Porcellio Hoffmanseggi(P.H) and Porcellio Magnificus(P.M) , The two titans.
+Reproduction: High for (P.H) breed all year round/ Moderate for(P.M) they will breed once reaching adult.
+Temperature: 75F-82F / Heat tolerant up to 102F
+Humidity/ Ventilation: 63%-67% wet spot(only) the rest is bone dry, As for ventilation see picture below.
+Diets: Mostly high protein sources such as, Fish flake , zucchini, Dried peas and shrimps, dusting calcium powder to food.
Substrate: Wormcastings+Repti jungle mix+small pieces of charcoal, fine sphagnum moss, 1 cup of sand. *Must let the mix dry out completely before use*
These 2 species have very similar care thats why I put 2 in 1 for the care sheet . Porcellio Hoffmanseggi breeds so fast that I end up parted ways with 3000+ counts last year. People kept telling me they have had a hardtime keeping Hoffmanseggi as well as Sevilla. And so, I went through many photos that people sent me for recommendation, I found out that these 3 reasons why they didnt do so good for most people.
-1. Your culture are not equally in s*x ratio, thus when repairing for shipping I have to hand picked 50/50 for both males and females. As soon as they reach subadults you can already tell their s*xes by looking at the uropods.
-2. The culture you received as adults are probably too old. I am continuously reminding my costumers not to get the adults because you dont know how old they are neither do I 🙄. And since people insisted breeders to get the adults for fast producing, then the risk is upon yourself. 😅
-3. Your substrate/ crowded space, as i mentioned above, the substrate has to be completely dried out before use. These big porcellio species like big space and tense to become aggressive towards their own colony in an effort to guard things they consider their possessions, such as hideouts, foods and to protect offspring.
The females of both Porcellio Hoffmanseggi and Magnificus are very aggressive once they become gravid. She would picked an area that has enough moisture to release her brood, I strongly suggested that you put some Pillow moss near those spots.
The Mancae(babies) will stay remain with their mommy for about 3 -4 days. Once their chitinous exoskeleton become hardened, they then went separate way to scavenger for food. Mancae specialty is playing dead so dont be fool by them.
Coloration development on P. Magnificus is quite interesting. Within 1 and a half weeks the mancae will become orange but when they get to juveniles, they developed white skirt and continuously carrying that trait to subadults. However, once they are fully matured, their white skirt completely disappeared.
Tips: Be sure to feed them enough food as your colony is growing, 3 times a week is recommended.
Provides lots of hideouts but stay away from heavy objects. Last tip is kinda yucky but if you spotted "fresh"dead body of a gravid female, try to open her pouch and see if you can save some babies.