Feeding the Swans
It’s that time of year where natural food sources are scarce and the colder weather sets in so the swans look to people for food more than ever, especially where flocks congregate.
We have had a few calls asking us what to feed them….so thought the points below would be helpful…
🦢 Bread isn’t bad! We know it isn’t the most nutritious (the same as a McDonald’s isn’t the best for us) but it is better than nothing. Swans have been fed bread for many many years without problems and it doesn’t cause Angel Wing. Just please don’t use mouldy bread and always feed in the water!
🦢 Other options can include mixed corn/bird seed, sweetcorn, peas, floating pellets, cooked rice and porridge oats.
🦢Please ensure frozen peas/sweetcorn are defrosted before feeding.
🦢 Some food sinks so if the water is deep then consider options like bread or the floating pellets so the swans are able to get the food.
🦢 ALWAYS FEED IN THE WATER….firstly they need the water to help the food pass down their long neck but more importantly feeding out of the water leaves them vulnerable, especially to dog attacks. It may also encourage them to come out of the water in search of food and this can be dangerous if there are roads/car parks nearby.
Sadly many of the swans we are being called out to are underweight….a typical adult sized swan should weigh between 8kg - 12kg (some heavier) however we have picked up 3 cygnets just this week, all weighing around 4.5kg! Also we know Avian Flu hasn’t gone away and keeping them fed and healthy will mean they stand a better chance should the situation worsen…so anything you can spare to feed the swans this winter will make a difference.
Thank You 💙