What happened to common sense?
Every single one of us knew algebra in high-school.
Every single one of us knew Trig and at least the base of one language.
Every single one of us knows that in order to get good at something, you need to practice everyday. And when you are great at it, you need to practice everyday to stay sharp.
Now...enter the world of dog training.
So many people expect us to come in and magically preform hocus pocus and BAM! Dog all trained and forever fixed.
What happened in our lives that so many expect dogs to preform better, retain better and learn so much faster than we can?
Training a dog has no end date. There is no magic device or pill. It's a lifetime experience you share with your dog. Something to bond over and be a team together.
I grow so tired of people demanding that their dog learn and permanently retain a language of training, obedience and self-control.
"Ben why are you ranting?"
I'm ranting because, too many people will abandon reason and common sense for false promises.
So who's the best trainer out there?
It's the one that convinces you to show up everyday for your dog.
~Benjamin McGill, M.C.B Owner of a company that refuses to give into the false lie of a quick fix.
Dog in the Pic is a client of ours whose handler is absolutely amazing. Watching his career just bloom is so exciting.