I know that some people get exasperated with me insisting that a catted bird needs to come into rescue regardless of whether there are any visible injuries or not.
Aside from internal crush injuries, I can guarantee that the bird will very likely die within 72 hours of infection without antibiotics from the very poisonous cat saliva.
This little fledgling robin, like many others, came in after being told it's fine and there are no injuries. "Cat was gentle", "cat didn't hurt it", "cat only gently played with it" ...... < insert more here >
A few hours later, it blew up like a balloon.. with damaged air sacs, which we see ALOT.
Just because you can't see any injuries and it's bouncing about after a cat has "played" with it, I emplor you to please, please bring it in for antibiotics and treatment. Please do not ever release a catted bird.
Only you can save a life..
It's in your hands 🙏.
Thank you to those who do 🤗