Struggling to Spanify my Portuguese, I asked him to leave the box outside the gate. He agreed and left. I remembered Aquila was out there and panicked to grab some cheese and call her in
She was right at the door and went straight into her crate for her cheese
I then put my jacket on to go get the package. Stepping out the door, there was the package, nice and clean with a few punctures where she had gotten a firm deep grip and brought the box to the door.oh I just love this dog. I know she delivered it to me because if she meant to tear it up she would have grabbed it and run into the yard when I opened the door. She just teaches herself to be useful.


If you are a normal dog owner, you may not be aware of the dog trainer ideology wars raging across the internet. The positive reinforcement only crowd has named trainers who use any corrections as balanced trainers. They say terrible things about balanced trainers.
My business name never meant to imply anything about methods, but this controversy has resulted in my desire to change my business name because, if you were to google it, you would find it surrounded by unpleasant articles about the controversial topic.
So I changed it.
AND I INVITE YOU ALL TO VISIT MY NEW PAGE AT CUSTOM DOG TRAINING WITH CHRIS here on FB and my new website https::// (it's not quite finished yet but it's there)

In a while, I'll be closing down this page. Please come to follow my new page where you will find more tips and interaction with me.


Congratulations to Nils and Cheryl for passing their first AKC virtual scent work test after only a month of practice. Nils is a wonderful Keeshond who started doing scent work to help him calm down and focus. It created a huge difference from his former self that acted more like the ball in a pinball game. But he has a wonderful willing attitude and a helluva nose. He even learned the names for what to search for in the AKC system where he is told either treat or toy in the first level.
I include some basic scent work with almost all of my basic training students. It's a fun game that really engages the dog and is a cool thing to show off to friends.

If you want to know what service dog trainers and handlers should know about the service dog's place in society, attend ...

If you want to know what service dog trainers and handlers should know about the service dog's place in society, attend this free webinar by truly professional service dog trainers.

Dig into this month's free webinar!


A study in contrasts. I have a new client with a wonderful pup. He is sweet, a little cautious but not problematically so. He is attentive at only 4 months, willing and really intelligent. All in all the perfect pup. So why wasn't his tail up when his loving owner was training him using all food and affection rewards? Why was his tail down?
The answer only became apparent in the second lesson when we started to work on the tunnel and do running recalls between the owners. His tail was up; his energy exploded and he clearly was having a great time. But then he seemed to like training anyway! So what was the difference? In an "aha!" moment, I realized that his owner had her "figurative tail" up too. During what she perceived as play, her attitude totally changed to one of carefree smiles, relaxed body language and she was authentically enjoying herself and her pup.
Owners have to be having fun too! Training is play with a goal. But it is most effective when it is presented as play.


Another great training day with great clients. These are all people with challenging dogs who are working and playing their way to owning the world's best family step at a time. With the various dogs, we got to do scent work, agility, frisbee, and searches for mom today all as a part of a dog's way to a super close bond with the owners. And we get to laugh at the mistakes and the fix them. But the dogs and owners are still having fun and learning. They all leave class happy, satisfied and with new things to think about in their training journey. Progress grows motivation and motivation produces more progress.

What a wonderful idea!

What a wonderful idea!

Was für eine unglaublich süße Enrichment Idee für alte oder kranke Hunde 💓


I am just bursting with enthusiasm about my fabulous clients, a bunch of dedicated people with really interesting dogs. Did you know that having a really smart dog or sensitive dog is a blessing. These dogs want so much to be partners with their owners but they just didn't know how before their owners learned some surprising details about how we think we are conveying one thing and the dog is "hearing" a totally different thing. That's because humans naturally violate dog manners in so many ways, confusing the hell out of their dogs in the process. Once the dogs get some clarity, they blossom.

Did you know that bloodhounds have special physiology that makes their sense of smell better than other dogs.. And this ...

Did you know that bloodhounds have special physiology that makes their sense of smell better than other dogs.. And this is what happens when they call the search dogs before the whole area is contaminated with tons of people stomping around.



Along the wild Pacific coast of British Columbia, there lives a population of the sea wolves. “We know from exhaustive DNA studies that these wolves are genetically distinct from their continental kin,” says McAllister. “They are behaviourally distinct, swimming from island to island and preyi...

Muzzling a dog who may be reactive in certain situations, like vet visits, helps everyone relax more and this then helps...

Muzzling a dog who may be reactive in certain situations, like vet visits, helps everyone relax more and this then helps the dog relax more.

What a great graphic made by Dog Gear Review. Check them out for more great info!


Ingredient splitting is a deceptive trick used to make meat look like the main ingredient in a food -- when it's not. Here's how it works and why it matters.


Sometimes you know ahead of time that you're going to like a client before you even meet when they respond to the question on the form, "do you want to show him in any performance sports?" and the response is "HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's really funny! We just want to show him to the neighbors." A good sense of humor is so vital to working through behavior problems.

I see too many dogs who are overweight. Rarely do I see underweight dogs. If your dog has thick hair coat, you must pres...

I see too many dogs who are overweight. Rarely do I see underweight dogs. If your dog has thick hair coat, you must press wiggle your fingers through the coat enough to actually feel the skin to check. If you can't feel the skeleton just underneath a smooth layer of muscle, then your dog is too fat. A dog who is too skinny, the rib cage feels like the black and white piano keys. A dog who is too fat, you can't feel bones unless you really want to press hard, annoy your dog and delude yourself thinking he's not fat.

Many of you know we are huge proponents of keeping your pets lean and fit. Unfortunately (particularly in the States), many people don't know what a lean dog is supposed to look like. Owners of healthy, lean dogs are always being told their dogs are "too skinny" when in fact they are not. We are just used to seeing overweight dogs and think that's normal.

Here's one of our favorite visual comparisons from malnourished (too thin) to obese. The middle two pics are healthy lean dogs. From the side, you should see a nice tuck behind their ribs and a noticeable hourglass waist when looking down on their back. And for some short coat dogs, yes seeing one or two ribs is OK!

Keeping your dogs at the low end of their healthy weight range will not only help their joints and prevent disease, studies have shown that dogs which are kept at a lean weight, live two years longer than overweight dogs!

📷 Thanks Midwest Canines for this great visual. ♥️

Some of you have to relate to this.

Some of you have to relate to this.

A picture is worth a thousand words.




Seems legit.


If what you are trying to teach your dog doesn't make your relationship more trusting and bonded, then try to think of a different way to teach it that doesn't chip away at the good things.



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