How the Products Work
Our products contain Hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural substance with exceptional lubricating qualities. It is found naturally in the body with the highest levels being found in the skin and joints. There are also high levels found in the eyes, cartilage, heart, spine and ears. The importance of the lubrication of joints and decreasing joint pain and inflammation has been well documented. It is also important in vision, integrity of tissues, bacterial
invasiveness, elasticity of skin and circulation.
Unfortunately, as our pets age the levels of HA decrease. When this happens, tissues lose their elasticity resulting in wrinkles and aches and pains. Painful joints are often deficient in Hyaluronic acid. The joints are not adequately lubricated which results in pain and inflammation. HA is not only important in normal joint function but also plays a key role in numerous physiological functions.