
WeeMantis Sharing the passion for these beautiful insects and sometimes other invertebrates Thanks for watching!

All photos posted on this page were taken by myself documenting my collection and breeding efforts using my DSLR, cam or phone.


Orchid mantis drum 'n 'bass 🤪

Rhombodera kirbyi 3 females/3 colors-------------------------------Rhombodera kirbyi 3 samice/3 farby

Rhombodera kirbyi 3 females/3 colors
Rhombodera kirbyi 3 samice/3 farby

Metallyticus splendidus adult male 🤗

Metallyticus splendidus adult male 🤗

Callibia diana female/samica

Callibia diana female/samica

3 males and a female and no more space left 😃--------------------------------3 samce a samica a žiadne voľné miesto 😃

3 males and a female and no more space left 😃
3 samce a samica a žiadne voľné miesto 😃


No filming of me today! 😅
Dnes sa filmovačka nekoná 😅

Things you do for hobby... Well did some Plistospilota guineensis pairing attempt. She  suddenly grabbed my finger (it w...

Things you do for hobby... Well did some Plistospilota guineensis pairing attempt. She suddenly grabbed my finger (it was quite surprising maybe she felt uncomfortable having male on her back) when moving the lid with this pair to a different location. Immediately she started chewing on my finger. To ensure she stay calm I held so the male had easier time to connect. Well he did it very fast (fortunately for me 😅). A bit painful experience but totally worth it this time.
Čo človek nespraví pre chov... Ďalší pokus o párenie Plistospilota guineensis. Tentoraz pri presúvaní veka s párom mi samica nečakane schmatla prst (asi ju vyrušoval samec na jej chrbte zavesený, bolo to ozaj bleskové) a začala ho hrýzť. Keďže som chcela, aby samec ostal v bezpečí a samica bola kľudná, tak som vydržala, kým sa samec nespojí, avšak prst to trochu odniesol. Našťastie bol samec šikovný a spojil sa rýchlo (výhoda pre mňa 😅). Napriek bolestivej skúsenosti to za to tentoraz stálo.

Please... Don't!.. Aaaah 😬

Please... Don't!.. Aaaah 😬

Daphnis nerii pupae harvest--------------------------------Daphnis nerii 'úroda' kukiel

Daphnis nerii pupae harvest
Daphnis nerii 'úroda' kukiel

Hymenopus coronatus adult lady 🌸

Hymenopus coronatus adult lady 🌸

Daphnis nerii aka Oleander hawk-moth. Gotta love those green sausages with eyes 🐛-------------------------------Daphnis ...

Daphnis nerii aka Oleander hawk-moth. Gotta love those green sausages with eyes 🐛
Daphnis nerii - lišaj oleandrový húsenice 🐛

Cute mantis plush toys available! 🌸 🍃 🤩----------------------------------------Dostupné aj tieto milé plyšové modlivky! ...

Cute mantis plush toys available! 🌸 🍃 🤩
Dostupné aj tieto milé plyšové modlivky! 🌸 🍃 🤩

Hymenopus coronatus ladies 🌸---------------------------------Samičky Hymenopus coronatus 🌸

Hymenopus coronatus ladies 🌸
Samičky Hymenopus coronatus 🌸

We got this awesome stickers from JAX Mantis. Have not seen something cool like this in a while!Pretty sure they'll make...

We got this awesome stickers from JAX Mantis. Have not seen something cool like this in a while!
Pretty sure they'll make breeding room better looking 😎 Thanks a lot!
Dostali sme parádny darček a to tieto úžasné modlivkové nálepky od JAX Mantis a musím priznať, že je to tá najparádnejšia vec, ktorú sme v poslednej dobe videli. Chovňu určite skrášlia 😎 Ďakujeme!

Well, looks like even my phone thinks it's seeing flowers ('kvety' means flowers in slovak) 😆 Creobroter sp. -----------...

Well, looks like even my phone thinks it's seeing flowers ('kvety' means flowers in slovak) 😆 Creobroter sp.
Zdá sa, že aj samotný telefón si myslí, že vidí kvety 😆 Creobroter sp.

Prohierodula ornatipennis, awesome medium sized species. 3 females-------------------------------Prohierodula ornatipenn...

Prohierodula ornatipennis, awesome medium sized species. 3 females
Prohierodula ornatipennis, úžasný stredne veľký druh. 3 samičky




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